Rifftrax: Missile to the Moon
�This is back when the Government used to come over to your house and give you some good natured ribbing� � Fred
    As indicated in my Mythic Season articles (Click here to read Season 12), I have always wished that MST3K had covered a Richard Cunha directed movie. My first choice would have been his delightful �Frankenstein�s Daughter� - But I am nonetheless overjoyed to find Rifftrax covering Cunha�s �Cat Women on the Moon� remake, �Missile to the Moon�.
    Adding to the elation of the movie choice was having Mike riff with master comedian Fred Willard. This was an inspired pairing. Fred�s got impeccable comedic timing; he delivers a line in a smooth, low-key manner that is very natural and unaffected. I absolutely love Willard�s matter of fact phrasing. As when he notes a character lugging around a sack of oranges in order to beat a guy; as if it where the most normal, mundane event in the world.
    What we end up with this Rifftrax is very Joel Hodgson like in style. Using a classic 50s B-Movie, the laid back riffing that leans on idiosyncratic behavior (Fred�s favorite sayings about Caves, etc), references from the way back machine (Everly Brothers, Vincent Price) and esoteric pop culture Americana (Fluffernutter). There�s dark material, there�s even blue material but it still maintains a rather gentler and kinder feel overall. (Joel has stated in interviews that he never really hated all those bad movies, whereas you get a sense of pointed anger and annoyance directed towards a bad flick with Bill and Kevin. Willard conducts himself in a very droll, Joel-esque �just chilling with a B-movie� manner)
    Missile itself is a gift; with its clearly defined delinquents (�Which is the shrewd one and which one is very smart?� � Fred), unconvincing, slow moving menace (A giant spider and rock creatures - �You know, I think you have a better chance of being overtaken by an actual rock� - Fred) and a bevy of blue beauty contestants (The movie can be watched in B&W or colorized version and there is a joke or two where the ladies blue skin tone is mentioned)
    I absolutely adored this rifftrax, I laughed till I turned blue. Mike was great and Fred�s style was so different from what we�ve heard on these �trax in the past and so damned hysterical that I pray we soon see the return of Mr. Willard (hopefully on more B-Movie cheese)
    I don�t know how Rifftrax can surpass the genius of Spiderman and now Missile, but I�ll be anxiously listening, just in case. Strongly recommended!  Discuss this rifftrax here

Rifftrax: Transformers
�Ahh it turned into a Kia!� � Mike
    Busy Michael Bay toy movie (Hasbro earns a credit) receives a rollicking riffing. The guys have fun zeroing in on clich�s and the references associated with these quips are clever and germane. I especially dug the spot on Llyod Dobler �from the film �Say Anything�- quip as it perfectly reflects the flicks liberal use of old script standbys. But the Traxers themselves fall back on some familiar stylings, as with the �nervous guy stalking girl� jokes that worked so well in Spiderman (and are funny here as well).
    I liked the pop reference material overall because they aren�t �Family Guy� random but fit the situation to a Tee. During the junkyard scene the trio hammer away, one quip after another. A funny line about the guard dog�s diet of kibble and meth leads to predicable but hilarious lines. The bit about Shia wearing his Michael Vick jersey, Ellen Degeneres (cried over a dog on TV) and when a robo-vehicle races by, Tracy Chapman (who wrote �Fast Cars�). Bam! Bam! Bam! They spit them out and create a seamless comedic tapestry.
    In addition to these I enjoyed all the toy robot jokes as well, robots from across the media board are mentioned and due to the subject matter Diembaudio gets a bit more involved (and it�s some of his best work too). And when the Autobots arrive in force the guys let loose with some hellacious hilarity! Of course Bay's confusing end battle where it�s tough to tell who is who, takes its deserved lumps.
    Add in a plethora of puns, silliness (�They blew up our Cheetos supply!� � Bill) and the childish (Banana warmers, butt cheeks and Burger King BM Stackers are low brow jokes but effectively funny) and Transformers make for a smooth ride. Very steady, very funny, Rifftrax has hit an unbelievable peak with its past 3 of 4 releases.
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Rifftrax: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
"Wow, chicken wings and corn. It's as magical as Boston market!" - Mike
    Potter is another magical trax, quick witted and rife with material that references past efforts, the Transformer/masterbation bit was great and I find �Bone Saw is reeeady!� funny as hell and could see it becoming the �Hi-Keeba� of this project.
    The �witchcraft as evil� jokes are a hoot and reflect the attitudes of a few critics of the books and movies. It was cute how both Mr. McFeely and the Fed Ex man are used for a larf (�Now eat my mail!� � Bill), the sorting hat sequence garnered some of the best comedy of the film (Mike�s imitation was priceless) and I was pleased as punch to hear the return of an old MST3K standby, the variation on the �Jim Henson�s Muppet Babies� gag. Though the first half is stronger than the second, all told I felt that Harry Potter was yet another triumph for Mike and the boys.

