General Mythian Information
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Perhaps you wonder what season it is in Mythus, or better yet, what month? Maybe you want to know what celestial bodies can be seen in the night time sky? Or perhaps you want any other information that can not be found elsewhere pertaining to Mythus? Here you can find such answers. Below are various pages dedicated to answering specific quesitons not answered anywhere else. Your use of this information of course needs to be influenced on your character's own knowledge. The information here is only meant to enhance the roleplaying experience, not nessecarily to govern it. Just as the rest of the site's information, this information is derived from Legacies of the Artificer, writen by the management of this site, and is protected by national and international copyright laws.
The Mythian Calendar - The Months, Days, Seasons of Mythus

Mythian Currency System - The forms of currency used by the people of Mythus
Legacy Forums
The Laws of Mythus
General Mythian Information
The History of Mythus
The Appocalypse Papers
The gods of Mythus
Races of Mythus
The Lands of Mythus
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