Here is the definitive list for all Mythian races. Soon information for each race will be uploaded. Until then if you have any questions about the races please ask. Also if you have a race you want submitted in this list, or are playing a race not found on this list, please contact me so that I may make the changes. I can be e-mailed at [email protected]

Please note that this is the offical list. No more race additions will be accepted nor will this list have any more changes to it. This list complies with the parent game, Legacies of the Artificer, and is protected by US copyright laws.
HUMAN/Humani: Carbon-based intelligent bi-pedal race of beings; thought by non-Human scholars to have originated somewhere beyond the smallest star seeable with the naked eye in Mythus' Steller Belt

  Cosmopolitan- Major class
Frontier- Brown  or red skinned peoples, though not limited to this.
Tribal- Olive or dark brown-skinned peoples, though not limited to this.
ELF/Elphs: One of the longest-lived intelligent races that live on Mythus. Thought by scholars to be distantly related to the Faerie; Predominantly forest dwellers, but many relocated from Eleusia, their traditional Homeland after the Third Breaking when most of it went underwater. Some few hundred now also reside in Capere/New Xodia, while a decidedly smaller community reside in the Empire of the Chalcedon. The elves are slowly making their return to Eleusia...

Ascian- shadowless elves
Wood- dominant, traditional elf
Yerk- ancient elf
Plains- plains-dwelling elf
Dark- industrious, selfish elf
Silver- noble class of elves
Gray- the neutral elf, typical merchant elf
Sea- also known as mermaid
FAERIE/Phaerie: (Are; by definition, any one of a number of differing types of  magickal Sylvan creature: not all possess wings, nor do they all fly,...) NOTE: Faerie are not an official race, and may lack proper descriptions. To gain more information on playing a faerie please contact [email protected]

Fairy/Fey (the ruling class and most powerful of all the Faerie; are known to reside over the Seelie Court; the faerie form of government)

Pixie; the most diminutive of the Faerie; and most caprious, according to many scholars

Nixie;Polar opposites of Pixies; Nixies like to cause great mischief and visit any number of misfortunes unto any who would dare stumble into the territory; or foolishly seek them out.

Pooka/Phooka; water dwelling vegetable-like faerie-plant who habitually assume the appearance of a horse or some beast of burden stuck in a bog, or similar small body of land-locked water; they lure their vitim into trying to save the beast of burden then drop the illusion, and attempt to drag the would-be rescue down to a watery grave; they seldom ever attack any but stragglers or those who inadvisedly travel alone through swamps, marshes and bogs

Selkie (Sea faerie; possess a seal-like appearance; are said to be able to shed their sealskins; at will, and walk upon the land in the guise of Humans)

Naiad(Water faerie; commonly found in eldritch--magick rich-- lands dwelling in lakes, rivers and streams; they act as guardian spirits to bodies of magickal waters; are said to possess the inherant ability to Charm males of other races to dwell with them underwater and serve as a guardian of the body of magical waters until taken by death)

Dryad (Forest faerie; possess an ephemeral beauty and indwells trees; are said to possess the inherant ability to Charm the males of other races to dwell with them in their tree and serve as a guardian to their tree until taken by death)




Powdries/Red Caps-
Murderous Forest-dwelling flesh-eating dwarves who have the most disconcerting habit of dipping the little wool like caps they wear in their victims' freshly spilled blood

Ettercap; Troll-like forest-dwelling /subterranean arachnid-loving creatures which spin spider-like webs

Grippli:Semi-intelligent Tree frog-like faerie; amphibians but who spend the greater part of their day on land foraging for food; omnivorous with four- toed webbed feet with opposable thumbs; use nervous system-affecting toxins to which they seem immune.
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