A couple of other big guffaws I received:
* �He is the walrus� � Kevin on Harry�s uncle.
* The line about being a �grand� wizard!
* �This is a chop stick, Come on!� � Bill as Potter receives a wand
* �Why can�t you be a hairy giant?� � Mike as Auntie to husband
* �That�s what you get for repeatedly over stating the obvious kid, all your friends disappear on you� � Mike,
* �Sylvia Plath take me away�, when Hermione has a bad day
* And the mirror that shows a �Girls Next Door� marathon

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Rifftrax: Star Wars Holiday Special
�It�s a unique idea watching a farm animal open a present. I�m not sure I�d build a whole show around it, but it is unique� � Bill
    An insult to the intelligence of every human on the planet, this horrible, horrible TV special concerns Chewbacca trying to get home for Life Day. And its main purpose for being seems to be to humiliate anyone involved with the project. No actor gets out of this with his or her dignity intact.
    Not only is the show bad but the riffing isn�t all that hot either. I got a few chuckles; as when Bill makes his clever observation that even comedian Rip Taylor would feel this special had gone overboard on the camp, and the comments on Mark Hamill�s disturbing make-up.
    But generally it didn�t deliver the goods. During the first half, It was because they kept harping on the same jokes. They are funny at first but� making Wookie speak got old, the Elton John/gay jokes quickly wore out their welcome and the drug references are predictable, which isn�t necessarily a bad thing� when they work, this time they don�t.
    In the second half, there are again some laughs spattered about (a callback to Crossroads, Bill�s line �I�ve heard less repetitive ring-tones than this song�), but I just didn�t get a sense of a great comedic spark, the overall vibe felt flat, uninspired. Buuut let me focus on what I did enjoy.
    When used, the reference material is varied and clever, from Phoebe Cates getting out of the pool to German mathematician David Hilbert�s paradox of the Grand Hotel and a cute �don�t taze me bro�!. Those were good but the saving grace to this �trax was that the guys actually get to rip on commercials! The hugest laughs were found here and I couldn�t wait for the painful Star Wars junk to pass quickly so I could see the ads. How often does that happen while watching TV? In fact the best riffing on Star Wars came from the Star Wars toy commercial! Thus, it's a mixed bag, with moments of outright hilarity that feature some of the trio's best work.
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Rifftrax: F4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
�You need to relax or I swear to God I will visit you with galaxies of pain little man!� � Bill as Sue Storm to Mr. Fantastic
    The crew�s second stab at the Fantastic Four is on par with the first one.... well, maybe it�s a tad better but only by a hair. The comic book genre has been well riffed, Spiderman, Daredevil and the TV show Heroes are all top 10 material. But the Four hasn�t provided the same high laugh levels. As with the first, the Terrific Trio does the �Johnny as Douche bag� and �Fanboys slobbering over Jessica Alba� bit (both fall flat). Mocking the F4s powers and our riffers coming up with strangely named super heroes were better met but as a rule, none of this made me howl. Oh and guys, please drop the Horatio Sanz fat jokes. It was worth a whisper of a smile the first time you used it, but it never was that funny and it has now become a desperate and tired joke.
    While there were many lows (The Alba vs Biel running gag � the recent sexual innuendo trend �She can Joint Chief my staff��) as with most Trax, there are peaks. I enjoyed the material that zoned in on the Silver Surfer, his wife, etc. Mike shoots off a clever line about Kathy Bates and Kevin gets in a cute quip about a giant praying Mantis.
    And while I didn�t mind this movie that much, it is greatly flawed and I loved how Mike�s comments would sometimes mirror my own concerns with the flicks logic (Johnny�s powers in the final fight) and its habit of slipping in comedic interludes during dramatic sequences (See my F42 review in the �Super Hero marathon�)
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Rifftrax: Plan 9 From Outer Space
Is that a crypt or one of those kiddie playhouses you can buy at Target?� � Bill
    This was adapted from Mike's original commentary track; they took some of the previous riffing, married it to new material and had Bill and Kevin join Mike in this round. What was a solid solo track is transformed into an outrageous assault on an outrageous and absurd movie.
    I have to say that I kind of prefer it when they take on those B movie classics and shorts. The films themselves add a bit of breezy charm, even when the jokes are dark it just seems�. funner somehow. What works better in this version comes from the added riffs of course and the interplay between the trio. In the original I felt Tor Johnson didn�t get enough of those anticipated big laughs. That is remedied here and the giant one is a frequent source of hilarity, there�s even a much welcome, �Time for go to bed�. I also loved how they address the colorization with Mike�s Hulk line.
    There are a few differences in the phrasing and a couple missing quips from Mike�s first shot at the film� For example after Tor drops the woman Mike originally said... �She�s gained the gift of ventriloquism�. So there were changes but between the two, while the first makes for a sharp commentary, the redo is the superior riffwork. I'd love to hear them revisit "Carnival of Souls" and "House on Haunted Hill" - Two of my favorites from Mike's early efforts for Legend that would be even more uproarious with Bill and Kev.
Discuss this Trax here and My review of the original

