Wizards & Templars

  • Almost-Champion
  • Conservationist Preserver
  • Trader/Necromancer
  • Alliance Special Agent
  • Alliance Preserver
  • Chasseur
  • Exterminator
  • Necromancer/Historian
  • Necromancer

  • Laetitia
    (female preserver/psionicist)
    AL: lawful good

    Laetitia is quite a character. A long time ago, she was a talented human wizard who was looking for a mentor. She found Rajaat, but did not get on with him, his students or his magic. So she left.
    Laetitia then concentrated her efforts on uncovering magic tomes and artefacts in order to teach herself. She found a number of interesting works and leads to powerful metamorphoses. She was so busy that she did not notice what was going on in the outside world. The Champions had begun to take over. Laetitia was shocked and tried to reason with the only person she had vaguely got on: Keltis. But he was completely brainwashed by Rajaat. A person who was more susceptible was the man now known as Hamanu. Laetitia at first pitied him, then realised his strength and tried to make him stronger so that he could overturn Rajaat. They even became lovers and had a son (he is long dead). But then Hamanu succumbed, too, and, again, Laetitia left. This time, to find an alternative to the dragon metamorphosis. She badly wanted more power to be able to bring about change on Athas.
    Laetitia looked into becoming an Avagnion. But there was a problem: she was very fond of her human appearance. In fact, Laetitia is quite vain! So she looked for other ways of achieving a similar thing. So far, she has managed to prolong her life through magic and psionics, but soon she will have to make a decision about starting to become an avagnion or not. What she has tried out on her 'student' Oronis so far does not seem to be going too badly...
    Laetitia is an eccentric lady. She has relatively short dark hair, dark eyes and is highly charismatic. In public she has to dampen her charisma to not cause too much commotion. Laetitia has expensive tastes. She is a former Tyrian noblewoman and has amassed enough wealth over the last few centuries to be able to afford only the best clothes, jewellery and foods. In fact, she loves this life-style so much that is not gets in the way of her dream to become the most powerful wizard on Athas.
    Laetitia supports the Veiled Alliance wherever she can. Unfortunately she finds it difficult to stay unnoticed for long in any city state, and she does not want any of the Champions to know (apart from Oronis and maybe Hamanu) that she is still alive and working against them. Thus, she will most likely be found in either Kurn or Tyr.

    How to use Laetitia:

  • Laetitia could be sending the PCs on a mission to retrieve a particular book or artefact. Obviously she does not want the PCs to find out who she is and what she looks like.
  • The PCs might encounter Laetitia on one of her notorious shopping sprees.
  • Laetitia hears that a particular branch of the VA is in the sort of trouble she could sort out with one of her home-made artefacts and orders the PCs to smuggle it into the city in question.
  • Laetitia has long refrained from driving Daskinor so mad that he either kills himself or can be killed, because she pities him (and she has never killed anybody before). She is currently making plans to help his citizens and would like the PCs' help.

  • STR













    various concealed magical weapons


    various magical



    (male wizard/trader)
    AL: neutral good

    Tecalis is a Balician nobleman. His parents were assassinated when he was young, so he was raised mainly by his parents' servants with occasional visits by relatives and friends of the family. Tecalis was a curious child who loved exploring the outside as well as his parents' library. When he was a teenager he found a hidden compartment in the library which contained a couple of blood-stained scrolls inscribed with outlandish-looking symbols. Had there been wizards in the family? Or had these scrolls forcibly been taken off a wizard by his family? Either way, Tecalis was fascinated by them and tried to find out more.
    Eventually, Tecalis began teaching himself magic. He had managed to find out that there are two ways of doing magic: one that was damaging to life and one that preserved life. Of course, Tecalis wanted to preserve life - in fact, he loved plants and animals so much that his dream was to create a pocket dimension of the kind that would allow endangered flora and fauna to flourish in. A kind of sanctuary.
    Three decades later, Tecalis is still pursuing his dream. He has become a capable wizard and puts every effort into maintaining his 'sanctuary'.
    Tecalis is a quiet man in his forties. He spends only as much time as necessary conduction business to keep his formerly quite influential house at the lower and quiet end of the 'noble scene'. He does not want to attract attention to himself more than he needs to. Most noblemen have accepted that Tecalis is just an overeducated bookworm who poses no threat to them, especially as he has no children. His house will die with him. Some, however, suspect that Tecalis is doing something strange on his premises and would love to find out what it is to use it against him or for their own purposes...

