Train up a child in the he should go
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6


�Train up a child in the way he should go,�
God gave this command to all men,
Most parents today, don�t know what it means,
To lead their children from sin.
Excuses, excuses, in darkness are they,
Leading their children down the wrong way.
They set an example in the way that they live,
And their children are following the pattern they give.

We live in a country where God is profound,
In Bibles, books, tracts, and churches He�s found.
One day soon this world will end,
Who will then their excuses defend?
God has recorded it plain in His Word,
They may not have read it, but surely they�ve heard.
�We�ll reap what we sow, in the Bible we�re warned,
To ignore it, not heed it, will cause great forlorn

God placed the man as the head of the home,
To lead the family together, and not let it roam.
The wife is to be in subjection to him,
Not run to the divorce courts, to satisfy every whim.
Parents today are so selfish it seems,
Thinking only of self, and what joy it can bring.
We can�t get along, is the excuse that they give,
But what of the children, and the life that they give?

�I love my children� you hear parents say,
Their actions show it in a very poor way.
They�re not teaching them the ��fear and admonition of God��
And what of chastisement, God said �Use the rod�.
They don�t take their children to the house of the Lord,
Some just send them, wanting praise as reward..
What kind of example is this for a child?
It�s no wonder they all run so wild.

Parents I warn you this day e�er you die,
One day in Hell you�ll look up and cry.
�Have mercy on me, O God, what I�ve done,�
�Give me another chance, Oh please God, just one�
The whole family�s suffering sheer torture and pain,
The children are screaming that we are to blame.
But God will not hear them in that firey place,
For His judgment is just, They�re removed from His face.

Junior will yell,�you did this to me,�
If only you�d warned me, today I�d be free.
Sissy will point a finger and scream,
�I hate you, I hate you�, and it won�t be a dream.
You said that you loved them, this love that you gave,
Has led the whole family to a firey grave.
You�ll certainly reap the life that you sow,
Forever and ever, to the place where you go.

Heaven or Hell, now which will it be?
Call now on God, Hell set your life free.
What can you do when you stand before God?
Facing the judgment of His wrath and rod?
And what of your children who curse you in hate?
�And cry out in Hell, You�re the cause of our fate.�
Parents and children, whole families in Hell,
Makes a sad picture, A sad story to tell.

Today is the day, and earth is the place,
To prepare the whole family, the judgment to face.
Oh, parents, Where is your Godly fear?
And concern for your children, the time is so near.
Repent of your sins, and turn from your ways,
Start serving the Lord, there�s still a few days.
Where is that love for your children you spake,?
It�s time to Arise and awake....Awake!

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 01-07-78


One night while on my knees to God, praying but not in vain,
I gazed into the heavens, His Spirit fell like rain.
In tears I know He heard my plea, my heart was full of pain.
In mercy there, He came to me, In my heart I knew no shame.

He took away my burden, so heavy it did bear,
He gave me glorious peace and rest, when He saw me humbled there.
With tender mercy He answered, it came so suddenly,
I blinked my eyes and looked again, and he said, �my child, you�re free.�

I saw the face of Jesus, I shivered though warm the night,
His Spirit fell upon me there, and took away my fright.
The glow I saw upon His face, will live forever more,
As I strive my best to serve Him, keep open my heart�s door.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 08-12-61


Since I gave my heart to Jesus, the Devil�s been hovering close,
The closer I get to my Saviour, Satan just doubles the dose.
And when I have won the victory, Old Satan crawls in a hole,
He�ll be out again to try me, But I will not yield him my soul.

In the Bible I have found, In St. James four and seven,
Resist the Devil and he will flee from you,
And you�re well on your way to heaven.
As I often read in the sacred Book, In it�s pages I always find,
A way to life and happiness, when I cast old Satan behind.
First Corinthians ten and thirteen, I find what is surely ahead,
That what we go through, Is nothing to what Jewsus suffered instead.

I�ll just put on the whole armour of God, not trust in just any old cape.
For my faith in God�s Word, and His promises to me, make a way for me to escape.
The Devil is wise and sneaky too, He knows our weakest ways,
I�ll just cling more closer to God, And serve Him the rest of my days.
I�ve knowledge of Jesus and Satan too, but for me only one rings a bell,
The voice of my Saviour will lead me to Heaven, Satan�s voice will lead me to hell.

So listen dear people, give heed to this warning, Satan is setting a snare,
What ever you do, where ever you go, he will never leave you alone,
Till he has succeeded in claiming your soul, And keep you away from God�s throne.
Remember the first Bible verse mentioned here, cast all your cares upon God,
Resist the Devil and he will flee from you, The straight road to heaven you�ll trod.
As I write this poem with such inspiration, I whisper a prayer for the lost,
From my own experience, I give you this warning, As Jesus paid fully the cost.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 02-09-62


Nowhere is �LOVE� so completely, so beautifully, or so meaningfully described,
As is stated in the pages of the Bible, If you possess it, (then it) you can�t hide.
Love is patient, kind, giving of itself, never makes one furious,
Love is never jealous or envious, read what God says, if you�re curious.

Love is never boastful or proud, never haughty, selfish or rude,
If you desire to obtain it, read the twenty-first verse of Jude.
Love does not demand it�s own way, It�s not irritable, touchy, nor mean,
It does not hold grudges against others, but �love� if you have it is seen.

Love hardly will notice, when an enemy has done them a �wrong�,
Never glad about injustice, but when �truth� wins, rejoices in song.
From God you�re more likely ro receive it, after you�ve given it first,
Freely and willingly to others, It satisfies spiritual hunger and thirst.

The Bible defines the real meaning, It�s truth and what it is worth,
You obtain it when you receive Jesus, helps you grow in your �new birth�.
If this definition doesn�t apply to your life, then consider your priorities and needs,
Learn love in its practical application, Invite Christ in your heart with speed.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 01-08-78

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