Zell Dincht

5' 5"
March 17
Blood Type:
Special Skill:
    Zell, a master of close-combat fighting skills, uses kicks and punches to eliminate his enemies.  Zell also has a great passion for the hot-dogs that are sold in Balamb Garden's caffeteria.  Never one to cause problems with others, Zell's abundant energy, wild temper, and reactioary style sometimes get him into trouble.  People in his hometown of Balamb view him as a "comic-bookish" type of hero, or a klutzy, poorly behaved person.
Zell's Limit Break: Duel
    Relying completely on his powerful fists, Zell developed a fighting style that's all his own.  When his HP drops, Zell drops into high gear and nails his opponents with a powerful custom-made combo.
     When the game begins, Zell only knows five basic attacks.  Throughout the game, Zell can learn new attacks by locating issues of a magazine called Combat King.  Each issue will teach Zell a new move.
Combat King Locations
Combat King 001          In a cell on the first floor of the D-Distrct Prison.
Combat King 002          Defeat Fujin and Raijin in Balamb.
Combat King 003          Get from Zell's Girlfriend in Balamb.
Combat King 004          Get from an Esthar soldier in Esthar. During your visit to                                       Esthar, you should seek out a lone Esthat soldier on a high                                     catwalk in the center of the city.  After speaking with him,                                     proceed with the game.  When Zell returns to Esthar later,                                      speak with the soldier a second time before visiting Odine's                                    Lab.  The soldier will say, "I'm done with this,"and will                                          leave behind the Combat King 004.
Combat King 00
5         Found in Lunatic Pandora during Disk Three. (While being                                     Laguna in the excavation site [a.k.a.Lunatic Pandora                                              Excavation Site] [green and blue ice place], Find the gray                                       detinator, and push the red switch, prior to pushing the                                          blue switch.  Later, as Squall, both boulders fall into gaps                                       in the floor, which enables you to reach a copy of Combat                                     King 005.)

Note: You can buy all the Combat Kings during disk three from the Esthat Bookstore as long as you have taught the Tonberry GF the familiar ability.

     When the duel limit break is selected, a window appears at the bottom of the screen showing all of the available attacks.  To the right is the time limit for the combo.  If you don't enter an ending attack, before the time limit expires, ther combo will end on its own.  As you enter attacks, the main menu will disappear and reappear with a set of new attacks.  Typically, there are two to three options in each window.  Sometimes, only two options appear in the window, but you'll notice a blank spot at the bottom.  At these times, you can input the punch rush () rather than the two options that appear in the box.
     Initially, this may seem difficult, but after learniing the attacks you will have no trouble.
Zell's Vital Status By Level
LV          HP          Str          Vit          Mag          Spr          Spd          Luck
1            252          2             1             1               0              20             14
10          627          9             7             7               5              22             15
20          1035        16           12           14              9              23             15
30          1435        22           17           19              14            25             16
40          1828        27           21           24              17            26             17
50          2212        32           25           29              20            28             17
60          2589        36           28           33              22            29             18
70          2958        40           30           36              24            31             18
80          3320        43           32           38              26            32             19
90          3673        45           33           40              26            34             20
100        4018        47           33           42              27            35             20
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Strategy Guide:
Disk 1 Walkthrough
Disk 2 Walkthrough
Disk 3 Walkthrough
Disk 4 Walkthrough



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