Adopt a Planet!!

This is a simple form to fill out to adopt a planet. You can only adopt one at a time. You also can't really do anything with the planet, so this page is actually pretty pointless, but that's okay, it's still pretty cool to be able to say you own a planet. If you really want to, you can also create a picture of your planet and send it to me and I'll post it here, too.

What is your name?

What is your email address?

What would you like your planet to be named?

What size planet would you like to adopt?

Would you like your planet to be

Would you like it to have an atmosphere?
yes no
If yes, what type?
(poisonous to all life, hot, dry, inhabitable for all life, etc.)

Would you like your planet
Active for short periods of time resurfacing the entire planet, then dead

Would you like your planet already inhabited?
yes no

Would you like any inhabitants to be sentient?
yes no

What galaxy would you like your planet in?

How many moons would you like your planet to have?

How many rings would you like your planet to have?

Please list anything else you would like your planet to have (ie oceans, types of inhabitants, major geological features, etc.)

Planet Name: Savvin in the Andromeda Galaxy
Adopted by: Spannaandtheking
Description: A small, geologically active rock planet with an atomosphere that can support all life. It has 1 moon but no rings. Although the planet is currently uninhabited, it already has a nice house and a big garden with an all-weather Scalextric set, football pitch and paintball range.

Planet Name: Xeron, in the Purple Dragon Galaxy
Adopted by: Simon Bj�rk
Description: An average-sized, geologically active planet with a foggy, soft atmosphere. It has 3 moons and 3 rings orbitting the planet, and mountains, oceans, trees, animals, and other inhabitants on the surface.

Planet Name: Planet Kojak in the Kojeen Galaxy
Adopted by: Kojak
Description: A gigantic, geologically active rock planet with a hot, dry atmosphere. It is inhabited, and has 3 moons, but no rings. It has a third of the number of oceans as Earth. All large man-made structures are destroyed within a month or two, due to the war-like nature of the planet. There is one big area where an underground pipe has burst and toxic ooze has came out, for that reason, many animals have been mutated. There is one thing you can see from space, it's a really big mutated animal called a BHM. Science name is the Big Hairy Monster (BHM).

Planet Name: Finger Park in My Galaxy
Adopted by: Deth552
Description: A gigantic, geologically active rock planet with a life-supporting atmosphere. It is inhabited, and it has 3 moons and 4 rings. There are no oceans. In fact, there is very little water of any kind, leaving scientists baffled as to how life manages to sustain itself, since scientists have been expecting all life to die any week now for quite some time.

Planet Name: Karion in My Galaxy
Adopted by: Mika
Description: A small, geologically active rock planet with a sunny atmosphere. It is inhabited, and has 3 moons and one ring.

Planet Name: Ubhuru in the Veosna Galaxy
Adopted by: Raenafel
Description: A huge, geologically active rock planet with an electrically charged atmosphere. It is inhabited, and has 9 moons and 6 rings. There are 3 major oceans. There is one major mountain range, known as Mother's Spine. It runs the length of the major continent, Akatia. There is also a lone mountain that is called High One's Holt. Among the inhabitants there are 4 castes of Elves: High Elves have extensive telepathic powers and are able to draw energy from the air around them to do "magic",(ie,"lift" things, purify air and water, self shape, and heal.) Trace Elves have a limited sending range and only have trace powers, hence the name. Regular Elves live their lives with no special qualities except the power to speak with other elves telepathically. Poor Bloods don't resemble the point-eared, long fingered, tall High Elves. They are little more than animals, covered with hair, and are savage hunter-gatherers. The Elves share the planet with a race of creatures known as Preservers. They are tiny winged replicas of High Elves, they spit a gooey substance that puts its occupants in a state of suspended animation. Other creatures include burrowers termed "trolls", and a monkey-cat-rabbit thing called a mrrayanii, and various small game-like ravvits(not rabbits), deer, squirrels, and many cat-like creatures. (names vary from tribe to tribe)

Planet Name: Greenstar in the Emerald Galaxy
Adopted by: Lady Green Eyes
Description: An average-sized, geologically active rock planet, with a warm, hazy atmosphere sustaining for all life forms. It has 5 moons and 2 rings. There are snow-capped mountains, deep canyons, evergreen forests, wide meadows, clear green oceans. The gravity is less than that of Earth. Inhabitants are tall with soft green skin, emerald green hair and eyes. They are vegetarians and are friends with the few animal species on the planet. They grow their homes, like huge sod-covered domes, or trees, and all is environmentally safe. They are highly skilled in space technology and love to travel to other planets.

Planet Name: Dominion in the Phantasm Galaxy
Adopted by: Vincen Smith
Description: A gigantic, geologically active frozen planet with an atmosphere poisonous to all but mages summons. It is inhabited, and has 3 moons and 3 rings. There is a large Battle Ring in the center of the planet.

Planet Name: CrazySaturnChick in the Athenian Galaxy
Adopted by: CrazySaturnChick
Description: A small, frozen planet with a cold atmosphere. The planet surface is dead for long periods of time, but completely resurfaces itself intermittently. It is inhabited and has 8 moons and one ring. It also has oceans and volcanoes.

Planet Name: Lunar in the Milky Way Galaxy
Adopted by: Dragonmaster Alex
Description: An average-sized, geologically active rock planet with a normal, Earth-like atmosphere. It has neither moons nor rings, and is inhabited with people like on Earth, with villages like Earth in past times. The planet's geography includes oceans, rivers, and small mountains.

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