It was June fourth, the year seventy-three,
The day that I met you opened a new leaf for me
My life was a closed book, yet God knew my needs,
I needed a lift, and He chose you for me.

No matter what comes, no matter what goes,
My life was fading away like a rose.
I was inspired to the fullest, the day I met you,
To me you are special, A friend who is true.

All I�ve endured from years gone by,
I bottled up tightly, But I knew not why.
God brought us together, I�m sure for a reason,
He must have known, I was going out of season.

My spirits were low, my faith growing weak,
Then suddenly one day I heard you speak.
The witness you gave each day on the floor,
Was oil to the hinges, which opened the door.

God reached me through you, during our conversations,
Each time that we chatted, you were a great inspiration,
I confided in you all my heartaches, and cares,
Your shoulders seemed broad, It�s good friends who shares.

To add to your burdens, which I know you had
Was selfish of me, I must have been mad.
But, oh how you blessed me, each time that we met,
Juanita, I�m grateful, and I�ll never forget.

I�ll cherish your memory, the smile on your face,
I pray for you daily, God keep you in grace.
He never has failed me, Nor will He fail you,
For He promises us heaven, If we but keep true.

Earthly parting has come, and you�ve moved far from me,
Just a few hundred miles, not across the sea.
Although there are miles between us,
The distance can never erase, all the love I have for you,
And the memory of your dear face.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 04-03-75


How sad to think what this world would be, if there were no LV/PN.
What a waste of knowledge and nursing skill, for �theory� is only a trend.
Bedside nursing from one who cares, mean more to a patient who is ill,
For all the �theory� found in books, cannot supply and fulfill.

It cannot bring comfort to the one in pain,or soothe by the �touch of a hand�,
Theory cannot find a place, where personal needs are in demand,
Neither can it comfort the heart, of the patient terminally ill,
But bedside nursing in every phase, is needed and always will.

So take your �Theory� and the title it gives, as RN with diploma or degree,
For I feel sure if a survey were made, most LV/PN�s would agree.
If we had the choice to make again, in entering the �Health Care Field,�
We�d choose the profession of LVPN, where bedside nursing can be filled.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 06-18-78


Laying there on a magazine shelf, t�was plain for me to see,
A specific paper of interest, I thought, �I�ll take it home with me�.
Having no idea it existed, I had never seen one before,
Can you guess what I saw while shopping, in a local grocery store?
A local County paper, Entitled �The Harrison County Post��
I mused to myself as I read it, This is just simply the most!
I placed it in my shopping cart, and thought,�now isn�t this nice�.
News from around the county, And at a reasonable price.
Before I finish it�s contents, I vowed, I must subscribe,
So with meal-time over and the dishes done, I put everything else aside.
I look forward now to Wednesday�s, and my Harrison County Post,
With all the latest up-to-date news, and items which interest me most.
Now what do I have to contribute, as I mail my subscription fee?
This little poem about it, written and composed by me.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 02-14-75


Many churches today now walk with the world,
Seems there�s �No Sin�in the things that they do..
Bingo parties and dances, and rummage sales,
In church basements and upstairs too...

They say,�we�re not in the sanctuary,�
But separate from the �Holy Place�...
But God told Moses, the whole ground was Holy,
When he talked to him face to face...

The basement is called the foundation,
Therefore it must be strong....
But if Satan claims one corner stone,
The whole building is weak and wrong...

Some churches hold �Club� meetings,
In the teaching rooms of the church...
�Club� people may bow heads for a minute,
Is it club formality, or is God really in it?...

They�ll use the �Lord�s Prayer� as a pattern for this,
When the heart�s not in it, it�s just praying �amiss�...
They�ve forgotten the place wherein they stand
Was built for �Worship�, and dedicated by man...

Our many forefathers of yesteryear,
Would jump back in their graves, if today they were here...
Because of the Sin in the churches they built,
And seeing the hearts of them, bear no guilt...

In Isaiah fifty-six, verse seven,
God called it �My House Of Prayer�....
They�ve brought the �World� into the prayer house of God
It�s no wonder, God�s Spirit�s NOT there...
Instead of teaching �The straight narrow way�,
They buy, sell, and sometimes to enter, a Fee some must pay..
They�ve kitchens, and cabinets, baby-beds and more..
Tables, sinks, stoves, refrigerators, nurseries, and toys galore..

Bingo and Bridge tables, bar stools and bars,
Makes my head swim, I can almost see stars.
Some churches don�t even have alters,
Wouldn�t know what one was for.
Some day they�ll wish they had one,
To run to when they enter the door.

There are various scriptures in the Bible,
That tell us of God�s �House of Prayer�,
Read it, confirm it, and study it,
No parties, no commerce is there.

So, beware of the churches you enter,
Make sure that it�s God�s �House of Prayer�,
God�s church (people) is without spot or wrinkle,
Be aware of this and take care.

Ecclesiastes, seven, verse two,
Says that�s the end for all men,
I believe this verse so important,
So, go back and read it again.
�It�s better to go to the house of � mourning� itreads,
Than to go to the house of �Feasting�,
�For that�s the end for all men,� it says
This is a good topic for �Preaching�.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 08-24-83

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