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Argo Lists

Top Ten Reasons to love Argo
10. Because of "Xena gallops Argo along Beach" scenes
9. Her gorgeous mane
8. And beautiful tail
7. She hasn't had a stupid line yet!
6. The fact that she's quiet (unlike a certain bard we all know)
5. She's such a loyal friend to Xena
4. Her excellent acting ability (She really makes you thinks she's a horse!)
3. So this horse walks into the bar and the bartender goes "Why the long face?" Oh wait, that has nothing to do with Argo, nevermind
2. At least her saddle doesn't shrink (unlike a certain bard's)
1. Cause I said so!

Top Ten things Argo would say if she could Talk
10. Have you gained a little weight Xena?
9. I've got you now Joxer, checkmate
8. Do you know how bad grass and hay taste?
7. Xena, please, get some lighter armor
6. Oh no, not grass and hay again...
5. Argo: You know, Gab should get a stallion
Xena: Don't you think she has enough guys following her already?
Argo: ~snorts~ Not for her! I mean a horse!
4. Why do I have to pull everything?
3. Argh, I'm not carrying the bard too...
2. How come I dn't have my own series? I can see it now, Argo: Warrior Mare...
1. Get a room!

Top Ten Alternative Names For Argo
10. Horse
9. Argo O'Conner
8. Blondie
7. Argo Lawless
6. Demon-Horse, hey 6 is evil
5. Argo: Warrior Mare
4. The Horse Formaly Known as Argo
3. Lassie
2. Silver
1. Yi-Yi-Yi-Yi! (Not much of a name, but sure fun to say!)

Top Ten Suprising Facts about Argo
10. Is second cousin to Mr. Ed
9. Favorite Food? Parts of Gab' outfit, that's why it shrinks
8. Was once leader of the revolutionary SHS (Stop Horse Slavery) group
7. She can talk, but chooses not to
6. Actually, with Gab around she can't get a word in
5. Was once Evil Argo and is now atoning for her sins
4. She is not actually blonde (Hehe... someone is getting into Gab's hair dye)
3. Favorite Activity? Charades
2. Her and Ephiny often double date with centaurs
1. Her war cry? "Neigh-Neigh-Neigh-Neigh!"

Top Ten Signs You're Obsessed with Argo
10. You can tell the different Argos apart
9. You've made up several top ten lists dedicated to Argo *whistles innocently*
8. You've named a pet Argo
7. You've named a child Argo
6. You insult the producer on a regular basis for not making more Argo Eps
5. You love apples :)
4. You've written fanfic starring Argo
3. You've written adult fanfic starring Argo
2. You hate it when people call Argo a male
1. What, the being able to tell the Argos apart wasn't enough of a clue?

Top Ten Reasons Argo would make a better date then Gabrielle
10. She talks less
9. She eats less
8. She doesn't have a jealous lover who's a warrior
7. You stand a much better chance of living through the episode
6. She won't get kidnapped during your date
5. She easy to please (Just give her some apples)
4. She might actually be interested in your simple farmer's life
3. She won't take forever to get ready for the date
2. She won't dump you her jealous warrior "friend"
1. And if nothing else, you won't have to worry about her coming back to life and dating your children


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