For Children Around the World

Lemming at piano Lemming at piano

now playing Puff the Magic Dragon

This page is dedicated to all my grandchildren.

Cyber Grandma wants all of you to practice safe surfing. Be sure and go to the safety links first. Parents please surf alongside your kids -- that's the only way you'll know where they're going and what they're seeing.



Windsurfing Lemming


Swimming Lemming



Do you remember all the safe surfing rules? Maybe you should go back and take another peek just to make sure. Don't forget to take Mom or Dad along.

Lemming kayaker

Lemming golfer




Ice Skater

Cyber Grandma has visited all of the above sites and found them all to be children friendly sites. I have colored pictures, played games, read stories, and looked at all kinds of interesting things. If you find anything objectional on any of the sites please e-mail Cyber Grandma so she can take them off the list. Thank you for visiting at my home on the web, hope you had fun. Please come back soon.

Did you have a good day, or maybe a bad one. Want to tell someone about it. If you want to complain, or brag, or if you just want to chat. Cyber Grandma is a good listener. Cyber Grandma's Hot Line

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Links checked on Wednesday, September 29, 1999
This page last updated on Wednesday, September 29, 1999

� 1996 - 99 CyberGrandma