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Vaccination Information



It is recommended that travelers to Thailand have up-to-date vaccination against
• Tetanus
• Polio
• Hepatitis A
All children must be vaccinated and have proof. Other recommended vaccinations are for
• Hepatitis B
• Typhoid
• Rabies.

It's advisable to get vaccinations for hepatitis A (and possibly B), polio, rabies, typhoid and tuberculosis, but those for cholera are reputedly ineffective, even counter-productive. If you do decide to have several injections, plan your course at least four weeks in advance. All travelers should have had tetanus and diphtheria boosters, and checked their measles, mumps and rubella immunization is complete. High AIDS awareness means needles aren't reused, so no need to bring a syringe pack unless it's for insulin etc.

Some vaccinations require shots weeks apart, so enquire at least six weeks before departure.

Thanks to eradication programmes, malaria is only an issue on the Burma, Laos or Cambodia borders and in remoter forested parts of Thailand. Thai tropical medicine experts often caution against malaria prophylaxis due to resistant strains of the disease and sometimes severe side effects (particularly front Larium)-if you plan to go trekking or visit border areas, consult a specialist. Not getting bitten is the best protection, so wear white and use insect repelling lotions Qaico is reliable), sprays, coils and electric tabs. Most rooms have screens or nets.

That's also the only defence against haemorrhagic dengue fever (kai leuad ok). Passed on by the daytime, striped legged Aedes mosquito, dengue has similar symptoms to malaria, but no prophylaxis or cure. It is most serious in children, the elderly and repeat sufferers. Seek early diagnosis (before the rash starts).

Malaria risk exists throughout the year in rural areas throughout the country, especially in forested and hilly areas and around the international borders. There is no risk in cities and the main tourist resorts, e.g. Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Phuket and Samui.

Food and water-borne diseases are common. Use only bottled or otherwise sterilised (eg boiled) water for drinking, brushing teeth or making ice. Unpasteurised milk should also be boiled, although pasteurised or homogenised milk is available from some dairies. Tinned or powdered milk is safe as long as it is reconstituted with sterile water. Beware of dairy products that may have been made with un-boiled milk. Stick to meat and fish that have been well cooked, preferably served hot, but not reheated. Avoid raw vegetables and unpeeled fruit.

New malaria drug on market now, Malarone, which is reportably really good because little or no side effects, unlike the Larium anti-malaria previously prescribed. You only take one tablet per day, two days prior to travel and each day in malaria infected area, and continue for approx week after leaving infected area. This is available on prescription in Ireland, but is still very expensive here, though worthwhile if you want protection without the hastle.
The average price for Vaccinations are:



HEP A/B €40 -€45

There is normally a consultation fee on top of this, depending on whether the vaccines have been administered by a Nurse, or Medical Practitioner.
With regard to the Hepatitis vaccination, it is administered in two-three injections, one on your first visit, the follow-up booster one month after this so it is advisable to arrange for this a few weeks prior to departure. You are fully covered after the second vaccination for one but you can get a follow up booster injection six months after your second vaccine which will lasts for up to ten years.
The Typhoid vaccination also comes in tablet form, and the Polio can be taken orally for those of you not too needle-friendly!! Consult your local doctor for these vaccinations, as they can order them in for you in advance of your trip and this may work out cheaper than going to a specialised clinic. Shop around for the best prices, and always ask what consultations fees are included on top of vaccines.






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