Missing in Action

Daniel Borah

Lt.  Daniel Borah


"A Man is Not Dead Until he is Forgotten!"


Cyber Grandma would like to ask all of her friends who visit this page to write your government officials and find out why Daniel has never been found. I have adopted this MIA Hero to see if we can find out some information on what has happened to him. I do not personally know Daniel, but I do know that he went to fight in a war across the ocean so that you and I can be free. Please don't let our government ignore the fact that his fate is unknown. Please help to bring this brave man back to his family, friends and country that he went to war for. Please take a few moments to write and let our government know we want Daniel and all of the MIA's back home. It's time we got answers and brought our men home. To lose a family member or a friend is a great loss full of loneliness and grief, but to not even know the fate of your loved one must be a worse experience. My heart goes out to all the friends and family's of the MIA's. My prayers are with each and everyone of them. Together you and I can make a difference, let our voices be heard. Don't put it off go today and email our officials and let them know how we feel.
        Thank you! Cyber Grandma


This is a very important case because Daniel Borah is at the top of the list of MIAs believed to have survived...


Name: Daniel Vernor Borah, Jr.
Rank/Branch: O3/US Navy (Reserve)
Unit: Attack Squadron 155, USS ORISKANY (CVA-34)
Date of Birth: 18 June 1946
Home City of Record: Olney IL
Date of Loss: 24 September 1972
Country of Loss: South Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 164635N 1072035E (YD140540)
Status (in 1973): Prisoner Of War
Category: 1
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: A7B
Other Personnel In Incident: (none missing)



SYNOPSIS: On September 24, 1972, Lt. Daniel Borah launched from the USS ORISKANY in his A7B Corsair II subsonic attack plane as the flight leader of a two plane strike against North Vietnamese troops entrenched in bunkers northwest of the city of Quang Tri, South Vietnam. They were directed to the target area by a Forward Air Controller aircraft (FAC). Lt. Borah and his wingman began their initial bombing run as briefed. Due to an improper switch setting, the wingman expended his entire ordnance load on the first load instead of the several runs that were briefed for. He then proceeded to a holding position at 13,000 feet overhead the target to observe Borah's succeeding bombing runs. During the second run, Borah's aircraft was seen to draw a barrage of 37mm anti-aircraft fire. His wingman radioed for evasive action, then almost immediately saw Borah's aircraft burst into flames. The FAC saw Borah eject safely from the aircraft and later established emergency radio contact with him for 10-15 seconds. No other contact was received during the following two days of search and rescue efforts.
Intelligence reports indicated that North Vietnamese soldiers removed Borah's parachute from a tree within half hour of his landing on the ground, and he is believed to have been captured alive.


When the war ended, and 591 Americans were released from Vietnamese prisons, Borah was not among them. The Vietnamese deny knowledge of his fate. As thousands of reports of Americans still alive in captivity accumulate, Borah's family must wonder if he is still alive waiting for his country to bring him home. Whether Borah is still alive is unknown. What is certain, however, is someone knows what happened to him. It's time we got answers and brought our men home.

Red Star Poetry

Red Star Read Lt Borah's Sister's testimony before the House Subcommittee on Military Affairs Testimony of Kathy Borah Duez December 14, 1995


If you'd like to see what some others are doing in addition to writing their congressmen, senators and the Whitehouse, check out some of these sites. The names listed are the names of the MIA not the writer of the page.


Thank You

A big thank you for Gunny
Without all his hard work
none of this would be possible.


To obtain EMail addresses for the Senate, Congress and Whitehouse go to:
President and Vice President

Note: I have contacted all my government officials, and it seems they will only reply by snail mail so be sure to include your regular mailing address when writing. Will save you time from having to rewrite all of them. Thanks Cyber Grandma.
June 5: It has been over a month since contacting The President, Vice President, The First Lady, Illinois senators and Congresmen. I have not heard from any of them on this matter. I know they have received my emails as I got replies telling me they needed a postal address to reply. Which I promptly sent them along with another copy of my letter. But I am not giving up off to do some more writing.




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Links checked on Monday, August 24, 1998
This page last updated on: Monday, August 24, 1998 - 3:45 PM

� 1997-1998 CyberGrandma