Disk 3
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Final Fantasy VIII
Strategy Guide
Disk 2 Walkthrough
You return to the game as Laguna,  talking to a little girl named Elle. Save. Talk to her and follow her. Go into  the Pub next door and talk to Raine. You will bump into Kiros who will join you.  After he joins, your job is to go out and fight monsters; to protect the  town.  Explore a little since you  are to patrol the town, and you know you are done when Laguna says he has to  report back to Raine.  Then go back  to the Pub and go upstairs. Eavesdrop on Raine and Elle.  Raine will tell you to go back to your  house (next door) to rest. Save before you rest.
Prison Scene changes and you  are in prison with Quistis, Selphie, Zell, and Rinoa. Small talk. Scene changes  again. You are Squall (he's alive!) FMV Sequence. Scene change again. Back to  Quistis and group. They take Rinoa. Scene change again. Seifer comes to question  Squall, who gets tortured and electrocuted. Another scene change. A little  dragon (looks like Red XIII from FF7) runs in and gets beaten up by a guard.  Zell - "I'll stop him" and the guard leaves. Yet another scene change. Squall  and Seifer again. Seifer leaves and the Warden questions Squall. Click on "I'll  lie, just let me live." Scene change again.  You are now Zell.  Talk to everyone and you will decide to  go steal weapons. When you are out, go upstairs to Floor 8 and there are 2  guards playing around with SeeD weapons. Fight them to get it back. Go back  downstairs to your cell and after you give everyone their weapons, Biggs and  Wedge comes in to fight. When you beat them, leave the room and the alarm goes  off. Be ready to fight alot. Your destination is to go up past the 12th floor,  but here is what is on every floor:
Floor 2 - Pet Name Tag (located in  cell)
Floor 3 - Pet House (located in cell)
Floor 4 - Tent (located in  cell)
Floor 5 - Card Game (man in cell)
Floor 6 - Save Point
Floor 7 -  Your Cell
Floor 8 - Nothing
Floor 9 - Draw Point (in one of the  cells)
Floor 10 - Card Game (man in cell) and Save Point (in another  cell)
Floor 11 - Card Game (man in cell)
Floor 12 - Nothing
When you go  up after the 12th floor, follow the little dragon and he takes you to Squall.  You become Squall now. Go down and follow Zell into cell that will go down. Now  go right and go towards the door, which will explode sand. They hear gunshots  and decide to go help Zell. Squall saves Zell. Irvine arrives with Rinoa. Select  your party and head upstairs. When you reach the top (pass the 12th floor), you  become Irvine's group. Head down.   Scene changes to Squall and group. Get [Cottage] from the little dragon  who keeps calling you Laguna! Leave. Go up twice, then to right. Bring Irvine's  group up with the control panel. Leave outside towards the bridge. Short FMV.  Continue crossing the bridge. Another short FMV. Move Squall towards bridge when  he is hanging on. Another FMV. Everyone got out safely and you guys hop in the  cars. The cars stop because of the missiles. Choose members carefully now. Take  the train with Squall's group.
