Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
I travel a lot for business.  Sitting in the hotel room of the week is when a lot of this writing gets done, now that I've finally caught most of the episodes on TNT.

Lennie's vision of "Jack's beanstalk" came upon me in one such hotel room and I just couldn't stop giggling . . .
They walked the couple of blocks back to their apartment in silence.  Jack was lost in thought, and Lennie understood why.  They had just attended an AA meeting together, Jack�s first.  Yesterday, he had taken the first tentative steps toward recovery, finally admitting his problem after a terrifying morning when he thought he had lost Lennie.  He had gotten drunk Thursday, they had fought, and Lennie had left.  Lennie hadn�t come home that night; he�d been mugged and left unconscious on the street.  It had taken them until almost noon on Friday to find him, during which time Jack had truly �hit bottom;� fearing first that he had chased Lennie back into a bottle, then ultimately fearing that he wasn�t coming back, just like Claire wasn�t coming back after their last fight.  It was enough to finally open his eyes, asking Lennie for his forgiveness and his help.

When they got back to the apartment, Jack sunk down onto the couch, still lost in thought.  Lennie went into the kitchen and made some coffee.  When it was ready, he poured two mugs, adding a little milk and sugar to Jack�s, and took them out to the living room.  He sat down beside his friend, offering the mug.  As Jack took it, he wrapped the now free hand around Jack�s shoulders and hugged.  �I�m proud of you, Jack.  That took a lot of courage.�  Jack sighed and leaned against him. 

�I don�t know if I can do this, Lennie.�  Jack was deeply troubled.  He knew he needed help, didn�t want to ever risk hurting Lennie again like he had this week.  But he was very concerned about some of what he had read and heard today.  So much of the �12 steps� seemed to rely on a faith he had lost a long time ago.  He still considered himself Catholic, but the kind of true, deep belief this seemed to require was long gone. And especially now, the church�s hypocritical position on homosexuality didn�t exactly invite him back to the fold.  He really wasn�t sure what he believed anymore. But Lennie was even further away from the church than he was; maybe there was a way to make it work?

Lennie knew him well enough to guess where the problem lay.  �The religious angle?�  Jack nodded.  �Yeah, I figured that was coming.  I can understand your reluctance to go back to the church, especially now.  But that�s not necessarily what they�re talking about.  I struggled with this for a long time, Jack.  You�ve got to come up with your own way to make it work; but maybe this will help.�

Lennie paused, gathering his thoughts.  �We�ve both seen too much of the rough side of life to believe in some benign �heavenly father� who watches over us making things right.  It�s just not that simple.  But we all need to believe in something bigger than ourselves.  Why do you think that in this age of science and technology, people still go to church?  They need to believe.  I finally figured out that what I believe in is the potential goodness of the universe.  Not the actual goodness � lord knows, we know there�s enough evil out there.  But the possibility of goodness.  Knowing that it�s possible that I might just stay sober for the rest of my life.  Knowing that it was possible that I might find someone special to share the rest of my life with.�  He reached out and caressed Jack�s face.  �I believe in the possibility of goodness.  That�s my �higher power.� �

Jack sighed, thinking about Lennie�s words.  He knew there was no room in his heart for what he thought of as religion, but maybe Lennie had something here.  �I�ll think about it, Lennie.�  �Don�t fret too much, Jack.  This will take time.  Don�t rush it.�

Lennie let go of Jack and slid over into the corner of the couch.  �Come here.�  Jack snuggled in close as Lennie�s arms wrapped around him, resting his head against the broad chest.  Lennie held him like a child, gently kissing his head.  After a while, he sat up and looked into Lennie�s eyes.  They kissed, gentle, undemanding.  Lennie took his face into his hands and began gently placing kisses all around; forehead, nose, cheeks, eyes.  When he reached up to caress Lennie�s face, his hand was captured and covered with kisses before it finally reached its target.  He smiled and drew Lennie in for another kiss, this one a little more intense, but still more about closeness than sex.  They stayed there on the couch for a long time, touching but not demanding, not quite making out, just living their love for each other.

