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Controlling diabetes

: Today diabetes has become a major public health challenge. According to recent statistics India has the largest number of diabetic patients in the world.
What is diabetes?diabetes is a disorder in which the glucose levels in the blood are higher than usual levels.What is the normal blood glucose level?Normal fasting blood sugar levelis 60-100 mg percent per 100 mg of plasma.Post-Prandial blood sugar levelis 100-140 mg percent per 100 mg of plasma.
What are the symtoms of diabetes?
The symptoms of diabetes usually include increased appetite (polyphagia),frequent urination (polyuria),increased thirst (poltdypsia),loss of weight,easy fatigue,slow healing of cuts and wounds .If diabetes is left uncontrolled,it could lead to various complications affecting the eys,kidneys,heart,feet & nerves.It is therefore essential that good diabetes control be maintained at all times.
Who gets diabetes?There are two major types of diabetes:
Type I diabetes is one which commonly occurs in children & young persons.
Type II diabetes is seen generally in middle age and old age.
It is important to note the Type I can occur at any age & also that Type II often occurs in young people.The following risk factors have been identified: heridity,obesity,sedentary life style,ageing,malnutrition,lack of exercise,adultration of food with chemicals and pestcides and increased consumption of fast foods.

Precautions for Diabetes

  • Avoid feasting & fasting
  • Stick to regular food timings and avoid keeping long gaps between meals.
  • Inculcate right eating habits.
  • Obesity is a major risk factor.Try to avoid it.
  • Switch over to rock salt or sindhav namak in diet.
  • Avoid high protein high fat & high starch diet.
  • Turn away from deep fried items.
  • Raw fruits are advisable to fruit juices in order to have stable sugar levels.
  • Avoid meat & eggs
  • The secret is to get up from a meal feeling light.
  • Remain alert to any skin injury.
  • Keep feet clean.
  • Give up smoking ,alcohol & other fatal attractions like gutka, tobacco and pan masala.
  • Try to ramain cool,calm and collected as far as possible.
  • Out with frustration ,pessimism,negative attitude to life,self pity and rejection as there is a definite link between blood sugar levels and wrong attitude to life.

To know more about diabetes

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