Reed Oliver
serious Reed
Do you know Reed Oliver?

If you don't, you might want to leave now. I can't imagine this being interesting to anyone who hasn't at least met me, and few have heard of me who haven't met me. I'm no star.

That's a picture of me to the right, taken by a friend of mine at work, so it's recent. This and this are older pictures, in case you need multiple images to settle things in your mind.

I used to go on to say, "Reed Oliver is best known for directing The Right Girl, an independent feature film currently in postproduction." That's not really true now, if it ever was. For one, Gwendolyn, the producer, and I have decided that The Right Girl is done, so it's not really in postproduction any more. Secondly, I have no real idea what I'm best known for. I definitely wanted to be best known for directing The Right Girl, but now I'm not certain. Maybe for having a big heart or being a good friend. Or possibly for having a good Halloween party, though that doesn't seem too fame-inducing either.

I'm a movie reviewer for Hybrid Magazine. Here's a list of my reviews and interviews for Hybrid - it's mostly current, as I haven't reviewed much lately.

Update October 6, 2002

Wow, you say. Why are you updating now when you did one just last month? Well, last month's update was kind of a downer. So, since I'm feeling better, I thought I'd pass those savings on to you!

Party invitationThe most important update is my Halloween Party!!! Come one, come all, and bring your costumed friends. My goal is to drink less than last year so I remember more of the stories I heard for months after the last party.

In UTCRLA news (note the new "U" in our initials--it's giving our design guy fits), I spoke to my big boss, and she's thrilled with the work I've been doing, so there seems to be a good chance of promotion once my immediate boss gets back froma month of grandmaternity leave. (She reports that her grandchild is beautiful. Go figure.) I had the joy of spending over 20 grand in a week on furniture, computer accessories, and office supplies. Then, I spent the next week unpacking and moving all of the heavy stuff I ordered, so last week was good for muscles but bad for cleanliness. I'm planning to invite a lot of co-workers to my party. It'll be interesting to see who shows up and what they'll be dressed as.

Time-WarnerI can't believe I forgot to mention getting cable in my last update. Where have my priorities gone? Of course, I only have basic cable. We had digital for a month since it was cheaper, oddly, to install digital than analog, but now we're back to five local stations, access stations, and of course UPN.SerenityMy That means my Buffy habit is back in full swing and I've gotten into Firefly. Maybe you should be shocked and I should be ashamed of my TV focus, but gosh darn it, that Joss Whedon puts together great characters and situations, and hell if I'm going to give it up just to keep some measly chunk of soul. So there.

I've also started a voice work class intended to teach me to be an actor in radio commercials. iMicThe class seems really good, so far, but I've been distracted by having to get software, a mike and an adapter for my iBook. I should have all of the components in tomorrow, so I'll do my first home voice recordings. Woo-hoo! Equally importantly, I'll be able to do a line out from a tape player to digitize the music of a lot of local Austin bands who's stuff has never been available on CD, so I won't lose it when the tapes finally break!

In the brief time since I posted my decision to not pursue a love-life for the time being, I've had a date. No fireworks, and no more details, but ain't life a stitch?

I've been reading a lot of webcomics lately, and I wanted to share my favorites in case you like that sort of thing. Sluggy Freelance, MegaTokyo, and Bruno are this summer's top three.

Check out the March '01, July '01, August '01, October '01, December '01, March '02, and September '02 updates!

Gritty Reed Thanks for listening. Please check in again sometime for my next sporadic update.


Reed Oliver

BROQ Productions
610B Genard
Austin, TX 78751
(512) 374-9916

email Reed
The Right Girl
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