All testimonies have a Beginning. Mine would have to start with my mother,
a Godly woman who lived her testimony for all to see.
She set a great example for me and my siblings.
Dad died from miners consumption at the early age of 52 years,
leaving behind a very young widow at age 38 years
and 7 children, ages ranging from 19 months to 14 years.
I remember my mother�s last good-by to dad.
The undertaker was taking his body out the door and mom made this remark,
which has had a great impact on me to this day.
She said,�I�ll see you again Munch� (This was her nick-name for dad.)
I was ten years old at the time, and I really didn�t know what she meant,
when she told my dad she would see him again.
We lived approximately a half mile from our little church,
and we walked it rain or shine every Wednesday and Sunday.

We had no vehicle, simply because we couldn�t afford one.
I remember Mom was first to be born-again, and the day of her baptism,
we were walking home from Sunday School, and about half way home,
the power of God came down, and Dad was saved in the middle of the road.
They both were shouting the rest of the way home from church.
That very afternoon, was when my Mom was scheduled to be Baptised,
in the River that flows through our town,
so when dad saw my Mother take the first step into the river,
Dad threw off his hat and said,� I may as well go too,�
and he did, in his Sunday-Go-To-Meetin� suit, (the only suit he owned).
My mother raised all 7 of us children with the help of God.
(By the way, I have included in my poem section,
a few poems of my Mother, and the little church on the Hill
(where she gave her heart to Jesus),
and where I attended as a child.

My mother�s last few years were spent living with me.
I took care of her because she was blind from Glacoma caused from Diabetes.
She became too feeble to go to church,
so we had church in my home for her on Tuesday nights.
I can still see her shouting in my Living room as she gave her testimony.
I always said, I just hope I can live as close to God as my Mother.
She taught us children how to trust and depend on God for all our needs.
And so I have during my own Widowhood.
I too was widowed at an early age,
but not as early and as soon as my Mother.

I have depended on God for everything.
I can�t even go to sleep without Him. I tell Him that also.
I�m most always down on my knees from 1:30 AM to 2:00 AM
talking with my Heavenly Father.
That�s after I�ve read some in my Bible.
If I was to tell my story,
it would take a large volume book to do so.
So my testimony here is: I love Jesus, and He loves me!
I have my total being in HIM.
God is so good, so merciful,
so understanding, and so full of Grace.
Those of you who happen in on my site and read this testimony,
I pray a special blessing on you and yours.

I SAMUEL 12:23
�Moreover as for me,
God forbid that I should sin against the Lord
in ceasing to pray for you."

(Sequel to �My Testimony�)

I want to tell my story of how Jesus took me in,
I wasn�t really bad but yet I was in sin
My heart did not belong to God, still yet, I�d always pray,
For I knew that I would soon begin to serve my Lord each day

. One night about two years ago, (1948) I heard God speak to me,
He put me under conviction and would not let me be
I�d go to bed and pray each night , and I could almost see
Myself become a Christian, From bonds of sin set free.

It was during one Revival, when I heard God speak to me
Saying �take your child and go to church, A blessing you�ll receive.
You�ll find you feel much better, after visiting there with me�.
I did as God had bade me-Praise God! He set me free.

I sat two pews from the front, and I began to pray
Then Jesus spoke again to me, His name so did I praise
I prayed there at the alter, and again at home that night
I cried and prayed myself to sleep, till I awoke in the morning light.

I went again the next night, and each night after that
I felt His Spirit within me, I was SAVED and SURE of that.
He strengthened me from day to day, as each new day passed by
I�m now determined to make heaven my home and live with Him on high.

He saved my soul from the depths of Hell, That night when He called my name
I yielded my heart and soul to Him. And for All he�ll do the same.
Now daily I search the scriptures, drawing as close to Him as I can
And started my prayer intercessions for my family, my friends, and fellowman.
(Composed 8/5/50)


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