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Top Ten Reasons Xena never went into Season 7
10. New Zealanders Sick of Xenites crowding their island to watch the making of Xena
9. Hercules was sick of competing with Xena for the aduience's attention (and losing...)
8. Life's not fair
7. Writers sick of having to keep subtext out of main text (and failing...)
6. Producers sick of getting letters from Xenites
5. Producers sick of getting calls from Xenites
4. Producers just plain sick of Xenites
3. Now that Xena's over there is a bigger market for merchandise
2. Aliens, it's always the aliens
1. There is no God

Top Ten Rejected Disclaimors for the Last Episode
10. Gabrielle was truamatized during this production, but she is now in therapy
9. Warning: No plot included
8. Side effects include bleeding noses and loss of intelligence
7. Gabrielle's very cool Dragon tatoo was not harmed during the production of this episode
6. This episode has no disclaimor (and no plot, but that's beside the point)
5. The producers lost their minds during the production of this epsiode and are currently in therapy
4. No demons were killed in the production of this episode, on second thought they were, so nevermind
3. Zeplerfer expended no mental energy during the making of this top ten list (but you already knew that didn't you?)
2. Xena was not killed in this episode, this is all a nightmare and you can wake up now
1. April Fools!

Top Ten things to do now that Xena is over
10. Get on with your life, I mean, it's just a show (Yeah, right, I can see Xenites doing that *snicker*)
9. Find a new obsession (maybe Relic Hunter...)
8. Make a Xena Website
7. Start reading lots of fanfic
6. Start writing fanfic (Hey, want to send us some?)
5. Buys some Xena merchandise, to hold while you cry yourself to sleep at night
4. Make a Tapert Vodoo Doll...
3. Watch Reruns
2. Constantly
1. Go insane

Top Ten Reasons Why Xena was Killed Off
10. Severe case of writer's block
9. How should I know? Ask Tapert
8. Writers realized that they were fired and wanted to make other people miserable too
7. Well, it could have been worse, they could have had Xena and Hercules get married and Xena become a house-wife (Hercules: Hello dear, I'm home. Xena: Hello honey, what monster did you slay today?)
6. Mass Evil Warlord Conspiracy
5. They hate us, they really hate us
4. Tapert had a fight with Lucy
3. Some one down there desn't like Xenites
2. Tapert didn't want Xena and Gab to live happily ever after
1. There are no reasons

Top Ten Spinoffs that aren't going to Happen
10. Xena: Warrior Pot
9. Joxer the Mighty
8. Hercules: the Legendary Journeys (Hey wait a min... what do you mean Xena is the spinoff of Hercules?)
7. Hades and the Temple of Doom
6. Around the World in 88 days and other stories of the Chakrum
5. Gabby and her little stick
4. The Return of the Mendi
3. Crouching Argo, Hidden Gabbrielle
2. Henbane: Food of the Gods
1. Gabrielle and her talking urn

Top Ten Ways to Kill Akemi
10. Make her listen to Eve go on and on and on about Eli's message
9. Does it really matter so long as she dies?
8. Make her watch barney constantly until she turns into a vegtable
7. Battle to the death with Eve (Perferably both of their deaths...)
6. Unleash hampsters with sharp toothpicks upon her!
5. Give her to the anti-lesbian people who hate WXP, they'd give her a painful death...
4. Make her into an arrow pincusion!
3. Can you say crucifixion?
2. Toss her into a pit of lava! (Can you tell we hate Akemi?)
1. Cut off her head!

This list was donated by RoseXena, thanks!
Top Ten Questions I was left wondering as the credits rolled on the final episode:
(Note: italics are my comments, one of the perks of html editing ;)
10. Is Xena a spirit only Gabby can see, or was she just imagining she saw Xena on the boat with her?
9. Will Gabby be more careful with Xena's ashes from now on?!
8. What happened to poor Argo?
Now this is MY kind of question
7. Where was Ares when Xena needed him?!
6. If Xena freed the 40,000 souls when she killed Yodoshi, how could they be so cruel not to let her come back to life? (Is that the thanks you get for doing a good deed?)
As they say, no good deed goes unpunished
5. What happened to Eve?
4. Why the heck did they take the show to Japan to end it?!
So Gab could get that cute tatoo of course :)
3. Where did Xena get the perfect fitting Samauri outfit so fast?
2. Why oh why did they have to end it with such a horrible death for Xena and Gabby all alone!?! (I was depressed for weeks!)
Something about Shock Factor
1. When is this going to turn out to be a big joke? (Like who shot J.R.?) Give us a movie! Give us a TV special! Bring our Xena back to life!
You tell them! Show them who gives them their fan base! Oh wait, I just remembered they don't need a fan base anymore cause the show is over *sigh* Now I feel depressed.

Top Ten Ways to Bring Xena Back to Life
10. Through a crazy plot device, the same way she was killed
9. Don't listen to her Gabby, drop the ashes in the well!!!
8. Have Gab kiss her
7. Kill Akemi! (Ok, it might not bring her back, but it'll make me feel better)
6. Godly Powers
5. Hell, I'd settle for demonic powers
4. Ambrosia, it works for everything
3. Rewrite the last ep!
2. Have Gabby wake up and FIN's was just a dream/nightmare
1. Who cares how they do it so long as they do it?

Top Ten Little Known Facts About FIN
10. The 40,000 souls part was a typo, it was actually closer to 40 (Watch as the souls come flying out.)
9. If you listen very carefully you can hear Gab say "You bitch" when she meets Akemi
8. Xena's gold bikini was intended to do what Gab's abs have always done--make people fall in love with her and not try to kill her. Unfortunately this (obviously) didn't work.
7. The army used heat-seeking arrows
6. This fact is a secret
5. Argo was to show up for a bit, but she refused to be part of such a silly story (especially since it didn't feature her.)
4. FIN was complied from the writtings of 1000 monkeys on 1000 typewriters.
3. FIN was originally intended as a comedy.
2. Tapert is the only person who actually believes the kiss was just a transfer of water.
1. The title was orginally called "A Friend in Need of a Better Plot"


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