Eventually, Jack noticed that the afternoon sunlight coming in the window was fading.  �Hey, Lennie, you hungry?�  �Now that you mention it, yeah.�  �Let�s go out tonight.  Someplace special.�  �You mean I have to get up?�  Jack laughed and did exactly that, pulling Lennie up beside him.  They kissed one last time, this one definitely moving into the realm of sex.  Lennie looked at him, laughter dancing around his eyes.  �You know, Jack, it is Saturday.  And I believe you owe me something.  . .�  Jack smiled, remembering.  �Oh, yeah.  I�ve been terribly lax lately, haven�t I?�  �That�s OK.  You can make it up to me tonight.�  �After dinner.�  Lennie laughed.  �OK, after dinner!�

They ended up at Smith & Wollensky�s, one of the great New York steak houses.  There was a brief moment when the waiter came to take their drink order.  Out of habit, Jack started to order scotch.  Lennie cleared his throat, and Jack froze, remembering.  Lennie cut in � �two club sodas, please.�  The young waiter looked confused, but took the order and left.  �Sorry, Jack.  But it�s a rite of passage.  You�ve got to break the habit.�  Jack nodded.  �I know.  But Lennie, I HATE club soda!�  Lennie laughed.  �Then pick something else.  Coffee, iced tea, cola, whatever.  But get it into your head now, make it a new habit.�  The waiter came back with their drinks, and Lennie eyed him expectantly.  He had never liked hot beverages with meals, soda seemed like a kid�s drink, so he settled for iced tea.

Throughout dinner, Lennie kept the conversation light.  It being spring, baseball played a predominant role.  Jack�s beloved Cubs were off to a reasonably good start � for them, at least!  �Hell, Jack, how can you say you have no faith!  You�re a Cubs fan, for crying out loud!  If that�s not pure faith, I don�t know what is!�  �That�s not faith, that�s loyalty.�  �Misguided loyalty.  How long have you lived in New York?  And you still won�t back a winning team?�  And so on and so on . . .

Somewhere during the evening, the subject of summer vacations came up.  �I just feel like I cheated you last time, Lennie.  Our first vacation together and I ruined it.  I want to make it up to you.�  Lennie sighed.  �Look, Jack, in the first place you didn�t ruin it.  OK, we had a few rough moments, but there were some pretty damn good ones, as well.  Remember that rest stop on the way up?�  Jack grimaced, laughing.  �I still can�t believe we did that!�  �Then there was the hike Sunday afternoon.  And the sunbathing.�  �You know, Lennie, I think you�re turning into an exhibitionist.�  �You got a problem with that?�  �Uh, not so far.�  �Good!�  Lennie grinned, enjoying Jack�s reaction.  He was starting to feel decidedly playful.

�And in the second place, I don�t LIKE summer vacations.  I bake in the sun enough on this job.  I prefer to spend summers inside with air conditioning as much as possible.  Now come fall, I�ll hop on the bike with you all you want, but when it�s 90 degrees and 100% humidity out here, don�t expect me to tag along.�  Jack was disappointed, but he had to admit Lennie had a point.  You really had to wear leather to be safe while riding, and when it was that hot, it really could get uncomfortable. 

Lennie could see the disappointment in Jack�s face.  �Hey, look, nothing says you can�t take off without me occasionally.  Like Memorial Day weekend.  You know I�ll have to work anyway.  Weren�t you talking about going up to visit Adam sometime this summer?  Why don�t you do it then?  I�m sure you two have a lot to talk about.� 

Lennie had a point.  Adam had been his friend and mentor for more years than he cared to think about.  He had been a major influence in shaping Jack�s life.  Jack valued the older man�s steadiness, so unlike his own volatile personality.  After all that had happened in the months since Adam retired, he really could use some of his friend�s wisdom and quiet strength.  �You�ve got a point there, Lennie.  I think I�ll call him tomorrow.�  Lennie smiled and nodded.  //
Just what he needs. //

