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If you still think flaxseed(Isabgol) was only for those suffering from constipation and was nothing but a excellent laxative(well that's what we have been told by family doctors),it's time you revised your opinion.While other plant seeds such as corn,sunflower and peanuts contain Omega-6 fatty acids,flaxseeds alone contain a large amount of essential omega -3 fatty-acid.

Flax,an ancient but little known seed,has recently gained worldwide recognition for its nutritional attributes.The study conducted by the University of Toronto showed that flaxseed could lower serum cholesterol and also prevent the growth of new cancer cells.The findings of the FDA of the US presented at a recent convention are:-Levels of 1.25 and 2.5% flax in the diet stimulated the immune system.Flax increased vitamin D levels and increased the retention of calcium,magesium and phosphates.Flax is very high in lignans ,which have anti-tumor properties and may be linked to a low incidence of breast & colon cancer.

As a treatment for the over 60 health ailments the essential fatty acids,namely flaxseed,have been scientifically validated to benifit.

Flaxseed is unique because it contains both essential fatty acids:alpha-inolenic,an omega-3 fatty acid,and linolenic acid an omega-6 fatty acid in appreciable amounts.

Flaxseed is the world's richest source of omega-3 fatty acids at a whopping 57%(over two times the amount of omega-3 fatty acids as fish oils).Omega-3 fatty acids have been extensively studied for their beneficial effects in all ailments namely ,arithratis,cancer,high cholesterol levels,heart pain or angina ,high blood pressure,multiple sclerosis,psoriasis,eczema,stroke and heart attack.

The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil is but one of its positive attributes.The essential fatty acids combined here have proven to impart a regulatory function on the body's fatty acid metabolism.Fat metabolism is as important ,if not more critical,than our body's metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates as evidenced by the drastic rise in fat related degenerative diseases,such as vascular disease and strokes.

For some individuals flaxseed may offer only half of the solution.Those deficient in co-factor nutrients,specifically the vitamins pro-A,A,C,E,B2,B6,panthothenic acid,B12,biotin and the minerals calcium,magnesium,potassium,sulphur and zinc,some times have difficulty in converting the omega-6 fatty acid ,linolenic acid,found in fax and other seed oils to the healthful prostaglandins.

Alpha linolenic acid found in flax have been shown to reduce blood triglycerides ,increase blood HDL cholesterol(good cholesterol),reduce blood pressure -all of which help to reduce risk of coronary heart disease.

Flaxseed is beginning to be recognised as useful for diabetes.The Omega-3 fatty acid in flaxseed oilhas been shown to lower insulin requirements.Flaxseed oil can also aid in circulation,which is an important factorin diabetes.

Flaxseed oil may also help relieve asthma within a few days after use.Omega-3 oil may help to decrease allergic responses.

Flaxseed if taken daily may have laxative effect and can increase frequency of bowel movement.By taking flaxseed daily,one can also notice a change in one's complexion.

Nutrients from flaxseeds are better to absorb when taken in ground form.Due to the presence of antioxidants,they have a long shelf life and thus can be easily stored.