Rules for gameplay and interaction in the world of Mythus...

1.) God-Molding and God like characters are not allowed! Such characters ruin it for everyone, and I will not allow them. Failure to abide by this law is first subject to a warning. A second offense warrents banishment.
~ God-Molding would be creating a god-like character. A god-like character is a character that seemingly cannot be bested in any way, shape, or form. Any
such character created will be instanly denied and deleted. The player will then be given a second chance to create a more 'mortal' character. If the player continues to god-mold, he or she will be banished.
The only sense in which a type of immortality is allowed player characters is age. NPC's run by the manager or assistant managers also must abide by this rule. The exception to the rule are the 'Guardians' which are for story line purposes only.

       ~ God like characters are characters that though they are created as normal
characters seem to never be able to be harmed or bested or seem to know things they would not know; or do things they could not; according to their given character profiles, do. A first offense committed by the player rping such a character will result in a warning being issued the player, giving the player a chance to submit a more appropriate post for their player character. A second offense by the same player will be met by banishment of that player.
This rule applies for all PC's and  NPC's, except 'Guardians', which are there for story line purposes only.

2.) Auto-playing of another's  player character(s) or NPC's is strictly prohibited. Even the most simple responses should not be auto-played. The reason for this rule is because not everyone plays in the same manner and no one can tell excatly what the other player's character(s) will do. The other player might not want his/her character to follow, go in the room, or say 'HI", and if you were to auto-play that he or she did that, you would subvert what he or she wanted his/her character to do, thus spoiling the overall gaming experience for that player. The only way one may auto-play another player's character is if the other player first posts in the OOC board that such is permissable. Such permission must be given before any auto-playing will be allowed. The assistant managers and manager must also abide by this rule. The only way the manager may auto-play another player's player-character besides being given permission is if the other player has not role-played his or her character in two (2) weeks; or his/her character is needed to act in order to maintain storytelling continuity. The assistant managers may only do this if given permission by the manager.

3.) All characters; player characters and non-player characters, are subject to mortality laws, meaning, they can be killed. However, killings or death scenes involving any characters will only be agreeded upon after deliberation by the management team, and incumbent upon to final approval of MYTHUS himself. Things that will not be tolerated are killings of player-characters when players are not around to have their characters defend themselves. Thus all death instances must first be cleared by management. Once their player-characters have been slain, players can choose to continue playing them on the Realm of Xodod message board, until their character has either been returned to life (this requires the approval of the manager) or their character has met their second death at the decision of the player under moderation of the management staff.

4.) All  character profiles are to be posted in the characters' listing section. After lising your profile you should make it known in the OOC forum. I will then review the profile and let you know if the profile meets with my approval; or not.  If accepted, you will be able to roleplay that character.Be sure to check out Races and Lands of Mythus so that you know of the available races and the lands of this world. As always; if you need help, just ask!

5.) This is a free-form and a GM-style RPG, meaning that the adminstrator and moderating team  will be dealing with major story lines/adventures and helping with personal story lines, but you are encouraged to create your own story line. Also the moderating team do not dictate what your characters are to do, they  will only respond to your characters/npc's actions.

6.) Please submit all posts on the appropriate message board. All OOC messages are to be posted in the OOC Forum only (Forums in the Muse of Creativity section or the Gathering at Cardinal Point section). The RP forum is divided into the several regions of the world. Post in the forum for the region you are in for IC posts. Also, if your story takes a change, it is adviseable to start a new thread. This is to cut down on the clutter and keep the message boards easier to use and the messages easier to read and follow.

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