Rifftrax: Batman and Robin - written by the fans!
"Soon I can once again hear your lilting voice as you scream at me for not putting the toilet seat down" � Mike reading one of my riffs as Mr. Freeze
    One of the most requested flicks get roasted by the fans and while it is often amazingly good, the damn thing slows to a painful halt at the second hour where there are many, many gaps without a riff. The folks who put this together say they didn�t have enough material, but I�ve read a lot of great riffs that weren�t used and would have filled those blank spots quite nicely. More on that later.
    The riffing is stellar early on, very clever. From a cute observational line about how long it takes the Bat-Duo to get ready while crime runs rampant, to a quip on Asperger syndrome I really dug. A cool reference from the TV series (Shark Repellent) and Bill�s running gag about making Batman references while watching Batman are both highlights. As the flick went on I was impressed with riffs that target the overall stupidity (�Oh thanks for the arrow, I thought he was the elephant� � Bill) and a reference to another Batman (Christian Bale restoring dignity to the character. Amen brother). But the biggest laugh was the simplest, yes; I�m speaking of a poop joke! It comes during Freezes stay in prison and it is a clever slap at the ridiculous lack of logic in the scene.
    It is unfortunate that the whole thing winds down with a riff-drought. There are so many sequences that cried out for a quip and there�s nothing but air. The scene where they ride down the giant statue receives nothing and there were solid options, writer GregMcduck offers this when Batman cuts the power to Robin's motorcycle and he starts skidding down the statue's arm� "Yeah, this is WAY safer.". Nice line Greg, and it�s insulting that the powers that be thought silence was preferable to that quip.
    Other good stuff that was ignored and could have fit the gaps perfectly� WholeLottaMilka wrote this for the jailbreak when Ivy says� �His name is Bane�... �and he falls mainly on the plain�. There was Josh Way�s Helena-Bonham-Carter bit as Ivy sits in her cell. Raven offered this as our heroes watch Gotham thaw� (excited) �The citizens are saved!� (Sad) �Now they all have skin cancer!� and a guy named Steve-O wrote this at 1:42:33 as a cop car plows into a Chinese diner � "Half an hour later they're just going to want to crash into another restaurant.� Instead of hearing that great riff we get to sit through 40 seconds of� nothing.
    Aside from this noticeable, fun dampening mistake (I�d have preferred they waited to release this, get it right, the way CT did with �Oozing Skull�. Take time to look over the submissions again if need be) There are great moments and I don�t want to sound ungrateful. It was such, such utter bliss to hear Mike, Bill and Kevin give voice to my jokes. What an honor and I can�t thank Chris Hanel and James Whistler enough for making this possible for all of us fans. I just wish the entire project would have been tighter. Toss in a few Batman Bobblehead jokes (and you damn well know Mike and co would have done at least one ambiguously gay duo gag had they written some riffs)... Ahhh, It could have been a classic.
    Well, at least we got to hear Kevin�s coconut head, ha, ha, ha, that makes it all better. Discuss this Trax here

Rifftrax: Jurassic Park
�Jeeze why not give the thing a handlebar mustache it can twirl� � Weird Al on Evil Dinosaur
    The Youtube preview of this one didn�t make me laugh and I felt that the first half of this Trax was filled with mostly fair to middling material. For a while I feared the worse. I�ve really liked the guest riffers from outside the MST3K universe but It took me a while to get used to Weird Al. I found him a little too hyper at times as I tend to favor the more laid back stylings of a Joel Hodgson or Fred Willard. Over time though, the riffer�s found their groove, the laughter came at a steadier pace and Yankovic�s delivery got easier to swallow.
    My favorite bit early on came with the impossible to discern gender of a child. This running gag (is that a boy or a girl) cracked me up, as did most of the kid related quips (�He�s gonna get that raptors claw and threaten that pilots child� � Weird Al). There are a lot of character references like Brad Wesley (Bad guy in Road House) Arnie Becker (Lawyer in L.A. Law) and my favorite; Uncle Beasley (A Triceratops statue that used to sit outside the Natural History Museum in DC which was named after the dino in the 1957 children�s book �The Enormous egg�)
    Yankovic�s comment on Kia and John Williams taking his lumps were both clever as well as true. Al has a veggie eating dino note that he likes meat every once in a while and later he sings "Okalahoma". Mike�s �Jimmie Walker�s rejected catch phrase� and a eunuch comment gets Al chuckling. But the biggest laugh for me came when Mr. Nelson notices how a young lads appearance resembles that of Nick Nolte.
    Overall I�d say this was a successful riffing and once T-Rex shows up to menace the kids in the car the tempo hits a steady clip and rarely falters from then on. Discuss this Trax here

