Europe 2001

Ok, before you start envying me, remember that I had to put up with my relatives for 11 whole days, including flight time.  No privacy at all.  By the end of the trip I was even beginning to doubt whether the trip was worth it.  Even now one of my aunts is still on my back about the money I owe her from the very little shopping I did.  Alright, enough complaining on my part..

Day 1: Getting There aka Hell Ride

Day 2: Montreux - Lausanne - Geneva - Montreux

Day 3: Montreux - Lausanne - Chateau de Chillon - Zermatt

Day 4: Zermatt

Day 5: Zermatt - St. Moritz

Day 6: St. Moritz - Martina - Innsbruck - Salzburg

Day 7: Salzburg

Day 8: Salzburg - Munich - Oberammagau - Garmitch-Partenkirchen

Day 9: Garmitch-Partenkirchen

Home Sweet Home

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