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Good Health-The Natural Way

  1. If you have blessed with good health,praise God.It is next in value to a good conscience,for health is a blessing that money cannot buy.
  2. Eat a healhy,low fat lunch.Spend at least twenty minutes on that.Thereafter,give yourself a break for few minutes by reading a book, taking a short walk or just chatting.
  3. Keep changing your daily routine.A repetitive routine is monotonous and unhealthy.
  4. Don't worry!Worry affects blood circulation, heart,glands and the entire nervous system.
    None dies of overwork,but many do die of worry.
  5. A mouthwash of water mixed with a pinch of alum powder before going to bed at night will keep away your dental problems.
  6. Honey is next only to the date fruit as a nourishing food and a source of energy .It is six times richer than milk in nutrition.
  7. During moments of stress,a couple of teaspoonful of honey soothes the nerves and relaxes the mind .
  8. Shut your eyes for a couple of minutes whenever you can.It helps relax the eyes.
  9. Keep your head cool and feet warm and you will keep the doctor away.
  10. Treatment of symptoms doesnot cure a disease.

  11. Pull in your tummy as often as you can.It will keep you in good shape.
  12. Mash a banana and mix it with some honey.Apply on your face for about ten minutes and then wash.Your face will begin to glow within a few days .
  13. Quite often,illness occurs due to carelessness.Avoid overeating,smoking and drinking.
  14. Cookbooks and diet books sell the most in any bookshop.The former tell you how to prepare tasty food while the latter tell you how not to eat any of it.
  15. Bitter gourd(karela),neem leaves,jamun seeds and fenugreek seeds(methi)are said to be effective in controlling diabetes.
  16. Breathe with the lower portion of your lungs and belly.Many breathe using only the upper portion of their lungs.The former method will fill more oxygen in your lungs and purify your blood.
  17. Inhaling with one nostril and exhaling through the other will relieve your tensions.This is a tested yogic formula.
  18. Breathe deeply.It helps relax the mind.
  19. One should walk atleast four to five kilometres a day.It is the way to a healthy mind and body.
  20. Missing a meal,specially a dinner,is a healthy practice.

  21. Keep the windows open during the night.Take in deep breaths on walking in the morning till you make your chest swell.
  22. Don't overeat at one time.If you have missed lunch,donot have a large or heavy dinner.Your body will have to store more calories and fat during the night.
  23. Drink a glass of warm milk at bed time.It will make you sleep better and also improve your excretory system.
  24. Eat less than you need. It will keep your body slim and in proper shape.Most people fall ill simply because they eat more than they need.
  25. Donot go to bed immediately after dinner.Keep an interval of three to four hours between your dinner and sleep.
  26. No situation is so bad that a smile can't make it better.
  27. Honey prevents cold,cough and fever.It is also a blood purifier.It also makes food tastier.
  28. Heavy,oily foods,nuts and dry fruits,sweets and cold drinks, all increase the cholesterol and fat level of the body.Avoid them as far as possible.
  29. Yoga is a science which gives you complete control over the mind and body.It immunises your body against the devastating effects of the elements of aging .
  30. Drink enough water (minimum of eight glasses )every day.It is the best beverage that flushes your system.Avoid aerated drinks.

  31. Four ounces of wine or beer,or one ounce of liquor contains 100 calories ,adding unnecessarily to your weight.
  32. Donot wash your eyes with hot water .
  33. If your eyes feel tired,shut them and cover them with your palms for some time .
  34. If your work involves gazing at a computer monitor for long hours,remember to blink your eyes often to relieve strain.
  35. Sun rays help make vitamin D in your body .Walk or sit in the morning sun for a while every day.
  36. Eating vegetables and fruits daily is extremely beneficial to the body.
  37. Try to avoid the afternoon sun.The sun rays are more harmful at that time.
  38. Wear sunglasses while riding a two-wheeler or going out in hot sun.They will protect your eyes from the onslaught of air ,dust ,smoke and the hot sun.
  39. Cow milk and honey are the secret to health and beauty.
  40. Eating meat is harmful as it does not contain any fibre which is required to eject out the unused portion of the food.Vegetables and fruits are ideal sources of fibre.

  41. Strertch your body to the maximum,standing on your toes,pointing your hands skywards or bending backwards.
  42. If your stomach feels bloated ,exhale and hold your breath for a few seconds .Repeat 7-8 times.You will feel relieved.
  43. Donot be fooled into believing that we can eat all that we want so long as we excercise.
  44. 3,500 calories equal about one pound of fat.To work off that amount requires some fifteen minutes of continuous excercise.
  45. Green chillies contain a lot of vitamin 'A' and 'C', fewer calories and no fat.If you do not mind the sting,munch one with your meal.
  46. 'Isabgol' and 'guar gum' are the best sources of fibres.The later will curb your craving for food while the former will work as a great laxative and flush your system.
  47. When your eyes feel tired, take a pencil and hold it upwards touching your nose.The tip of the pencil should be near about your eyebrows.Try to look at the tip of the pencil for a minute or two.Shut the eyes for another minute.This excercise heps to relax the eyes.
  48. Avoid ,long hours with headphones as it harms the eardrums irreversibly.
  49. Eat plenty of carrots when in season.Remember ,eating any fruit is much better than drinking its juice,as its fibre is also very essential for the body.
  50. Eating oranges or citric fruits help in reducing blood pressure.

  51. Garlic is an excellent medicine for several ailments.Eat few coriander leaves after eating garlic.the foul smell will vanish.
  52. Eat fruits a little unripe,as they contain more energy than ripe fruits.
  53. Do you suffer from chronic constipation? Soak two to three dried figs in water overnight and take them with three spoons of honey.You will find positive results in 2-3 weeks .It is also beneficial during weekness and dry cough.
  54. Black pepper(Kali Mirch) is said to be a good cure for dry cough .It also clears the phelgum and works as an expetorant.
  55. No allopathic medicine is free from side effects.It matters little whether a doctor tells you or not.Be careful in taking any of them in excess.
  56. Always avoid self medication on children,pregnant or breast feeding women,old people and those with kidney or liver ailments.
  57. Yoga experts advise sleeping on the left side of the body.It keeps one healthy.
  58. Your child should be breastfed till such time as your doctor advises.
  59. Give a good mustard oil massage to your children once a week or more ,especially during the winter season.
  60. To be healthy banish business from home.

  61. Mulberries,guavas and grapes are good laxatives.Eat them in plenty to clean your system.
  62. Eat your food slowly, and chew thoroughly.
  63. Drink plenty of water with any medicine.It will help the medicine to dissolve easily and will not harm the delicate membranes of your stomach.
  64. Clean your tongue with a tongue cleaner early in the morning.Merely brushing your teeth is not enough.Also rub and massage your gums with the middle finger of your right hand.
  65. The only way to quit smoking is to just stop-no ifs or buts.
  66. Avoid drinking the first flow of water from the tap in the morning. Open the tap and let the water drain for some time before drinking it.Water remains stagnant in the lead pipes during the night which is extremely harmful for your body.
  67. Having a bath with cold water can stimulate endurance and keep you away from a cold.
  68. If your lips are dry and chapped, donot lick them as that will make them drier and dehydrated .Apply vaseline on them.
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