Squall Leonheart

5' 8"
August 23
Blood Type:
Special Skill:
    Squall uses a sword called the Gunblade.  This rare weapon takes many, many years to master and is therefore rarely used.  Currently there is only one other Gunblade user in Balamb Garden - Seifer Almasy.  With the Gunblade, Squall can use his special skill, Renzokuken, a deadly series of punishing attacks sometimes followed by a powerful ending move.  In the eyes of others, Squall is a silent, cold person.  Having this percieved image is fine by him.
Using Squall's Gunblade
    As Squall attacks an enemy, you can significantly raise the damage caused by the attack by pressing the R1 button just before he makes contact.  The timing is tricky at first, but soon it will become second nature.  A good audio clue is to listen for the swipe of Squall's Gunblade.  When you hear it press R1.  This can also be used to enhance Seifer's Gunblade attacks at the begining of the game.
Squall's Limit Break: Renzokuken
    The Renzokuken is a series of Gunblade attacks that cause big damage.  When the Limit Break begins, a bar appears at the bottom of the screen.  As the light moves across the bar, press R1 when the light enters the small box near the end.  Pressing R1 at the right time results in a much stronger attack.  If you miss, Squall will still attack, but the attack will be much weaker.

     This function can be set to Auto in Squall's Status Screen if your not comfortable with pressing R1.  You can also turn off the indicator box, and attempt to press R1 at the proper time without the indicators assistance.

     At the end of Squall's Renzokuken, an ending attack will sometimes randomly occur.  There are four possible ending attacks.  Which ending attacks Squall can perform depend upon the weapon he's carrying at that time.

Rough Divide

Squall finishes his Limit Break by charging at a single enemy and performing a risind slash.

Fated Circle

After leaping into the air, Squall twirls his Gunblade and releases a shockwave of energy that hits all enemies.

Blasting Zone

A column of light shoots out of Squall's Gunblade, which he uses to crush his foes.

Lion Heart

Squall knocks a single enemy into the air, and then unleashes a devistating flurry of attacks.  This is Squall's strongest Limit Break in the game.
Squall's Vital Status By Level
LV          HP          Str          Vit          Mag          Spr          Spd          Luck
1            223          1             1             2               1              20             15
10          616          8             8             8               7              22             16
20          1044        15           14           15              13            24             16
30          1464        21           19           21              18            25             17
40          1877        27           24           27              22            27             18
50          2281        32           28           31              26            29             19
60          2678        36           32           35              29            30             19
70          3067        40           35           39              32            32             20
80          3449        43           37           42              33            34             21
90          3822        46           39           44              35            35             21
100        4187        47           41           45              36            37             22
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Strategy Guide:
Disk 1 Walkthrough
Disk 2 Walkthrough
Disk 3 Walkthrough
Disk 4 Walkthrough



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