It was in 1945 when I was just a child 13 years old, (ha ha,lol). My sister Ginny was dating a guy named Ray - and one day Ray brought a friend of his to meet our family. His name was �Bob Snell� ( who later became my husband). Bob was a Truck Driver, and also a guitar playing man,and had brought his guitar with him every time he visited with us. We really enjoyed his singing and playing. We would all sit out in the yard and sing along with him. The neighbors also enjoyed him, and would sit out on their porches to listen as we all sang hymns together. Well, Bob became like one of the family from then on. He came every week-end and always brought his guitar and would leave it at my house, (just to have an excuse to come back.)

I asked him if he would teach me how to play the guitar, and he agreed. So then, he would come on evenings after work and teach me the chords. Bob always attended church with us and was always called on to sing and play his guitar for the congregation.

The very first song I learned to play on it was a song entitled �Cowboy Jack�. I played and sang that song so much that it became my special. Of course, Ray would always come with Bob to see my sister Ginny. Well, I overheard Bob telling Ray that he could take Ginny away from him if he was a mind to. And he did! Bob started dating my sister Ginny, and the more he came to our house, the more attention he gave to me in teaching me to play the guitar. I grew very fond of him, but kept my feelings to myself, because at age 13 my Mom would never let me have a boyfriend. I didn�t know it until a year later when I became 14, that Bob was interested in me. Mom suspected it.

I was now a freshman in High School, and Mom decided to buy a house in another section of the city, (with her alottment checks from my brother Charles, who was in the Navy) which meant I had to change schools. In the meantime Ginny had met a soldier, named Jesse who was home on furlough from the Army and ended up marrying him. Bob continued to come to our house, and our relationship began to grow a little more serious. We were together more and more. He would come by and pick me up when there was no school, and I would go with him on the truck. So, one day , at the end of his Route, he was taking me home, and He popped the question. These were his exact words of proposal. � Honey, let�s you and I run off and get hitched up together�!

When we confronted my Mother with the news, Mom wasn�t one bit surprised. She told Bob that I was much too young to get married, but she knew that we were going to go to a neighboring State and get married anyway. So she gave us her blessings. We were married on June 30, 1947 . I was just past 15 years old, and Bob was 28 (almost 29, come July 25th). We had a great marriage, and lasted �until death do us part�. He passed away on July 1, 1982 from Lung Cancer, just one day after our 35th Wedding Anniversary.

Together we had six children, and at the time of his death, we had five grand-daughters. Today, I have eleven grand-children and 11 Great grand-children. He would be so proud of them if he were living today. I certainly am very proud and thankful to God for them all.


May this, your day, be happy, As we humbly do our best,
To make your day a special one, And bring you happiness.
SARAH greets you with a kiss, And BOBBY shakes your hand,
ROGER gives a great big smile, as only the best he can.
DONNA says �I love you Dad,� JANNIE stands at your side.
DOTTIE climbs upon your lap, All six now show their pride.
Now what do you suppose is Mommy�s part, In planning this whole thing?
With all the love she has for you, She write a message following.

....NOTE: The message following this card is a poem entitled �A MESSAGE FOR DADDY�
This was all written in advance of his 60th birthday.
Written 01-18-78
He used to always tell me he would never reach 50 years old,
but God is the one to say what age we will reach before He calls us home.


