And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter,
that he may abide with you for ever. Even the Spirit of truth;
whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him:
but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while,
and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
- John 14:16-19


Oh, there�s going to be a meeting in the sky,
And the first face we see, will be Jesus.
There�ll be Fathers, and Mothers, and kinsmen galore,
And Husbands and wives rise to meet us.

There in the sky, in the twinkle of an eye,
We�ll be changed from Mortal to Immortal,
Oh what joy will be known,
When we gaze upon the throne.
When as His Bride,
We�ll be carried through the portal.

We will know as we are known,
As we gather round the throne,
And He opens up the mysteries to us all.
Why we always wondered this,
Why we always wondered that,
All the mysteries which began with Adam�s fall.

Let us live as if each day,
Could be the one-
When our Lord descends,
To call His children home,
Oh what grace there will abound,
When we hear the trumpet sound,
And He bids His Bride to come,
The Victory�s Won!

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 12-03-76


Oh, how well do I remember, when I invited Jesus in,
I could feel His wooing Spirit, As He took away my sin.
My Saviour now abides with me, and leads me all the way,
He purchased my salvation, There�s no more debt to pay.

I cannot express the joy I felt as He entered in,
He made my heart a dwelling place, for the Spirit �s work to begin
There�s transformation in my life, I�ve no desire to sin.
When conversion took it�s entrance, gave me new life to begin.

Day by day I let Him lead me, My decisions He helps me make,
Sometimes when I err and stumble, His outstretched hand I take.
Oh, His strength is mine abundant, when I call on Him for grace,
He will Never, ever leave me, I�ll not betray Him with disgrace.

How can one who has ever known Him, turn from Him to sin again?
And disgrace our blessed Saviour, What a horrible, horrible sin!
Victory! Victory! Over all, He�ll give us when on Him we call.
There are times when disobedient, He chastises me in love,
His consern for me is precious, keeps me aware of God above.

Let me say to you today, If you are wasting life away,
The Judgment Day has all been set, And all your sins you�ll sure regret.
When you face God with all your past, The wrath of God, at last, at last!
His day of wrath is soon to come, You don�t have time to waste,
Come to him while there is hope, Make haste, make haste, make haste!

We have no promise of another day, You don�t have time to wait,
Call on Him this very day, Tomorrow may be too late.
Now, it�s your turn, what will you say?
Are you turning him, down? Will you accept Him today?

If you�re already a Christian, you know what I mean,
But, if you�re unsaved, your sins are all seen.
Mine are forgiven and cast far away,
Give yours to Jesus and do it today!

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 12-14-77


I met a young maiden, one day long ago,
Bed laden in pain from a car wreck tis so.
I was your Nurse in the hospital there,
The day you came in, you were under my care.
I suffered with you each time that I had,
To change your position, the pain was so bad.
The moment I met you, I loved you I know,
Each day I attended you, our friendship did grow.

You�re one of God�s children, He sent you to me,
I thought, �help me Lord, to win her to thee,�
Each day I will witness, in actions and deeds,
�Lord help me to meet and supply all her needs.�
Physicially and spiritually, reveal unto me,
Just how I can win Little Nellie to thee.�
I�ll tell her how loving, O God, that thou art,
And tell her of Jesus, Lord, I�ll do my part.

I entrust my sweet Nellie, to your loving care,
If ever she needs me, Lord, let me be there.
Thank you dear Lord, for sparing her life,
You granted her Motherhood, You made her a wife.
On my day off, she called me at home,
She wanted my prayer, but not on the phone.
We prayed together, little Nellie and I,
And now she awaits her home up on high.

Lord, now she�s your servant, her heart we did capture,
Now we�re waiting together to meet in the rapture.
I know Nellie loves you, I don�t have to be told,
The moment you saved her, Her witness was bold.
I know that you love her, And you love �Roy� too,
Lord work through her now, to win him to you.
Bless �Jason� their baby, you gave unto them,
Just Bless them, and Bless them, And Bless them again.

Now, Nellie remember, how sweet was the day,
I came to the hospital to show you the way.
In closing this poem now, my thoughts rest with you,
With a song in my heart, and a prayer just for you.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 11-07-78


There�s one who bears the sweetest name, Who walked the earth and bore our shame
He brings me joy, and cheers when sad, He�s the greatest friend I ever had.
He mends the heart and heals diseases, No one can take the place of Jesus.
He�s Lord and Saviour of my life, And walks with me in this world of strife.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 10-25-80


In you I know I have a friend, with lasting friendship to the end,
And hoping one day you will be, A brand-new sister-in-law to me.
And as our letters come and go, Our greetings travel high and low.
There is a bond t�wixt you and me, as we share our feelings frequently.
And as I close this little poem, I pray God�s Blessings on your home.
And now until we meet again, Receive God�s blessings, Trust in Him.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 02-16-78


I met a sweet lady, one day long ago,
I failed to record the date of it though.
I�m getting older and my memory�s bad,
Having to write everything down is sad.
Our friendship blossomed, as time flew by,
And will continue to grow till we meet in the sky.
I haven�t expressed it the way I would like,
It�s there all the same, and I hold onto it tight
You�ve shared part of my life, and you know how I feel,
I don�t take friendship lightly, when I know that it�s real.
We�ll both share in Heaven, God�s wonderful love,
As we share it below, we bind it above.
No way on this earth, our love can we measure,
As we strive here on earth, To lay up heavenly treasure.
Today for some reason, you�re deep in my mind,
And maybe it�s just a coincidence, I find.
For the month of January brings sad memories,
Of ones we both loved, who has left you and me.
Edna, I wish there was someway to show,
What you mean to me, here on this earth below.
There�s one up in Heaven with an all seeing eye,
Who binds us together, and no one can untie.
I shall never forget you, My sweet Edna dear,
We�ll meet in the Rapture, By and by, we don�t fear.
In closing this poem now, my thoughts rest with you,
With a song in my heart and a prayer just for you.

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written 01-23-78

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