Missile  Base
You become  Selphie, going to the Missile Base. It is somewhat Northwest from where you are,  just cross the bridge/river and go left. Drive into the base. Go left of the  screen and go into the first door/building. Save. Then go to the door, and  Irvine gives you a card he found in the car. Access granted. Go in. Pass the  guard "casually" and continue with the path, go downstairs, and there is another  save point. Go down towards the screen by the stairs. Draw point. Talk to the  soldiers who ask you to deliver a message. Go back inside and talk to the guard  standing by the door. Go in, talk to the second guard and answer him: "To go on  ahead." Go back outside and talk to the two guards again, who tell you to do  their job. Go back inside, up the stairs, and talk to the 1st guard by the door.  He leaves, go inside the room. Draw point. Go to the control panel, hit  whatever, try again, and press whatever. Leave the room and two guards come. Try  to talk them out of it - We just got here - Must be your imagination. They  leave. Go back downstairs. Save. Walk towards the door and guard comes out, so  "play it cool" and he asks you for help. Follow him. Talk to the standing guard  and get in between the pushing guards, press O repeatedly to push. Talk to the  standing guard again, who tells you to go to the control panel. The control  panel is located just outside that door on the right. Set error ration to  maximum and check out the other stuff. Exit control panel. Go to the guard  standing by the stairs and talk to him. He?ll let you through now. Scene with  soldiers ... fight. After you defeat them, go to the controls on the left, then  go to the control panel to the right of the door, and left of the door - both  are not what you are looking for, and now you can go through the door. The  self-destruct mechanism is located on the left corner. Set your time limit. 10  minutes is plenty of time, 20 minutes to play it safe if you'd like. Run back to  the very beginning, that is, out the door, down the stairs, up the stairs,  through the path, some small steps, out the door where you first came in. After  you leave the building, go right. Missiles are launched. Go right again and  fight BGH251F2 and soldiers. You run around and realize you are locked in. Base  blows up.
Balamb  Garden
You are now  Squall's group. (Remember to change your Junctions and such). Go into the  Garden. Talk to the guy by the gate who gives you a [Mega Potion]. You need to  walk around the Garden looking for Headmaster Cid. I started on the left side.  So here is what's in each section:
Infirmary - Help the two SeeDs and talk to  Doctor.
Quad - Tell the three guys you are with the Grand Master - one of  them gives you a potion.
Cafeteria - One of the girls give you [Gysahl  Greens]
Dormitory - Rest. Save. Parking Lot - Get [tent] from a  guy/girl?
Training Center - Help trainees. Save Point inside.
Library -  [Mega Phoenix] from one of the girls.
Once you circle the Garden and reach  back to the main lobby, you spot Xu. Follow Xu upstairs in the elevator, go  around the hallway (pass the classroom) and talk to her. Then follow her, go to  the elevator and you have found Cid. Talk to him. He gives you a key to the MD  Level. Talk to him again before you leave and you can set up your characters. Go  to the elevator and go down. When the elevator stops, check the buttons, which  are not working, and check the hatch. Climb down the ladder. Pull another hatch  open and you are in a tunnel. Few tips on Elemental Attack Junctions. Go through  the tunnel, down the ladder, through the door, and go to the wheel looking  thing. Open valve by hitting O repeatedly. With Zell's help it opens. Go back  outside and a big hole is opened. Go down the ladder. Draw point. Go around and  you are to decide who goes up yet another ladder. (I went to check it out by  myself.) Ick, the ladder breaks. Go to control panel. Something seems to have  opened, but you are trapped. Use the ladder to get down. Go to the flashing  green light on the railing and Squall will open it. Go down the ladder. Save.  Pull lever next to save point and a door opens. Go to door and you fight two  monsters. Go through door, go down the ladder. FMV. Go down the elevator thing,  get in elevator, go down the hall, and out the door at the end of the hall.  Short FMV. Go back inside. Cid wants you. Event. You are now in bed and you are  talking to yourself. Save. When you come to the lobby, one of those weird guys  tell you that the Garden Master NORG wants to see you. Take the elevator down to  B1. Scene with Garden Master who wants your head on a silver platter! Battle.  Draw GF Leviathan from him. After you defeat him, go up the elevator. Headmaster  Cid is in the Infirmary. Talk to him... he reveals some interesting things.  Especially about Edea! Go out to the main lobby where you will run into Xu. Go  up to the second floor, pass the classroom, the deck the last door at the very  end. Event with other ship. Cid tells you to find Ellone. Leave deck. Group  splits. Ellone is in the library go to her. Yes she is the same Ellone with  Laguna and she's the one who's been pulling them into the Laguna dreams. Xu  comes and they leave. Squall still thinking to himself while there is a talk  with the other ship. And Squall is still thinking to himself. you see Squall as  a little boy, he's so cute. Zell comes to Squall's room and wants to know if you  want to go to the training center. (I said no since I fought there before I went  to see Xu.) Leave the room and Headmaster Cid starts speaking. Short FMV. Talk  to Cid who tells Squall they've landed at Fisherman?s Horizon and to go find the  Mayor. Go down the elevator to the 2nd Floor.