Rifftrax: Matrix Reloaded
�Excuse me, my head plug�s itchy!� - Kevin
    It�s apparent from the start that the boys are in a playful mood. Silly (�No one wants a panic�� �Except for Joe, of Joe�s Panic Supplies� � Bill) and they often accompany another�s quip with the sound of laughter. They are having a good time with this one and that mood is infectious, listening to this Trax made me feel good in kind.
    The movie takes its well-deserved lumps (Bill has a nice rant about the premise flying away on a jet pack) and the mocking tone of the jokes acts as a nice juxtaposition to the films self-importance (�A kid in a rented prom tux!� � Says Bill when Agent Smith shows up to confront Neo). The Agent Smith jokes are a riot overall, and the pop culture references are great� Sponge Bob, the Office Space bit, Nomi Malone (Ha, Ha, Ha!) David Cronenberg (his film "Crash") and as a Pixies fan I loved it when Kevin sang a little, �Where is my Mind�.
    Though the bloated film taxes my patience, this is a very light and fun entry in the Rifftrax series and the only real disappointments I experienced was that there was no Mod Squad joke (there�s a guy named Link/Linc), No Future War references (The lead in that film plays an agent here �He fights Morpheus atop the truck). Oh, and one other thing, if you don�t listen to the intro closely you won�t get all the references to bacon.
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Rifftrax: Beowulf
We interrupt our movie briefly to give you a ride on a ski lift� � Mike.
    Waxy looking animated figures fill this pretty decent Robert Zemeckis movie. But it would have been better had he just gone full out cartoon, or full out live action. The plastic, stiff computer animated figures were disturbing and distracting (and Kevin gets in a funny quip about the Hopkins nudity during the monsters first attack)..
    The first part of riffing is along the lines of Matrix Reloaded, the guys really seem to be in an upbeat mood. They are silly and often can be heard chuckling over each other�s jokes. The dead eyed animation is bashed nicely (Giant fetal duck egg? Talking clumps of poo? �That Mannequin look past me?� Ha, Ha, Ha). Also hilariously marked for humor is the monster speak, nakedness and of course, John Malkovich, terrible even in CGI form (why is this guy allowed to do accents, he sucks on toast doing it)..
    This portion was a delight (Lord, the musical numbers� I split a seem from laughing so hard) But sadly, the guys can�t finish what they started and the second half tailed off considerably� before ending with some sparkling riffs during the final battle. A mixed bag then. Discuss this episode here

Rifftrax: Spiderman 3
�Uh Oh, stiff wind must have hit Larry King� � James, as sand blows through the streets
    I�ve always been a James Lileks fan, ever since I stumbled upon his funny piece on the cheesy paintings of Art Frahm. A few years later when I read Mike�s first Pop Ink books, I thought how similar it was to much of Lileks pop culture comedy. And when Rifftrax was launched, the first name I thought of, as a perfect riff mate was James Lileks. Finally we see these two similar comedic minds on one project.
    A fellow Minnesotan, James can fall into doing these long rants, and we get a few of those here, but they never become obtrusive and for the most part he does a nice job riffing with Mike. He�s got a smooth, low key delivery and as with his work at the Institute of Cheer (see lileks.com) James has a great love for his pop culture past and his affection for Spiderman is well served on this project (BTW, if you read the �Little Big Books� article at his website (Again at the �Cheer� section) he riffs on some Spiderman comics)
    The two have fun pointing out some of the implausible moments -I also wondered how the cop made the entire tarp fly off after loosening one piece of rope- Kirsten Dunts� big head and weak singing, the characters of Bernerd and Aunt May are uproarious sources for laughs and there�s a cute Dick Dale reference I liked. The riffing is laid back, there are a few more gaps than normal and the fart jokes are a constant presence, but it works and I�d recommend it. Discuss this rifftrax here