    How to use Tecalis:

  • A Balician noble might hire the PCs to spy on Tecalis.
  • Tecalis hires the PCs to bring him a certain type of rare plant or animal for an area that is difficult to access (e.g. the mountains where a hostile tribe of aarakocra dwell).
  • A rare and expensive animal has been stolen from a nobleman's menagerie or arena cage. This is not the first incident of this kind. The trail leads the PCs to Tecalis.

  • STR













    various assassin daggers, magical ancient elven steel scimitar (+3)


    magic bracelets +4


    There is hardly anything left in Tyr where Silak Telsi does not have his hands in...

    Silak Telsi

    (male trader/necromancer/templar)
    AL: lawful evil

    Silak Telsi used to be a templar under Kalak with a slightly unusual hobby: he liked to spend his pastime with dead people - or rather: undead.
    Now Silak is a trader with the same unusual "hobby". An additional characteristic of Silak Telsi is his ambition. It is by no small part fuelled by the knowledge that he is a son of his former employer, the late Sorcererking of Tyr.
    Currently, the middle-aged Ex-Templar is the head of a new trade house in Tyr which, maybe thanks to the use of certain "cheap labour", is doing extremely well. And what more could a successful businessman cum necromancer want in Tyr? Uhm yes: power!

    How to use Silak Telsi:
    Silak Telsi can be used both as a hero and a villain. He is the assassin and the charitable sponsor of orphanages. The honourable trader and the commander of a secret undead army...

  • The PCs are hired by a member of the Council of Tyr (who is also a member of the Veiled Alliance or a former slaver or a former Templar). She wants to know what Silak Telsi is planning.
  • If the PCs are from the Veiled Alliance Silak Telsi might want to convince them of his suitability for the council.
  • The PCs might be hired by a rival or just suspicious necromancer who wants to know what Silak is up to.
  • The PCs are hired by the man himself to perform some deeds for him that neither is undead nor his other lackeys are able to do. The PCs might have valuable contacts with an influential/beautiful/single member of the Council that Silak Telsi intends to court.
  • The PCs notice that Silak Telsi's caravans always go through potentially very dangerous territory but always manage to pass through it unharmed. They might find out about secret undead guards etc.

  • STR













    various assassin daggers, magical ancient elven steel scimitar (+3)


    magic bracelets +4


    There is hardly anything left in Tyr where Silak Telsi does not have his hands in...

    Stel (male fighter/psionicist/preserver)
    AL: lawful good

    Stel is the son of a dwarven psionicist and an elven preserver. As a result he looks like a cross between a half-elf and a mul. He can pass as either of them.
    Although he was born to loving understanding parents and in isolation from others, he has been in a severe identity crisis for most of his life.
    That began to change when Nibenay's Veiled Alliance sent the charismatic half-elf Tiora to his parents for tuition. The two outsiders were fascinated by each other at once and after a long period of misunderstandings and inhibitions the two started an intense relationship.
    But still, Stel's inner quarrels remained. He decided to leave Tiora and his family for a while and set out into the desert where he came upon agents of the Veil.
    Stel ended up working for the Veiled Alliance in Nibenay, Tioras birthplace. Because of his immense talent and cunning, he slowly became the Alliance's "special agent".
    In Nibenay, a feeling stronger than his unease with himself developed: his love for Tiora. Whenever he had the time, he visited her at his parent's isolated hut in the mountains. Soon, Tiora was ready to go back to Nibenay herself. Although, she is a capable psionicist/preserver, Stel is in constant fear of her and would do anything to protect her, including sacrificing his own life.

