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The propitiatory work of Christ is a stand alone work which fully provides salvation for sinful mankind.  It has fully and sufficiently obtained peace and reconciliation between God and mankind, in order that mankind can believe and embrace that work of love and come back to God in fellowship and a loving relationship which will continue on into eternity.  For any person to attempt to add other works or acts of mankind to the completed work of Christs� propitiation for sins, is an act of arrogance against God.  The heart and mind that chooses to do these things are the kinds of responses towards God which belittle and undermine Gods� ability to love sinful mankind.  They belittle and degrade in the minds of other people, Gods� ability in and of Himself to provide a perfect sacrifice and incorruptible offering for taking away the sins of the world.  Such acts of arrogance belittle and degrade in the minds of other people, Gods� ability to provide the sole, perfect offering for sins whereby He can fully meet the standards of His holy justice and thus judge and condemn sin and iniquity without destroying sinful mankind.  Ultimately making peace and reconciliation between Himself and mankind for whom He loves.

Christs� propitiatory act as the sole sacrifice and offering for sins and iniquities on the cross of Calvary, clearly reveals with absolute certainty, the love God has for all sinners of the world.   Christs� propitiatory act clearly reveals with absolute certainty that God has been well capable for providing the perfect sacrifice and incorruptible offering in order to take away the sins of the world, justifiably judge and condemn sin and iniquity and therefore make peace between Himself and all people.
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