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Rifftrax: Cloverfield
"Oh wow, it looks so real because it's filmed so poorly" - Mike
    I guess I�m strange, because while the message boards buzzed over how the last 2 films were well deserving of a nasty riffing. I was of the opposite mind, I completely and utterly love the movie Spider Man 3, and I soon discovered that I was pretty enthralled with the story that unfolded in Cloverfield. The tale of a giant monster attack as seen through the lens of a hand held camera was pretty damned chilling. And I found myself getting so involved in the movie that I couldn�t focus on the jokes.
    Once I watched the film sans Mike, Kev and Bill. I took another stab at the Trax and discovered the merry quipsters at the top of their game. The unadulterated joy the guys seemed to be having at this movies expense made for a whale of a good time. There were lots of quick punch line-like responses to the dialog and action. The dim witted �Hud� is a constant source of riffcentric hilarity, actually the entire cast earns a laugh: From Bill wondering, �How do these people dress themselves?� (Which gets Kevin laughing) to Mike�s observation on a female characters manner of speech: �She and Matthew Perry could have a nervous yammering-off� and his disappointment in the lack of �Delightful Hobo�s�
    There was a cute callback to Escape 2000 and was Bills order to �Dance� a reference to the Film Crew�s �Wild Women of Wongo�? I liked the musical quotes; especially when Kevin goes off on the Kiss ballad �Beth� and pop culture is smartly folded into the movies reality (Dr. Phil, the Dick Van Dyke show, Ghostbusters). Aside from the early reliance on �wang� jokes, this is one of my favorites from the gang. Scary flick - mirthful riffing. It�s a win/win. Discuss this rifftrax here

Rifftrax: I Am Legend
�If Ingmar Bergman made a horror film� - Kevin
    Legend is a level down from the last couple of releases; it�s a middle-of-the-road effort that still provides a few big guffaws. Bill especially gets to deliver some great lines, such as when a character asks� �Give it to me in a nutshell�, and he adds� �When squirrels talk dirty�. He He, I also loved how he compared Baseball manager Lou Pinella to an angry rat and I got to laughing at his disappointment that the world ended before �Batman and Superman Got Married� was released (Note the billboard in the background).
    The riffing takes aim at the downbeat mood and slow pace of the movie and Kevin offers a cute nod to �Groundhog Day� (singing �I Got You Babe�) but likewise there are a lot of draggy sections where the laughs dry up. The work is not as weak as �Indiana Jones� but runs along the same lines as a �Next� � okay but not spectacular. Discuss this rifftrax here

Rifftrax: Two Towers
�That�s it boys, kick him right in the precious!� � Kevin
    I know it�s hailed as a classic, but for me this film was a chore to sit through. I just couldn�t take all the slow motion and heavy, overwrought dialog (�Free verse is tiring� � Mike). It took me 3 days to get through it and I felt the sting of every labored, slow moving minute. It wasn�t until the end, when the movie actually started to move that I was able to just sit back and enjoy the riffing without pause.
    Despite it taking me a while to get through it there are big laughs to be had. The reference material they used was stunning in its brilliance. From Bill noting Frodo�s emo-like attitude and actions (�Man, your harder to travel with than that diving bell butterfly guy�) to the scene where the King is prevented from killing a foe and Mike observes that when Spiderman let a bad guy go, it all worked out fine (so there obviously will be no repercussion�s here. LMAO). Hildalgo, Little Mermaid and Steve Bartman/Cubs all provided ample laughs.
    As do scenes where they mock the script (Mike�s �Bloody Ink� poem) and skew the situations on screen (Bill saying, �He does need to work on his dismount� as a child falls exhausted from a horse). The running gags about Legolas looking like a girl are still as side splitting as they were in the �LOTR�.
    I felt the riffing got even stronger down the stretch --- or maybe it was because the movie stopped boring me to tears. Whatever the cause, I laughed like mad and finally got to enjoy this Trax in full. The biggest guffaw for me was during the emotional, slow death of an Elf. I don�t know if it was the incongruity of the statement in light of what was going on, or the expression the character wore, but when Bill quips� My God, I lived my whole life without making a single fudge stripe cookie� I about died. I laughed so hard I had to rewind the disc because I missed the riffs that came after. I know it�s an old joke, but it fit perfectly and Bill delivery was spot on.
    So the movie taxed my precious patience to the breaking point, but I still found much to enjoy with the riffing. Discuss this rifftrax here

Rifftrax: The Sixth Sense
"So Duluth is mostly dead people?" - Mike
    Watching the Sixth Sense in theaters was quite an experience and seeing the movie again, even with the quipsters, I found that I still enjoyed it. But to heck with that noise, I�m not here to review the film. Good, bad or wretched all that matters to me when I listen to a Rifftrax is the Rifftrax. It�s not the movie, it�s how our gang of riffers reacts to the movie and Mike, Kevin and Bill have some amazing reactions to this M. Night Shyamalan classic (yes I said it, classic).
    Packed to the rafters with clever material, it called to mind the work done on MST3Ks Jack Frost because it�s smart, well written and the lines are delivered with impeccable timing. Old chestnuts are given a new and funny twist (Bill�s Luthor/Thesis crack) and pop culture references are pertinent and not simply throw out randomly (�I Am, I Said� and a penniless John Edwards). There are also a few nice quotes from Cloverfield, and as to be expected Bruce Willis and Shyamalan take their shots. Though the Demi jokes seem a bit dated, there are a few that work (The bit about the guy from �Punked�).
    The Sixth Sense was not only a movie I enjoyed but is now the backdrop for one of the best �trax I�ve ever heard. While it isn�t unusual for an individual episode or commentary (From MST to CT) to ebb and flow, this one is consistent from start to finish and I�d strongly recommend it. Discuss this rifftrax here

