Blue Water Area Clubs

This page is here to help you find any information you might need about our club's here in the Blue Water area.If there is anything you would like me to ad please dont hesitate to contact me and I will do my best to update or add anything that will help visitors to this page.

Michigan Wood Carvers Assn. is a state wide based org.I cant say enough about the great job these folks do for club's and carving in our state.They do everything from hosting learning seminars to putting on a annual show.Please take a minute to read about the job they do for us!Click here to go their page.

Blue Water Carvers are a woodcarving club from the Port Huron area that meets during the day twice monthly in a open carve venue.Everyone is welcome to come and carve with them.Please go to their page for more information.Click here to go their page.

Huron Chippers and Carvers are a club from the St.Clair County/Port Huron area.They meet twice a month and welcome all to come join them for one evening or many!You can see many pic's of their past show's and activity's on this site.Click here to go their page.

Metro Carvers are a club composed of members from thruout the Metro Detroit area.They meet once per month.They also have a newsletter that comes out regulary but their claim to fame is a annual 2 day show and competition in March that is by far the best event in our area for many years now.Click here to go their page.

Saline Carvers meet every Wednesday at the Senior Center in Saline.Everyone is welcome to come and carve with them.They also have a carving show in October.Click here to go their page and learn more about them.

Shadbush Wood Carvers are a group that meets at the Shadbush Nature Center.They meet every Thurs..For further information go to their web page.Click here to go their web site.

St. Clair Flats Wildfowl Assn. is a Wildfowl Carving Assn.Their upcoming show will be held in August and is truly a Bird carvers delight and also a great place to pick up supplies.For further club information and show info entry forms please go to their web site.Click here to go their web site.

Washington Carvers meet twice a week in the mornings for a open carve at the Senior Center behind the Police Station just north of 26 mile rd. on old Van Dyke.The carve is open and all are welcome.More info soon to come on the annual Carve Fest they hold in Sept.Go to site for more details.Click hereto go their page.

National Wood Carvers Assn. or the NWCA are the folks who bring us Chip Chats.The oldest still published Carving Magazine today!Chip Chats is the best way to keep up with whats happening in the carving community thru out the country.Please visit their site to learn more.Click hereto go their web site

If there are any corrections or additions to the above listings that would help someone coming to this site please feel free to get in touch with me.To contact click the link below.

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