    How to use Stel:

  • Stel could be used to get the PCs out of a difficult situation - if they are working for the Veiled Alliance.
  • Stel could hire the PCs to help/find Tiora.
  • Stel often works in disguise. The PCs might even think he is one of their enemies.
  • The Alliance begs the PCs to get their "best agent" out of imprisonment - hopefully before he reveals secrets.
  • Stel's cell leader could try to get Stel and Tiora apart, because the relationship poses too high a risk.
  • Tiora gets manipulated by Nibenay to function as a spy for him. The VA finds out and Tiora is in danger to get killed. Stel is trying to prevent this.














    daggers, metal scimitar, obsidian shuriken


    enchanted leather


    immune to mind-reading

    Tiora Ka'lai (female psionicist/preserver/healer)
    AL: lawful good

    Tiora is a calm, dark-skinned half-elf with warm black eyes. She wears her thick dark hair in a plait and is always clothed in brown, black or purple robes.
    Tiora's parents were part of a slave tribe. Her father, a human ex-gladiator, and her mother, an elven Earth-cleric/psionicist, had agreed to help the tribe survive in the hostile region they had chosen to settle in.
    Since the tribe did not solely want to depend on agri-culture, they often raided passing caravans. Eventually they raided an important caravan of the Shadowking and the whole tribe was wiped out as a result. Tiora was saved by an earth-elemental conjured by her mother and brought to a fellow (human Earth) cleric in Nibenay.
    Tiora grew up in Nibenay in the home of a preserver of the Veiled Alliance masking as a healer. This way she became aware of magic and the difficult life preservers lived.
    With mixed feelings her guardian observed that Tiora displayed a talent for magic herself (as well as a talent for psionics). Tiora also became eager to learn. So her guardian decided to send her to Stel's parents for tutelage in addition to the tutelage she could give. (see Stel Torren)
    Being a true Nibenese, Tiora is an accomplished dancer and musician. She also has the typical mysterious aura that outsiders associate with the people of Nibenay.

    How to use Tiora:

  • Tiora could be the centre of an adventure. She was spotted by the Shadowking at a festival. Captivated by her dancing, he decided to make her one of his wives...
  • Tiora hires the PCs to help Stel who the Alliance has lost contact with. She wants to know if he is in danger.
  • Tiora could be the PCs Veiled Alliance contact in Nibenay. She is also a healer.
  • The PCs are hired by the VA to smuggle Tiora from the mountains into the City of Nibenay.
  • Tiora hires the PCs to observe somebody. She will be in disguise as she expects the PCs to be caught and "scanned". Tiora suspects somebody in her cell to be a spy of the Shadowking.














    bone knife, magic obsidian dagger


    mag. bracelets +2


    her spells leave a faint scent of musk

    Thedes (male Chasseur)
    AL: lawful neutral

    Thedes can be played as
    1. A defiler who chases renegade defilers for a Sorcererking/-queen (e. g. Lalai Pui)
    2. As a templar/preserver chasing Veiled Alliance preservers
    3. A defiler with a tragic past who hates defilers because they ruined his home/killed his family while pulling energy for a spell
    4. Somebody who bears a strong hatred for chaotic defilers/preservers
    5. A preserver who chases preservers who are close to becoming defilers.

    Either way Thedes is a brooding human, most probably on a crusade against chaos. Law and the keeping of law is everything to him. His aim is always to be just himself: Thedes will never cheat or backstab anybody. He will try to avoid violence during his inquisitions and he kills his victims in a fair duel. If he knows someone to be weaker than him he will find an equal opponent. He simply lives by his own complex principles.

    Thedes is a big broad shouldered human with a rather dark atmosphere around him. His dark hair shows streaks of grey and his face more wrinkles than normal at his age (though he is 39 he looks like at least 50).

    How the PCs could meet Thedes:

  • Thedes is chasing one of the PCs. 1- The PCs have to escape him. 2- The PC has a doppelganger. 3- Thedes is hunting the PC for things he has never committed (maybe the PC has influential enemies).
  • Thedes is looking for somebody to fight a duel with a defiler/preserver.
  • Thedes has an inner conflict because he has made a mistake/somebody proved to him that something in his past was different than he had always thought. He hires the PCs to help him make up for a mistake he has done because of this error.
  • Thedes finds out that the person he has to kill is his nephew/his brother/a woman he still loves/a son he did not know about/too powerful for him to cope with/too miserable to kill/insane and needs help in his opinion/under a spell/...
  • The PCs witness him judge and/or kill somebody.

