This page is managed by Maidstone Mulenga.
Quick facts on Zambia

Zambia's Coat of Arms
  • Official Name: The Republic of Zambia
  • President: Frederick T. J. Chiluba
  • Vice President: Gen. Christon Tembo
  • Size: 752,618 sq km. or 290,586 sq m.
  • Population: 9,100,000 - 12 per sq km
  • Largest cities:
    • Lusaka
    • Kitwe
    • Ndola
  • Monetary unit: Kwacha - Ngwee
  • Languages: English and 73 indigenous languages.

    Banda, Dingiswayo Banda, Rupiah Chiluba, Frederick
    Chona, Mainza Chongwe, Roger Kamana, Dunstan
    Kamanga, Reuben Kapwepwe, Simon Kaunda, Kenneth
    Lenshina, Alice Lisulo, Daniel Masheke, Malimba
    Milingo, Emmanuel Mudenda, Elijah Mulaisho, Dominic
    Mulemba, Humphrey Mungomba, Wila Musokotwane, Kebby
    Mwaanga, Vernon Mwale, Siteke
    Nawakwi, Edith
    Shapi, Alex Tembo, Christon
    Zukas, Simon
    Zulu, Grey Zuze, Peter

    It takes a lot of men and women to create a great nation. This is the list of some of those men and women who have contributed to Zambia through the years. This list is by no means exhaustive and I welcome contributions and comments. If you want someone or yourself to be included on this page, send me a message

    For more on Zambia, check

    Zambia's history