�Speaking of old friends, have you heard from Rey Curtis recently?�  Lennie shook his head.  �Last time we talked he was swamped with everything; Debra, the girls, work.  And somehow I just can�t see Mr. Morality reacting all that well to my latest news, so I guess I�ve been avoiding the issue.�  Jack nodded.  Rey was probably the most conservative of their friends, especially when it came to sex.  If anybody was going to have a problem, it would be him.  �Still, you should call him.  Nothing says you have to bring it up.  And if he�s that stressed, a friendly voice would probably do him good.� 

Lennie was about to agree when the waiter returned, asking them if they wanted dessert.  Lennie got that look in his eye, grinning.  �I think we�ll head home for desert.�  His look made it plain that there was one thing on the dessert menu - Jack.  The waiter paled, then turned very quickly to go get their check.  As soon as he was gone, Jack burst out laughing.  �Lennie!  Have pity on the poor kid!�  Lennie bit his lip, trying unsuccessfully for a sheepish look, then gave up and lost it.

Jack paid the bill, and they finally headed home.  Lennie was feeling decidedly naughty in the cab.  He sat back, chatting normally, presenting a totally normal picture to the cabbie if he bothered to look in the rear view mirror, but his hand had crawled into Jack�s lap and was busily undoing the zipper there.  Jack�s eyes got wide as Lennie found his mark and he almost missed his turn in the �cover� conversation.  It was all Lennie could do to keep from laughing.  Sheer willpower got him through the entire cab ride; it was so fun to watch Jack squirm!  Just as they approached the door of their building, he re-did the zipper and slipped his hand away.  Jack paid the cabbie and they got out. 

There was already somebody waiting for the elevator, so Jack didn�t get the chance for his revenge until they got into the apartment.  As soon as the door closed behind them, he grabbed Lennie and pinned him to the wall.  �Hey!�  �You enjoyed that WAY too much!�  �Didn�t you?�  �Uh, . . . that�s not the point!  Hey!�  Lennie�s hands were back at it again, unzipping his pants and sliding into his briefs.  His evil grin was more than Jack could take.  The only way to wipe it off his face was to otherwise occupy it, so Jack did. Lennie�s hands slid around him, pulling him close.

�So Jack,� Lennie asked when they came up for air, �There�s this little matter of an overdue shave . . .�  �Oh, that.� It was Jack�s turn for an evil grin.  He grabbed Lennie by the belt and dragged him back toward the bathroom.  Once there, they both quickly shed what was left of their clothes.  They had gotten a plastic stool to keep in the bathroom; Lennie positioned it in the oversized shower stall and sat down, reclining back against the wall, legs spread out in front of him.  Jack took the hand-held unit out of its perch, laying it on the floor pointing toward the back wall.  He turned on the water, then tossed a foam pillow down onto the floor between Lennie�s legs.  He grabbed the shaving cream and Lennie�s razor and knelt on the foam. �Oh, yeah, you�re overdue,� he said, running his fingers through the regrowing curls.  He couldn�t help looking up at his friend.  �Sorry about that.�  Lennie reached down and ran his fingers through Jack�s hair.  �It�s OK.  I�m just glad you�re doing it now.�  Jack kissed his hand, then bent to kiss his cock.  Lennie just grinned.  �You know, it�s so long, maybe I�d better trim it back before I try to shave it.  Stay right there!�  �Like I�m going anywhere?�

Jack ran into the kitchen and came back with the scissors.  He carefully trimmed back as much as he could, almost wishing he had a locket to tuck one of those perfect curls into.  Finally, he put the scissors aside and filled his hand with shaving cream.  �Oooh, yeah,� came Lennie�s response as he spread it all around.  He rinsed his hands and picked up the razor, starting from the outside, working in toward the base of the quivering cock.  Working slowly and carefully, he covered every millimeter.  Lennie purred.  Finally, he picked up the hand-held unit and washed away the mess.  Now came the fun part.  He had to personally inspect the results.  He leaned forward and began kissing and licking all the newly bare skin, carefully avoiding the cock.  Only when he was satisfied with the job would he allow himself to go there.  This drove Lennie nuts.  By the time Jack flicked his tongue along the length of it, Lennie was already moaning.  Once he took it into his mouth, it didn�t take long for Lennie to explode.  He eagerly swallowed every drop.