  • STR













    long-sword, knife, shuriken


    scale armour


    Thedes carries magic items with him
    which help him detect magic users.

    Briok (male Exterminator)
    AL: chaotic neutral

    Briok hates druids and plants and seeks to destroy them wherever he can. That has not always been this way.
    Briok used to travel around as a mercenary before he joined a group of entertainers as their protector. When the party stopped at a big oasis the young man fell in love with Daari, the beautiful daughter of the local druid. The party moved on, but Briok stayed although he did not have any sign that his affections were returned. The girl was shy and insincere and her mother wanted her to become her successor, so she told Briok to leave.
    Briok violently refused to give Daari up and managed to secretly meet her. To his disgrace the loyal Daari told him to leave: She would soon have her initiation. But Briok still had the feeling that Daari would return his love and promised to meet her after her initiation to ask her once more.

    Then the traumatic thing happend: Daari died during her initiation. When Briok learned of it he was consumed by such anger that he killed the druid with his own hands and burned down the oasis. After that he fled into the where he met a defiler. The defiler listened carefully to Briok's story and tried to "help" him. He confirmed and norished the Mul's prejudices against heartless druids and cruel nature with lies and horrible stories. Now Briok blames plants who consumed his love and druids, like her mother, who allow such things to happen.

    How the PCs could meet Briok:

  • He threatens an oasis - for example the one the PCs currently stay at.
  • The PCs encounter Briok in the desert and offer him to travel with them.














    short obsidian sword


    kank armour


    Briok's aura has significantly darkened
    since being with the defiler.

    Sarouk (male half-elf necromancer/historian)

    AL: true neutral

    Sarouk is not a necromancer. He is a historian. At least this is how he sees himself. Sarouk questions the dead about history and writes down what he hears. The more powerful he gets, the more powerful the people he can 'interview'.

    Sarouk is a middle-aged half-elf with chin-length grey hair and grey eyes. He dresses in simple, usually quite dusty and dirty sand-coloured kaftans. He is so immersed in his hobby that he lacks vital social skills and comes across as very eccentric and a bit clumsy. People make fun of him, but also value him as a good source of information. This is why their poking fun at him remains good-natured. And this is how Sarouk supports himself: he trades in information, although he hates doing it. Sometimes, he also works as an illegal scribe.
    How to use Sarouk:

  • Sarouk could be hiring the PCs to protect him from a powerful undead. He is not quite sure if his magic is good enough to control the undead in question - but the information this interview may yield!
  • The PCs could be hearing Sarouk's screams when the undead he is 'interviewing' is just a little to powerful for him and tries to take hold of him instead!
  • The PCs hear about Sarouk when they are in dire need of some historic knowledge.
  • The PCs use the service of a scribe and notice strange stuff in his office...

  • STR













    A bone dagger and a metal scalpel


    protection from undead
    more than anything else



    Galeth (male half-elf necromancer)

    AL: chaotic evil

    A dark gaunt figure with leathery skin and strangely patterned green eyes, Galeth stalks the sands of Athas for trophies. Parts of unusual creatures he can use in spells or that he can create spells for. The hands of a vampirical being? The ears of a magical beast? Galeth collects them all - especially hands and claws.

    How to use Galeth:

  • Galeth could be an adversary of the PCs if they are hunting the same undead/magical beast - or he could be an ally/employer, making a deal with them that if they manage to kill the being, he would like vertain parts of its body etc.
  • Galeth could be there to add confusion in a game: why are there (un)dead things around with body parts cut off?!
  • "hmmmh, i wonder what this mysterious stranger's got in his large bag..."
  • Galeth could be after one of the PCs or a personal enemy of one of the PCs or their employer... e.g. the PCs employer wants to stop him from obtaining a certain spell component...

  • STR













    lots of hands and other smaller
    body parts on this belt, carving knife, magical dagger,
    small magical crossbow


    magical necklace, made from guess what...



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