Red Line

I wanted to share with my friends some poems that touched a special place in my heart when I read them. When you read them take a few minutes to think about what they mean and I am sure you will find them special also. Thank You.

Red Line

                 On Deaf Ears

          Don't come here with your problems
          No matter how big or how small.
          We've seen practically everything.
          Whatever you say, we've heard it all.

          My kid developed allergies
          We're moving, we've no room.
          We can no longer care for him.
          So, please, keep him here with you.

          We have so many animals 
          I just can't see that he can stay                                                    
          You get mad at me
          And beg, "ISN'T THERE A WAY?"

          I try to explain the problem,
          But it falls on deaf ears.
          You go ahead and sign the papers
          Through all of your tears.

          As he is carried into the back room,
          You put the blame on me.
          Don't you understand YOU are the problem?
          Is it that hard to see?

          I'm so tired of fighting back,
          I just stand & shake my head. 
          One more innocent life is taken,
          Nothing more can be said.
                         by --Elisa Murphy �1996

My friend Elisa wrote this poem while working at the animal shelter in Maryland. She was so overcome with the way the public treated her and her co-workers for what they did for a living. They never understood and blamed them for everything. This was her way of expressing herself. If you would like to read some more of Elsia's poetry You can visit her at Friends of Animals

Red Line

                  Around The Corner  

           Around the corner I have a friend,
           In this great city that has no end,
           Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
           And before I know it, a year is gone.
           And I never see my old friends face,
           For life is a swift and terrible race,
           He knows I like him just as well,
           As in the days when I rang his bell.
           And he rang mine
           if, we were younger then,
           And now we are busy, tired men.
           Tired of playing a foolish game,
           Tired of trying to make a name.
           "Tommorow" I say "I will call on Jim"
           "Just to show that I'm thinking of him."
           But tommorow comes and tommorow goes,
           And distance between us grows and grows.
           Around the corner!- yet miles away,
           "Here's a telegram sir"
           "Jim died today."
           And thats what we get and deserve in the end.
           Around the corner, a vanished friend.

                          By Henson Towne

A friend sent me this one in my email. The following was enclosed with it.Remember to always say what you mean. If you love someone, tell them. Don't be afraid to express yourself. Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you. Because when you decide that it is the right time, it might be too late. Seize the day. Never have regrets. And most importantly, stay close to your friends and family, for they have helped make you the person that you are today. Pass this along to your friends. It could make a difference. The difference between doing all that you can or having regrets which may stay with you forever.

Red Line

                    Precious Memories    

              You can't buy precious memories
              With silver or gold,
              They come to us without a price
              As the years of life unfold.

              I've longed for many things in life,
              Some with hidden thorns of pain.
              Knowing what was best for me,
              God sent both sunshine and rain.

              Hard times teach us to appreciate
              Good times when they come along,
              If all of life was fun and pleasure,
              How could we ever grow strong?
              God in his infinite wisdom
              Has given me many good years,
              Taught me to sufer with others,
              To feel their sorrows and tears.

              So if you want precious memories
              As the years of life unfold,
              Learn how to love one another,
              Its worth more than silver or gold.
                           By  Omega Watson Wagner

Red Line

               BROKEN PROMISES
               Do you promise to have and to hold
               Til death do you part?
               You said, "I do"
               And that was the start.
                  The start of broken promises
                  A string and not just one.
                  The start of broken promises    
                  How I wish there had been none!

               Do you promise that you love me?
               Will we grow old together as one?
               You said, "Of course I love you, Honey!"
               "You are my moon and my sun."
                  Another broken promise
                  This one a little harder than the last.
                  Another broken promise
                  I just have to put it in the past.
               One day you came home early
               And the house just wasn't clean.
               You'd had a bad day at work.
               The first time I saw you mean.
                  The first slap, the first push
                  The first bruise upon my arm.
                  The first time you called me "stupid"
                  Should have set off an alarm.

               But, you held me in your arms
               And you told me how much you care.
               I couldn't bring myself to leave you.
               How could I? Did I dare?
                  Do you promise never to hit me?
                  Never again! I don't like to bleed!
                  You said, "I'm so sorry baby"
                  "Never again...if that's what you need!"
               Yet, another broken promise
               This one even more painful than before.
               Yet, another broken promise
               But, I couldn't just walk out the door.
                  You kept telling me I was stupid
                  A failure, ugly, a fat cow.
                  You told me I was nothing without you
                  Nobody would want me...not now.

               Nobody wants a coward.
               Nobody wants a stupid ole mule.
               Not even your parents will take you.
               If you think so, you're a fool.

               My life was spent in solitaire.
               Two jobs and not one friend.
               Life with you was more than miserable.
               I decided it must end.
                  End...all of the pain
                  Both physical and with words.
                  End it all if I had to
                  Let my soul soar just like the birds.

               Do you promise to keep her
               Both in sickness and in health?
               Your words were, "I do"
               But, your actions gave me doubt.
                 Another broken promise
                 All I want to do is die.
                 Another broken promise
                 Something simple...let me fly.
                                   by --Elisa Murphy �1997

Elisa was an abused wife until about a year and a half ago. She is now coming to terms with this and trying to get her life back in order. Because of her growth, this poem popped into her head. She hope this helps some people...Now, the ending here is a little morbid, but it is what a lot of abuse victims feel...its how she felt.

Red Line


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Red Line


Background by Cyber Grandma
This page last updated on Wednesday, September 03, 1997 - 10:17 PM

� 1997 CyberGrandma