As Lennie caught his breath, Jack bit his lip, considering.  �You really like that, don�t you?�  �Mmmm, what gives you that idea?�  Lennie was sprawled, leaning against the wall of the shower, looking as contented as a cat in a sunbeam.  Jack laughed.  �I was thinking that maybe I should try it . . .�  Lennie actually bothered to open one eye.  �You serious?�  �Yeah.  That is if you could be bothered?�  That got the other eye open.  Lennie stood up and ushered him into the �hot seat.� 

Now Lennie sat between his legs, carefully cutting back his silver curls.  //
Wish I had someplace to stash one of these aside! // Jack watched him, mesmerized.  It took trust to let somebody that close to the family jewels with scissors!  He gasped as Lennie spread the cool shaving cream all around.  Lennie had a sudden thought. What was that old fairy tale?  It looks like the beanstalk sticking up through the clouds.  Jack�s Beanstalk! // Oh, man, Briscoe, you�re in a mood tonight! // It was all he could do to keep from giggling.  Jack eyed him curiously, but didn�t push the issue.  He pulled himself together as best he could, and focused on the serious task of shaving.  No nicks allowed here!

Jack focused on the feel of the razor against his skin.  Watching Lennie do this was definitely a turn-on.  Finally, Lennie grabbed the shower head, playing the warm water all across his crotch, washing away the foam and stray hairs.  It felt amazingly sensual against his bare skin.  Lennie smiled, watching his reaction.  The laughter was back in his eyes.  �OK, Jack.  Why don�t you go stretch out on the bed.�  He got up and quickly dried off from the spray, then turned toward the door.  �Where are you going?�  That evil grin was back.  �Kitchen.  I have to figure out what I�m having for dessert!�

Jack dried off and went into the bedroom, piling up the pillows so he could sit up and watch Lennie, and throwing a towel over the bedspread.   He settled back and waited, wondering what his lover would come up with � he seemed to be in a very playful mood tonight.  The anticipation was getting to him; he reached down and ran his fingers over the bare skin, immersing himself in the new sensation.  He let his fingers just barely touch the shaft and drew a quick breath; it seemed like he felt everything much more intensely now. 

Lennie stood in the doorway of their bedroom watching Jack explore his newly shaved crotch.  He was so engrossed he apparently hadn�t heard Lennie�s approach.  Lennie�s chuckle caught his attention, though.  �Hey!  You snuck up on me!�  �Wasn�t hard,� Lennie laughed as he came into the room, putting the tray he was carrying down on the nightstand.

Jack glanced at the tray � Lennie had all the makings of an ice cream sundae except for the ice cream.  A jar of hot fudge sauce sitting in a pyrex measuring cup, apparently to keep it warm.  A can of whipped cream, straight from the fridge.  And even a bottle of cherries.  Jack sat back, amused.  Trust Lennie to find a way to combine food and sex.

Lennie sat down beside him and leaned in for a kiss, one hand trailing over Jack�s naked cock as Jack�s arms wrapped around him.  �Mmmm.  You taste good, but chocolate tastes even better!�  He sat up and began constructing his masterpiece.  He started off with the whipped cream, spraying it around the base.  Jack gasped as the cold foam hit his bare skin.  Lennie gazed at it, and this time he couldn�t keep it in.  It was just like the shaving cream.  He started giggling.  �Lennie? ��  Jack wasn�t sure if he should be insulted.  �Sorry, Jack.  Just something that popped into my head back when I was shaving you.  Looked just like this.  Jack�s Beanstalk, growing up through the clouds.�  He lost it completely then.  The laughter was contagious, and Jack sank back into the pillows laughing and shaking his head.  �Lennie, you�re strange.  Very strange.  But I love you anyhow!�  Lennie responded by squirting some of the whipped cream onto Jack�s nose and promptly licking it off, then sharing it with him in a kiss.

