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What do you know about Blood Pressure?

  • What is blood pressure?
    Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood flowing through your blood vessels against the vessel walls .It depends on your blood flow(how much blood is pumped by your heart) and the resistance of your blood vessels to blood flow.If the pressure is high,your heart must work much harder to maintainadequate blood flow to your body.
  • What causes it?
    The cause of high blood pressure can vary and most of the time cause is not known.This form of condition is called "essential hypertension" It might be due to narrowing of the arteries,more blood than normal,or the heart beating more forcefully or faster than it usually should .Any of these conditions can raise the force of the blood agaist the artery walls.
    Sometimes high blood pressure can be caused by another medical problem,such as kidney disease.When this happens,the condition is called "secondary hyper tension." As the name indicates,treating the main problem makes the blood pressure go down.
  • Systolic & diastolic:
    Your heart can beat more than 100,000times a day.Each time it beats,a surge of blood is pumped from your heart into your arteries.This increases the pressure in your arteries.In between heart beats the pressure in your arteries decreases.
    That is why blood pressure is reported as two numbers ,e.g.120/80.
    The first ,higher number(systolic)is the pressure of the blood against the artery walls when the heart contracts(e.g.120).The second,lower number (diastolic) is the pressure against the artery walls when the heart relaxes between beats.(e.g.80)
  • Desirable blood pressure:
    For Healthy Adults:120/80.
    Any blood pressure reading that consistantly stays at 140/90or higher is considered high blood pressure.
  • Low blood pressure:
    It is rare that a person has blood pressure that is too low.For some young or small people, a blood pressure reading of 90/70 or even 80/60 is perfectly normal and healthy.When their blood pressure is really too low,people feel dizzy or light headed every time they stand up,or they always feel tired and lacking energy.