Fisherman's  Horizon
Go out to  the deck, and have a talk with the fishermen. Go up the stairs. Short FMV. Talk  to old man and go down the stairs around the tank, there is a "familiar face"  who asks if you are going down - yes. When you go downstairs talk to the guy who  is another "familiar face". Go to mayor's house using that long bridge thingee.  Mayor is upstairs, talk to him. Go back to the Garden the same way you came.  Galbadian soldiers? Follow the Mayor. Draw point. Save point. Notice how the  railroad splits; use the one that's not blocked. You will fight battles here  now. First house to your left, listen to the computer thing go upstairs, there  is an issue of Timber Maniacs on the floor. You can rest if you want or buy/sell  items. Talk to the lady at the counter. Go back out and follow the railroad  tracks towards the station. Eavesdrop. Go help the old fart. He he does the  vehicle look familiar? It's BGH51F2, the thing that Selphie and group fought!  And look who drops in! But they all leave and you are with Rinoa. (I picked I  missed you too! He he.) Now that you are by yourself, go upstairs to the train  station. Draw point. Leave train station, go up that bridge, and down the  railroad tracks. Now go to the pier where there is a guy in a boat and there you  can remodel your weapons at the gun shop. Draw point too. Talk to the guy on the  boat next to the junk store and he shows you his trick when you tell him you  like fishing too. And the music - you hear it? It's the music from the FMV  Sequence of Squall and Rinoa dancing. ^_^ Now on the pier talk to the guy in the  red apron who asks you if NORG has evolved? Makes you wonder what he meant now.  Head back to the Garden. You run into Irvine. On the tank there is a ladder. Go  down, then go up the other ladder, cross the crane, go up another ladder, go  left, and talk to the master fisherman who tells you to talk to his pupil on the  dock. (His pupil is the one on the boat who showed you his trick.) Talk to the  Fisher kid, and tell him you saw the old man. He asks you what you think (I said  I thought I was impressed.) He takes another swing with his rod. There goes that  wonderful music again! Ok now head back to the Garden and find Selphie in the  Quad. Talk to her, I tried cheering her up, but you know Squall... Irvine and  Selphie talk. Squall and Cid talk. Cid makes an announcement. Squall starts  thinking again. Scene with group members. Pick your instruments! Remember there  are 4 scores, so there are 2 songs. If you want Rinoa's theme song, the  instruments are: sax, electric guitar, electric bass, and piano. And the folk  song is guitar, flute, violin and tap. (You can also hear the two different  tunes when the players are testing it.) Rinoa and Squall talk and they go to the  concert. Event with Rinoa. Little Squall again. Report to the bridge - 3F to  talk to Quistis and Xu and Nida. Leave for Balamb City. Balamb is straight a  head, a little to the left.
Balamb City
Go into town and talk to people. At  first the guard won't let you in, but once you talk to everyone, Squall will say  that he knows something about Elle. Go into to the hotel, talk to the two  guards, who tell you to go find the captain. Go to Zell's house to rest and save  if you'd like. In Zell's house, talk to his mom and others. Now go to the dock,  past the hotel and talk to the assistant there. Behind the cars there is a guy  there who gives you three kinds of information. The Gold information is that the  captain's at the end of the harbor, the Silver information is that there's a way  to get out of town, its small enough for a kid to fit through, and the Bronze  information is that the captain use to be where he is right now, but he's not  there anymore cuz the commander almost ran him over when he was napping.  Unfortunately I tried to get around paying, by saving, then getting the answers  and then going back to find him, but it doesn't work that way. It seems that you  have to pay him something. After you have paid, you can go to the guards  standing at the hotel door, and the commander will come running and you fight  him. The commander happens to be Rajin. After you defeat Rajin follow Zell into  the hotel and you will fight Rajin and Fujin. Remember to draw GF Pandemona from  Rajin. Talk with Rajin and Fujin. You are then in the Garden and off for your  next venture. Since Selphie mentioned Trabia Garden go there.