Walk a little plainer, Dad, that I may follow you....
Your path is dense and cloudy, Your footsteps are not in view.
You are my prime example God has given unto me.....
So walk a little clearer dad, So I can follow thee.
I want to see through your eyes, my path that is ahead..
Look into the future dad, with me, For by you I am led.
And if per chance I stumble in darkness of the way..
The eyes were blind which led me, Is all that I can say.
Oh, be like Daddy�s ought to be the way God had it planned...
-And speak to me oh so gently, and not with harsh command.
Each step I take behind you will reflect the light you gave..
I�ll follow in your footsteps, till they take me to my grave.
Each step you take will be my guide for your shadow goes before me...
The road you�ve chosen is so hard dad, But Oh, I�m prone to follow thee.
Oh how broad is the way that you�ve chosen, many obstacles thrown in the way...
You seem pleased with the road you�ve chosen, As I follow you, what can I say?
Daddy, I am but a child, and childish I will be...
I just can�t be all grown up yet, until adulthood reaches me.
So following you is all I can do, for you have all the authority...
I cannot therefore criticize the way you�re leading me.
I want to sing like you do, of God�s Amazing Grace...
And express my joy in serving Him, with a smile upon my face.
Oh, sing a little plainer, Dad, in notes of jubilee...
That I might sing as you do, in sweetest harmony.
I want to read the books you read, ands use the words you do...
In all my daily walks in life, I want to follow you.
So choose your books and language Dad, that I�ll not cause you shame...
I�m your child and prone to follow you, and carry on your name.
So wear a smile upon your face each day for me to see...
Speak gentle words of kindness dad, Speak softly unto me.
Oh, smile a little more often dad, that I may smile like thee...
And show the world around me, just how happy I can be.
The way you act, the things you do, I do not understand...
I cannot comprehend your deeds, I need a helping hand.
Your frowns, your deeds, your words and steps, make plainer dad, for me...
Because I am your little child, and prone to follow thee.
A word kindly spoken with a tender smile, A caress is all.... I plead...
If given by you in a right way dad, will take care of my every need.
You seem to live your life in stress, and everything seems to go wrong...
And still you take it all in stride, In blindness you sing a song.
Your life seems full of emptiness, you�re lacking in God�s love...
You know each blessing we receive , must come from up above.
When to God you�re disobedient, you�ll suffer everyday...
For it�s not fate that brings distress, God didn�t plan it that way.
God has called you for His service, through many circumstances sent...
All the sufferings in your body, And you still will not repent.
God�s spoke to you in every way, And in Roger�s accident...
For a moment there, I thought you would repent.
While Mommy teaches righteousness, each day the whole week through...
And every night I�m certain dad, she entercedes for you.
I admire her as she struggles on, to keep-peace in our home...
And God does bless her everyday, as she bears the load alone.
She tries to please each one of us, without no help from you...
You chose her for your helpmeet dad, but she carries your load too.
I�m sure she does the best that she can, in all she tries to do...
But you�re my prime example dad, and I�m prone to follow you.
Mom needs you dad, to back her up, instead you let her down...
But one day up in heaven, dad, I know she�ll wear a crown.
Dad, you�re the prime example, and head of our household...
But Mommy has to take your place, and stand up and be bold.
Galatians five, verses 22 and 23, paul states the Fruits in all should be...
The fruits of the spirit are, love, joy, and peace...
And others follow, they do not cease.
Longsuffering, gentleness, goodness and faith...
Meekness and temperance, the Bible saith.
All these fruits dad, I�d like you to possess...
And your name written in heaven, with God�s forgiveness.
For God keeps a record, of the people on earth...
And writes their name down when He gives them New Birth.
God has recorded in His Holy Word,the duties for man to perform...
Dads have responsibilities to God and their families,
And for this cause they were born.
I know you have a tender heart, and love you can�t express...
But if you let the Lord come in, t�would give me happiness.
For when He comes into your heart, your life will change about...
You will not be the same old Dad, but new within and without.
You�ll have more time for your family, and slack up on watching TV...
Instead you�ll start reading the Bible, the change will be a miracle in thee.
God will replace the heart in your body, with a new one that pleases Him,
You won�t recognize your new feelings, as you start your new life in Him...
What a difference you�ll make in the household, As you take your place at the head,
Then Mom can step back rejoicing, with a shout that could wake up the dead...
Through thick and thin, if you invite Him in,Your blessings will begin to flow...
But then you�ll be tested under stress and strain, I�m sure, this, you already know.
He will not put upon you, no more than you can bear,
Just look at mom and what she�s been through, How God was with her there.
It seems as though you cannot see...... God working through your family...
And even in tasks you undertake......God�s calling you�For Heaven�s sake-
I don�t know your thoughts about Heaven, I don�t know your thoughts about Hell...
But according to the way you are living., Your life is a book that does tell...
A day of separation is coming, I�m afraid you�ll be left all alone...
Please, Dad, there�s time for repentance, before Jesus takes us all home...
Your duties God gave you as a father, to be leader in our household...
The burden was placed all on Mommy, You were weak, when you should have been bold...
Mom taught us to believe in miracles, I guess we will to the end...
And as we say our prayers each night, we pray you will mend and will bend...
Grandma cries and pleads with you, That you will make it right...
For when we�re in our rooms and in bed, we hear her every night...
God�s working through those around you, especially your own fam- i- l- y...
We must suffer consequences along with you, God�s ways are a myst-e-r-y...
For you it�s a call to repentance- to the family a test and a trial...
We�re willing to go all the way with you, right down to the very last mile...
Daddy, please stop rejecting His calling, for our memory of you will perish...
The former things will pass away, Only treasures in heaven we�ll cherish...
Oh, Daddy, if you don�t make it- You�ll look up from the flames in Hell...
And you�ll see your wife and children, who loved you on earth se well...
Daddy, your life is an open book, and your children have read it well...
We�re grateful to Mom who led us away from the road to hell...
This is the road that You�ve shown us, And dad, we�ll not follow it...
For Mom has shown us the right way, that leads away from the pit...
In closing this message dear daddy, we recall a song you composed...
�Blessed Jesus I Can Hear You Calling�, and you sing it with a heart that is closed.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 01-07-78


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