Rifftrax: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
"Man the crotch splinters! I have to get this thing sanded." - Bill on Harry's Broom
    The first stab at Potter was good, even and enjoyable. Not top 10 material but solid. The 2nd try is better, steady from start to finish. The work opens strong, I love John Lennon/Beatles quips and this one features a few knee slappers (Like the pic with John, Yoko and Sean). It then moves along at a brisk pace with magical quips popping up here and there. I liked the stuff about Mud Bloods (�Settle down muddy!� Kevin to Hermione), and those directed at Kenneth Branagh�s hammy, lipless acting. I also like how they point out the parts where adults stand by helpless as pupils are put into peril. Why the hell did Hagrid send Harry and Ron into a forest full of man-eating spiders?
    A few other moments I enjoyed were Mike�s riffing on Kevin, a great Jiminy Glick impression and the end sequence with all the mad clapping. That was a great way to go out guys.
    The movie runs long and therefore I watched it over the course of 2 nights. I also tried the Rifftrax player for the first time, and despite having to fight with the volume on the movies dialog, I did eventually manage to get the audio squared away and for the most part the player worked and made the viewing experience easier (much better than having to synch up my laptop with my TV). Discuss this rifftrax here

Rifftrax: Memento
�Now back to Total Recall� � Bill, as forgetful character watches TV
    Memento is one of the best movies they�ve ever riffed on and that makes for a challenging �trax. Not for Mike, Bill and Kevin but for the viewer. The convoluted story roped me in and I often found myself drifting away from the jokes and concentrating on the film.
    A second viewing helped and even though this isn�t one of their finest moments, it�s a decent trax. Bill delivers the most consistently funny lines, while Kevin earns the prize for his hilarious Columbus quip. The references were a lot of fun� a hidden Nina, Dr. Phil, the song Carrie Anne as well as Bruce McCullough (The 2nd one I�ve heard this week � Has someone been watching the �Kids in the Hall�?)
    It was difficult to find a quote to post at the top of the page because most of the riffing plays off dialog from the movie. (Lenny: �I�m not a killer� � Kevin: �I�m a reincarnation initiator�). Of course they draw plenty from the premise (Conversations with Jason Bourne and the pain in watching Adam Sandler flicks over and over again). The first half was good, the second was stronger. I laughed most during an expletive laced argument between Lenny and Natalie, and Kevin digging on the soundtrack was both annoying and cute. Discuss this rifftrax here

Rifftrax: Oceans 11
�They trained for this by watching Miley Ciruses new DVD, �Stacking Your Money Efficiently�� - Richard
    Richard Cheese, a name unfamiliar to me, joins Mike on this excursion. I guess he has a comedy lounge act and unfortunately he can add this weak rifftrax to his resume. I liked the first 3 minutes, with Clooney in prison and then leaving (with swing jazz walking music). The first 3 minutes held promise; the remaining 114 spoiled that promise.
    Maybe it was that a lot of the jokes were too obvious and simple. I know I�ve laughed at obvious lines in the past, but these lacked punch. Even when the material was clever, as when Mike takes a poke at gas prices by suggesting that Bernie Mac�s cross country drive would cost him 19 thousand dollars, or later when a guy and a gal get tangled up in the park and he warns �Careful a romantic comedy could break out� � these are cute but not real side splitting.
    Generally I like humor that surprises me, I like humor that�s sharp as a tack� I like humor that makes me laugh out loud, hell I�d have taken humor that at least made me smile! The work on Oceans 11 was greeted by the sounds of silence, not the song but literally my silence. I did find a handful of goodies (For example, the quip about gambling theories based on Kenny Roger�s songs) but mostly it was duds. Cheese�s got a nice voice but his delivery is indistinct and there was little inflection, which made even his best jokes sound bland. Discuss this rifftrax here

Rifftrax: Pirates: Curse of the Black Pearl
�Now he�s just shouting random syllables in a Pirate voice!� � Mike
    Rifftrax has hit the skids lately. Ocean�s 11 was one of their worst and Spiderman 2 wasn�t much better and the last really great one was the Sixth Sense. Thankfully Pirates put �em back on course.
    The first half hour was a treasure. The guys are in read and react mode - responding and adding to the dialog with one snappy quip after another. Pirates is the only one of the trilogy I liked so I didn�t mind them going this rout rather than ripping the movie to shreds. They did get a little to mean spirited in regards to Kiera Knightley�s chest area (and over did it) but they righted the ship with great quips directed at Walt Disney and company.
    There�s a couple digs at forum members that I thought were cute and while the jokes didn�t seem to lean as heavily on pop culture references as in the past, there were plenty of good ones (�The greatest cinematic battle since Pee Wee fought Francis!� � Mike). The riffing doesn�t keep up with the frantic funny of that first half hour, but its very good work to the end and it was nice to hear my hearty laughter again.

