
  • Education In Indonesia

    What do you think about education in indonesian ? Do you think education in indonesian already good ? Education in indenoesian now is Still bad it�s indicates by the bad condition of school buildings. Even schools that are don�t have any roof. Students didn�t get supply of books and e.t.c.

    Nowadays, there are many factors that make education in indonesia bad. Education in indonesia only use text books in learning process, the teachers only teach by using text books they are didn�t find or using any other source to teach, the methods of teachers when they are teaching only speakup infront of the studnet, it�s make student felt boor and sometimes difficult to understood. And also the students, the students can make the quality of education bad by they habbits like lazy to study it will make they stupid if they are lazy to study..

    Furthermore, the quality of teachers is the big factor of quality in education, if the quality of teachers is good like in Finland all teacher over there have the good quality as a techer, it�s different with indonesia that only take and use the teachers that only have standard skills and only come from the usual univeristy.

    In conclusion, education in inodenisa needs the repairing in learning process that include to the students and the teachers to make the Education quality in indenesia better.

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