He then turned his attention back to his primary target, which had wilted somewhat during the distraction.  �Can�t have that.  You ready, Jack?�  He reached for the warm chocolate, and at Jack�s nod, he poured it over Jack�s cock.  The warmth felt so good; Jack moaned and was back at full attention in no time.  Lennie finished his confection by squirting a bit more whipped cream on the very tip then topping it with a cherry.  �Damn, wish I could get a picture of this!�

The warm chocolate was hitting the whipped cream and melting it, so Lennie dove in, lapping up the rivulets of creamy chocolate.  Jack moaned as he felt Lennie�s warm tongue join the party of sensations enveloping his groin.  Lennie took his time, savoring every moment, enjoying both his sweet dessert and the even sweeter sight of Jack squirming under his tongue.  By the time he worked his way up the �beanstalk,� Jack was moaning loudly, all but begging him to increase the pressure so he could come.  Finally he worked his way up to the cherry, making a big show of plucking it off the top of his �sundae� hanging it over his mouth, and pulling it off the stem.  He leaned forward and kissed Jack, passing the cherry to him, then returned to lick up the last of the whipped cream.  Jack moaned, expecting his lover to suck him in, finishing him off.  But Lennie had other ideas.  By this time, he was hard again; watching Jack squirm was a huge turn-on. 

Jack looked at him, perplexed, as he sat up again and reached for the tray.  He had brought a washcloth along, and now poured the warm water that had been heating the chocolate over it, then used it to wipe away the last of the sticky mess.  He then got out the bottle of lube from the nightstand drawer, and Jack finally figured out where he was going.  He gave Jack�s poor aching cock one more sensation to deal with as he spread the lube over it, then straddled his lover and impaled himself.  The both moaned loudly as Lennie gradually settled himself.  Once there, he sat still for a while, knowing that Jack wouldn�t be able to take much more stimulation before exploding.  He leaned forward and drew Jack into a kiss, feeling his lover�s hands flicking over his nipples and working their way down to his cock. 

Jack moaned into his ear, �God, Lennie, please.  Move. Please!�  He was wound so tight it hurt. Lennie silenced him with another kiss, but he started rocking gently.  �Uhhh!!!�  Jack moaned into his mouth.  Jack�s urgency took over as he thrust up at Lennie, the bare skin transmitting every contact at high volume.  It was only a few moments before he cried out with his climax, the hot stickiness exploding deep inside his lover.  Lennie moaned and wrapped his hand tight around his cock, wanting to come with Jack but not quite ready yet.  He felt Jack go still beneath him and smiled at the absolutely sated look on his lover�s face.  Jack�s eyes fluttered open and saw him still hard.  One hand lazily reached up to join Lennie�s, and together they finished him off.  Jack distantly noted the interesting sensation of Lennie�s contractions on his deflating cock still buried in Lennie�s ass.  Lennie leaned forward and gently kissed his forehead.  �Should I just throw a sheet over you, or are you actually going to get up and get under the covers?�  Jack laughed.  �Oh, all right.  But you have to get up first.� 

Lennie crawled off of him and reached for the washcloth to clean up one more time.  Jack rolled out of the bed and redistributed the pillows, then took the washcloth himself.  They crawled back into bed, this time under the covers, Lennie on his side with Jack spooned around behind him, holding him close.  �Sweet dreams, Lennie.�  �Mmmmm.�

Continue on to
Chapter 2

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
Faith - Chapter 1
This picks up right where Hitting Bottom left off - early May 2001.  Time to bring in some old friends . . .
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