Rinoa Heartilly

5' 31/2"
March 3
Blood Type:
Blaster Edge
Special Skill:
Combine (Angelo)
    A member of the Timber resistance group "Forest Owls," Rinoa fights against the Galbadian President, Vinzer Deling, whose dictatorship has caused great suffering in her homeland for far too long.  Rinoa is verry emotional, and tends to go with her gut feeling when acting.  Her best friend is her dog, Angelo, who often rushes into battle to help Rinoa when she's in trouble.
    Rinoa actually has two different kinds of Limit Breaks: Angelo and Angel Wing.  She begins the game with Angelo, but will recieve the Angel Wing Limit Break during Disk Three.
    Rinoa's pet dog, Angelo, comes to her aid in times of need.  Angelo can also show up randomly during battles without being called or just to lend a helping hand. Rinoa cann teach Angelo new tricks by finding or purchasing copies of Pet Pals Magazine.  Each issue contains one new trick.  Read the magazne and the trick will be added to Angelo's status screen within Rinoa's status screen in the Main menu.

     To teach Angelo a trick, select the Angelo status screen and select a trick wth an empty or partly filled bar next to it.  Tricks with full red bars have already been learned, and can be used in battle.  As Rinoa explores the world, the trick will slowly be learned.  Keep listening for a confirmation noise, which indicates that angelo has mastered the trick.  You can then select another trick to learn, if one is available.
Rinoa's Vital Status By Level
LV          HP          Str          Vit          Mag          Spr          Spd          Luck
1            217          1             0            8                3             20             16
10          610          10           5            15               8             22             17
20          1038        19           10           22              14            24             17
30          1458        27           14           29              19            25             18
40          1871        35           18           35              24            27             19
50          2275        42           21           41              28            28             19
60          2672        48           24           46              31            30             20
70          3061        54           26           51              34            32             20
80          3443        59           28           55              36            33             21
90          3816        64           30           59              38            35             22
100        4181        67           31           63              39            36             22
Rinoa's Picture Gallery
Rinoa's Picture Gallery
Rinoa's Limit Break: Combine
    Angel Wing is similar to the Berserk status effect.  The main difference is that instead of only performing physical attacks, Rinoa will only use magic.  Basically, you lose control of Rinoa for the remainder of the battle even if  she's K.O.'ed and than revived.  Her magic power and speed are boosted slightly to provide her more power.  The spells she uses are picked randomly and targeted randomly.  Any magic she casts does not come from your stocked magic.
Angel Wing
Angelo's Tricks
Trick Name     Learned In   Trick Effect
Angelo Rush
Angelo Recover

Angelo Reverse
Angelo Search
Angelo Cannon
Angelo Strike
Invincible Moon
Wishing Star
Starts With
Pet Pals Vol. 2

Pet Pals Vol. 4
Pet Pals Vol. 5
Starts With
Pet Pals Vol. 1
Pet Pals Vol. 3
Pet Pals Vol. 6
-Damages one enemy/ random counterattack
-Restore HP to a party memberwith low HP/  
  random event
-Revive party members from KO/ random event
-Find items on the battlefield/ random event
-Damages all enemies/ when called
-Damage one enemy/ when called
-Make all party members invincible/ when called
-Damage all enemies/ when called
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Strategy Guide:
Disk 1 Walkthrough
Disk 2 Walkthrough
Disk 3 Walkthrough
Disk 4 Walkthrough



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