Mom And Her Bible
For My Mother: Sarah May (Hess) Greaver

Many years ago I remember, As memories roll back I recall,
When alone with God in the kitchen, Mom�s eyes on the Bible would fall.
No matter how tired or how weary, from labor the whole day long,
She�d open her Bible and start reading, then closing it up with a song.

God�s Word is so precious to mother, She loves every Word in the Book,
When in joy, or in pain, or in sorrow, She knows where in the Bible to look.
She�s always reading her Bible, Although she�s so nearly blind,
God grants to her enough vision, the lines on it�s pages to find.

The blessed old book is her road map, And has guided her down through the years,
Her hopes and her dreams of heaven, lies content in Christ without fears.
Many chapters she�s quoted from memory, For they�re embedded deep in her heart,
As long as God�s Word dwells within her, His love from her ne�er will depart.

With many years use, her old Bible , it�s pages all yellow and worn,
Mom turns the pages so gently, Afraid one page may get torn.
As long as there�s life in her body, when her feet are too feeble to roam,
She�ll still read her precious old Bible, For it�s words are the way that lead home.

One day there is coming a rapture, when she meets Jesus her Lord in the air,
What a joyous time for my Mother, when her family all join her up there.
With Jesus her Saviour sharing all of His glory, No memory of heartaches and tears,
She�ll have a new body, without spot or blemish, in Heaven where dwelleth no fears.

As much as Mom loves her old Bible, I know it will follow her through,
As she passes from earth into heaven,God�s Word will endure there too.
The same yersterday, today and forever, God�s Word never changes at all,
And those who rewrite it and change it, God�s curses on them will fall.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 10-14-76

Mother's Prayer

When I was but a little girl, how well I recollect,
The time that mom spent on her knees with ne�er a single regret.
The tears I�ve seen roll down her cheeks in prayers to God I heard,
The humbleness of one so dear, I know God bore her load.

At times her burdens were heavy, Sometimes her burdens were light.
Many times she knelt in grief, But God made her life bright.
God bless my children she would cry, and keep them in your care.
For Mother loves them dearly, and their burdens I want to share.

Time is swiftly passing by, my children are growing fast,
I pray your blessings upon them all, On God all their sins be cast.
Now they�ve grown and scattered out, please Lord, direct their paths.
May all their griefs and sorrows be followed with Spiritual laughs.

Thy faithful servant I want to be, as I look to thee for grace,
A shining light to all the world, as I greet them face to face.
God bless my neighbors, and their children too,
Bless the sick and afflicted, and thy chosen few.

God bless the young as well as the old, Lord, keep them all in thy heavenly fold.
God bless my loved ones, and also my home, Help them take care wherever they roam.
And Lord, I ask that you even bless me, Keep me close to thy heart, always near thee.
I feel so unworthy to ask all this, I trust in you Lord, It�s heavenly bliss.

Just keep me humble and full of grace, till this life is ended, and I�ve won the race.
Now Lord, remember the rich and poor, supply their need from door to door.
We�re created equal with no exception, Lord take them all into thy protection.
And bless my enemies, whomever they be, whether far or near, or across the sea.

Now Lord, if there�s any I�ve overlooked, Bless all that�s recorded in your heavenly book.
Now I am no longer a little girl, for truly, I�ve fully grown up,
And Mother�s prayers still ring in my ears, God surely hath filled her cup.
Her life is a shining example, She showed us a good way to live,
God bless her because she�s my Mother, for the love and the prayers that she give.

I hope I can live up to her standards, and obtain all the faith that she�s got,
For never, was there ever, a mother, who on God has cast all her lot.
So in closing this poem, Mom, my thoughts rest with you,
With a song in my heart, and a prayer just for you.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 02-16-62


Just a poor little widow, with seven children lived alone,
She kept her faith in Jesus which made it a Christian home.
Seven days a week she prayed and sang the whole day long,
God richly blessed her everyday, As she praised Him in her song.
Although her sight grew very dim, God�s light did shine the way,
She dearly loved the word of God, And read it everyday.
Often she came home from work, So weary, tired, and worn,
But never once did I hear her say, Lord, why was I ever born?

She�s hurry through the evening meal, without a bit of rest,
She�d say to all the children,�Hurry up, you all get dressed�.
T�will soon be time to go to church, Now hurry, we don�t want to be late,
We children trampled on each other�s feet, As we headed through the gate.
We pranced along the hillside, so young and gay and strong,
And Mother followed eagerly, to join the merry throng.
Mom was faithful attending revivals, And would never miss a night,
For she went to worship Jesus, And see souls born into light.

And when she stood to testify, She couldn�t help but shout,
Her cup was running over, As God�s Spirit flowed about.
She lived each day as Sunday, Seven Sabbaths was her week,
As everyday she served Hm, And His guidance she did seek.
This faithful Christian widow, Had a rough hard road to trod,
Seven children she had raised, with all her help from God.
She set a great example for all the world to see,
With God all things are possible, No greater God than He!.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 10-22-76


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