Some call them "the gods".... some call them "the guardians".... Whatever one might call them, one thing is certain; they control the magickal-spiritual essence of Mythus.

MOGEN DAVID: The god of law and history. He is an holy god in spirit but he rules the law with a lawful, but neutral, mind. He is also regarded as the Lord of the Hydra and the Father of Law. His avatars bear two forms, one being that of a 17 headed crystal hydra- a head for each of the first clans, and the other being of a majestic king wearing cloaks of crystal and wearing a 17 piece crown. His home is said to be  high atop of Precipitation Peak in the region of Mythus, now known as the Empire of the Chalcedon.

TAAL ZODO: The god of power. Sometimes referred to as the "god of greed", "the Fallen One", or "the Fallen Lord". He is a god bent on revenge. A revenge so deep and enduring that he plans to cleanse the entire world of Mythus of all greed- bearing life and create a world of souless beings. He resides wherever he pleases and is the cause for all of the destruction and terror that faces Mythus. He does bear a noble side to him.

SPECTOR: The god of Death. He ferries the souls of those who've passed on to either the eternal plains of paradise (Heaven) or the pits of xodod (Hell). He mainly resides in the Vapid Vanatu where precious little life can exist; and it is there that he is worshiped by a clan of Adolfites. He is a true evil, but neutral, god, who only acts if his own assets are being messed about with.

ARCHELUS: The god of Time. He was Taal Zodo's father in the mortal realm and is the cause of Taal Zodo's anger. He rules from atop the Lone Tower and greatly anticipates the ending of Taal Zodo; and the ending of Time itself.

THE FOUR WINDS: Four spirits; which are the breath of Life itself on Mythus. They blow from all directions.
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