She used to be alone.

Because of Macavity.

She was too young to be alone, but she was.

Because of Macavity.

Too young to have a name, She was thrust into the world

Because of Macavity.

Macavity will pay!


One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten

On the verge of death, she was found by Exotica, who had lost one of her kits due to a severe sickness. She immediately took the little kit in as one of her own. Naming her Shadow in her owner’s tongue, the kit was named Kumori. Being black from nose to tail, with gold stripes and red flecks, Kumori lived up to her name well. Her eyes were a very bright gold that stood in sharp contrast with the rest of her coat. Though quite small, even for a Jellicle, Kumori was extremely quick and agile. Once Exotica thought Kumori, Yoru, and Kuro ( her other two kits) were old enough, she took them to the Jellicle Junkyard to play with the others.

Though she never let anyone know, Kumori’s every thought burned for revenge. Macavity had kidnapped her and her family, hoping to draw other Jellicles out. But none came. This was before Kumori was even old enough to open her eyes. So Macavity made sure she saw a sight she’d never forget when she finally opened them; the death of her entire family.

Macavity will pay!

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