Trabia  Garden
Go into  Trabia Garden and follow Selphie into the Garden, where she will run off, so  follow her again. Talk to Selphie and her friend and walk around town. Then go  to the basketball court, which is all the way to the left. When you get there,  talk to everyone, and Selphie will arrive. Squall starts thinking again. Scene  about orphanage. You're a ghost. The first little boy you run into is Squall  when he's little. Then continue following the path and down the stairs. Then  another scene inside a room with the kids and you discover Seifer was there. Go  up to all the kids. Then go through the door where Irvine went. Then you are big  Squall and little Squall and find out that Ellone is your sister? Scene with  group. Just talk to them. After scene, talk with Rinoa and you are in world-map  mode.
Balamb  Garden
Press the  button to get into the bridge. Talk to Xu she will say that there's a lighthouse  on the tip of "Centra." Now head south towards the southern islands. Event with  Galbadia Garden. Squall speaks. Take elevator down. Talk with group members. Set  up your party. The other person is going to go with Zell. Go to the Quad. Talk  to Zell, give ring to Zell, and talk to Rinoa. You are on the Bridge. Awesome  FMV!!! Now you'll have to save Rinoa again soon! You are now Zell. Remember to  set up your characters. Go into the Quad and go left. Short FMV. Rinoa falls so  you are suppose to find something to pull her up with. Go to the front gate to  talk to Squall. Depending on whom you pick in your group (I picked Quistis and  Selphie), one is going to go with Xu, Zell is going to save Rinoa and the rest  is going with Squall. Go up to the 2F classroom. FMV. Fight soldiers. Get the  junior classmen to the infirmary and then go up to the bridge. Talk with other  group members. Squall makes a speech. After event, go down the elevator. You?ll  be on the second floor. Talk to the girl by the elevator. Mark is by the hall.  You tell him to go meet the girl. A Galbadian soldier comes charging at you.  Press O and then pick the third option (I think its I"ll look for another way,  or I'll look around.) Then look at the door, and pick "Press the button for the  emergency exit." Kick! Punch! Block! You save Rinoa! Run to the left! Talk with  Rinoa, tell her let's go.
Galbadia  Garden
Go inside  and you see the other members. Choose your party. Save. Go right, then go right  again, go up the stairs. Talk with Rajin and Fujin. Go left go right, there is a  guy there who gives you a Card Key [1]. Go back to the main hall, down the  stairs and come towards yourself in the screen. Go across the hall (left) and  unlock the door to your left. Go to the other end of the rink - draw point and  door. Go out the door, go to the first door on your right. Talk to another guy  there who gives you a Card Key [2]. Go back out that door, go towards us and  unlock the door. You are in the same hallway as the first. Go down towards us,  go right, go right, go up the stairs, up the stairs again, up the stairs again,  unlock door at the end. Down the stairs, they jump over the wall. Draw point. Go  left into the hall, through the hallway, (nothing upstairs), go down the steps,  and you are in main lobby. Walk around the big ugly reptile and save. Go left  and to the door on your left where a girl will give you the last Card Key [3].  Go back up the hallway, through the door you came from, Go pass the monster and  go up. Go up the steps, go up the stairs to your right, go left, and unlock  elevator. Go up. Save. (You gotta wonder why it was put there he he.) Go towards  Seifer and Sorceress. Fight Seifer. After you defeat him, the Sorceress  disappears. Save. Take the elevator down. Go all right, around the hall thing,  and the door at the very opposite end. You run into Rinoa. Fight with Sorceress  and Seifer. Draw GF Alexander from Edea after you defeat Seifer. Defeat Edea.  Scene with Rinoa and Seifer.
You've Finished the Second Disk!
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Strategy Guide:
Disk 1 Walkthrough
Disk 2 Walkthrough
Disk 3 Walkthrough
Disk 4 Walkthrough



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