There�s one who bears the sweetest name
Who walked the earth and bore our shame.
In Him is joy, He cheers me when I�m sad,
He�s the greatest friend I ever had.
He mends broken hearts and heals diseases,
No one can take the place of Jesus.
He is my Saviour, He gives me life,
And walks with me in this world of strife.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 10-25-80


Sickness is something that�s so hard to face,
It calls for great courage, for strength and for grace.
I�ve heard all about your battle with pain,
I,m praying now that your health you will gain.
I�m glad I�m a Born-again Christian today,
And know that God hears me whenever I pray.
May God bless you now, I�ll sure do my part,
And the blessings I send you, comes straight from my heart.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 09-11-84


Children are a blessing sent down from God on High,
�Take these, they are my treasure�, said God to you and I.
Teach them of my Son Jesus, How His life He freely gave,
Teach them all about my love, And always be strong and brave.

To you I entrust their moulding, in their span of time on earth,
Encourage them to talk to me often, for I love to hear their prayers.
Let them know that besides their parents, There�s a greater one who cares.

Tell them I�ll never forsake them, I�ll always be at their side,
Where-ever they go, What ever they do, With them I�ll always abide.
I�m just lending them to you for a little while, they make a happy home,
Parents give your time to them, don�t leave them just to roam.

Don�t shove them on another, I�ve entrusted them to you,
Moms and Dada, provide for them, what I have given you.
Food and shelter and love I give, so much you cannot measure,
So lavish them with care, I say, For they are all �My treasure."

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 04-03-78


This world is full of sin and sorrow, people claim they�re having a good time,
But let me tell you, this life in Jesus, is purified and it�s divine
This beautiful life in Christ I�m living, I tell the world, I�ll not turn back
He loves us all- and we all should love Him, His Glory I�ll forever shout.

I testify my best for Jesus, In love I know He�ll strengthen me,
I�m striving for my home in heaven, to live with Him eternally.
How sad will be for those unwilling to heed the call from their lost fate,
When Jesus comes in clouds of Heaven, For them I know, t�will be too late.

Invitation now to all is given, don�t procrastinate till its too late;
For when He comes, He�ll give no mercy, Choose Now to enter the pearly gate
There�s wondrous joy each day in living, a life in Him and fully giving.
I wouldn�t trade my soul for pleasure, Because in Him I find my treasure.

My life in Him words can�t express, the sweetest joy and happiness.
Contentment fills the child of God, and overshadows the road we trod.
I now invite you to come to Jesus, For He is your only hope,
Repent and invite Him into your heart, He is the strength that helps us cope.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 08-19-50

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