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Rifftrax: Iron Man
�Okay Tobor start talking or we take out the Allan wrench!� � Bill
    The riffing on Iron Man starts off slow and only improves marginally as it goes. The problem is that they guys seem to have a tough time getting into the rhythm of the film. There are too many cheap and obvious Robert Downey Jr. addict jokes and then they do this Stark as rebel shtick that doesn�t work either. Bill acting as a translator during the cave scene was funny and there were a few chuckles here and there, but overall my reaction to this half was lukewarm at best.
    It picks up there after as they seem to work harder to tap into the flavor of the film, during a scene when the villains are holding hostages and screaming at Iron Man, Kevin makes a funny quip about how these guys would make great auctioneers. And later Bill has Tony announce, �Hey my hole itches!� But they also just as often lose the vibe. For example, voicing the quick and clever Pepper Potts as dumb and confused by computers doesn�t fit and therefore isn�t funny.
    The best off-the-beam comment was when Mike had baddie Obadiah Stane angrily shout, �It�s not a paper it�s a USAToday!� I wish this witty barb were the rule and not the exception. This is an average Rifftrax. Of Note: A riff that is already irrelevant, after a scene that hint�s that Rhodes will be wearing the armor in the next film, Kevin says, �Terrance locks up his role in the sequel�. The day before this was released it was announced that Don Cheadle replaced Howard for the role.

Streaming Video Beta Test: Hulk: The Final Round
�The Hulk hu? Y'sure that's not just an enthusiastic Jets fan who got drunk and fell asleep up there?� � Bill
    Rifftrax is testing a new way of delivering the funny and the first taste is free! Bill, Kevin and Mike flex their comedy muscles and smash an episode of the Hulk TV series. I�ve felt that Rifftrax has hit a low point in the past month or so and have been upstaged in the wit department by their counterparts at Cinematic Titanic. Maybe its that they are putting out a lot of product in a short amount of time, and that has taken the edge off their keen minds? I don't know but I�ve been finding their humor rather prosaic and tired (I could have skipped Spidey 2, Oceans 11 and Iron Man and not missed much).
    But with the Hulk the guys prove they still have what it takes. Why is this an improvement? Because they are delivering quips that are germane to the story and the characters, and in doing so it sounds like they are putting some thought into the commentary and not just tossing out the same old routines. When a couple of street toughs spot Banner, Mike spouts, �Let�s go make him angry�, which is a simple line but so spot on to the premise of the show (people were always going out of their way to make David mad).
    I like how Kevin refers to Bill Bixby�s pants as Flairs (do they even call them that anymore?) and when Bill observes a screaming woman (a show staple) he offers, �She�s fine with big green men, but slow motion scares the hell out of her�. The episodes a knock off of the film Rocky and the guys have fun with that fact as well. Good solid, fast and furious riffing. It�s clever, the jokes are delivered like a right cross and maybe Rifftrax should target shorter material more often, as they really do brilliant work when not saddled with 2+ hours of movie.
    As for the streaming media, it worked well. I was on a slower connection and it only stuttered once. It�s a capitol idea and one I hope they exploit in the future. Check out video here (while you can) Streaming Hulk EDIT: Due to technical difficulties, the free sample is down. They are offering it for sale.

The Happening
�Behold my dramatic lemur eyes!� - Mike
    I was simply stupefied by how terrible this movie was. Could the same man behind the 6th Sense and Unbreakable actually have created this train wreck? Not since Preston Sturges has a talented director so completely lost his voice. When a little girl goes up to speak to Mark Wahlberg�s character, our riffers have her say� �Don�t look now but this is worse than Lady in the Water�. Funny � but Lady at least had some competent acting, The Happening can�t even boast that. Wahlberg is locked into condescending mode and poor Zooey Deschanel (an actress I usually like) appears bewildered and wears the expression of someone whose come to the sudden realization that she�s made the worse career choice of her life. �How did I get here and can anybody get me out?�
    The movie certainly gives the gang a lot to work with and they take advantage of the situation for the most part. I generally enjoy riffing that gets into the rhythm of a movie, and targets it specifically, rather than tossing out excessive and generic fart jokes or what not. Mike, Bill and Kev find their rhythm here and while not as great as the workout on Shyamalan�s 6th Sense, The Happening provides ample laughs.
    M Night trying to horrify comes of funny instead and one of the guys note how one scene reaches Monty Python levels of silly. They also point out how lame it is to have the wind as your primary movie effect. Hotdogs and lions and plants that spout threats are all part of the riffing equation. And Mike gave me my biggest laugh when he has Deschanel warn a child, �If you misbehave�� and then he makes a windy whooshing sound. Brilliant!

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Rifftrax: The Crystal Skull
�Can no one stop the doddering grandpa?� � Bill
    Though not the load �The Happening� was, Indy�s return was still a load. I�m glad I skipped it at theaters. The riff-work is decent enough. Not spectacular but a vast improvement on their first attempt in �Raiders of the Lost Ark�. The comedy styling consists of character slams. Harrison gets the traditional �old fart� quips and they still work quite well, as when Mike notes that he runs like he�s got a loaded diaper. Shia receives a few shots but surprisingly they didn�t deliver a knock out. I rarely laughed hard at the riffs leveled on the guy. Cate Blanchette also gets through with barely a scratch and I was disappointed that I didn�t get to hear one Bob Dylan reference. Instead they go the Emo Phillips rout with her (which was cute).
    References were pretty fun and eclectic. Both Brando�s Wild One and 007 are referred to, but not in an obvious way that would be understood by folks who weren�t familiar with the films. I also liked Bill�s line about �I Love the 80s� and the fact that he mentions Arch Hall Jr. (Though he wasn�t there for Eegah, its effects are felt by those who came years later)
    While there are good riffs, there were also a lot, and I mean a lot of dead spaces where I was zoning out from a lack of laughs. A few jokes have simply gotten stale. For example - The bit where the guys hum the adventurous theme during dull spots in the film is an oldie that has run its course, and like the cop/donut jokes it should be retired.

Rifftrax: X-2: X-Men United
�We have a demon or an imp! Repeat, a demon or an imp!� � Bill as Secret Service agent tracking Nightcrawler.
    Rifftrax has now covered 3 of my top 5 superhero flicks (They�ve yet to tackle Nolan�s Batmovies). So far Spidey 2 sucked, Iron Man was M�eh and X-Men 2?
    It opens real strong at the White House: Mike riffs on a portrait (�JFK�s ashamed of him�) and later, as Nightcrawler �Bamfs� like crazy he suggests that, �This power would be handy at Packer games� (Ha, Ha. I always enjoy a good poke at the Packers, being a long time fan and all). After this volley I found the work lost some of its special power.
    On the bad there�s the usual proliferation of blue humor and a few lame gay jokes but the main problem might be that 2+ hours requires too much effort, I was just plumb worn out at an hour or so and at the 94-minute mark all laughter had died in me and I had to shut it down.
    Upon my return the next day, refreshed, I was able to dig on the �trax again and what I noticed in the 2nd half is that they engage the subject matter quite nicely. Wolverine gets waylaid a lot. They also have Rogue (or as Bill calls her, �Power Sucking Girl!�) offering Magneto a prostate exam and the Nightcrawler stuff is generally fun (�Now do the Fuhrer� he says after Mystique imitates his German accent). They of course revisit the Cerebro/Magneto line, this time out it�s funny to hear Bill�s frustration when Mike and Kev get the names mixed up (Magneto is Cerebro in Mike�s world). Sometimes they tease too hard (hey, I love this stuff) but that comes with the territory.
    My suggestion if you find you�re interesting waning, break this one into two parts (now if only Jack Perkin�s had shown up for MST Hour-like host segments). Doing that made it far more enjoyable. It leans too heavily on the juvenile to be a great success but overall I'd rank it as a decent effort.

Rifftrax: The Dark Knight
�Thing was expensive and never caught a single moth� � Mike as Jim Gordon standing by the Bat signal
    Great movie, weak riffing. That�s the bottom line. Trax has popped off on other movies I love with mixed results. Spider-Man is my 2nd favorite trax, Casino Royale was fair while the Dark Knight is mostly a dud.
    Apart from the introduction they don�t get too snarky on those of us who think this is a great film. There�s not even a lot of digs at comic fans (for those who feared they�d do that). On the meh side of things we get a few familiar and tired drug jokes, easy pokes at clowns, imitating Chinese accents, teasing Maggie Gyllenhaal�s looks and the lame names they come up with for Two Face (Donkey Nuts? Seriously that�s the best you guys can come up with). Joker in a nurse�s uniform? That should have been gold but they dropped the ball. Hell, my 6-year-old niece could have written sharper material.
    On the good there�s a Prince of Space call back that was funny as were the bits about Fox spying on people. I liked the cute line about Ledger channeling Caesar Romero and there is a smattering of funny riffs here and there. But what�s weird is that things didn�t get steady until the end. This film was 153 minutes long and Mike and Co. only really revved it up on the final 15.

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