Our Awards

To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends,
To appreciate beauty,
To find the best in others,
To leave the world a better place,
Whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition.
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived,
This is to have succeeded.

....Ralph Waldo Emerson

A special thanks goes out to all who have honoured me with their awards
Click on the award to visit the wonderful people who create and give out these awards.

Keeper of the Stars
The Brat Cats

Received 1/10/1998
This award is given to those who devote their time and efforts to the rescue/shelter/welfare of stray animals and also to those who adopt these strays, thus giving them a second chance at life.
Site of the Month
Cricket's Home for Wayward Animals

Received 1/10/1998
Congratulations on being named Cricket's Home for Wayward Animals' Site of the Month. An outstanding achievement in website design and content.
Paws Up Award
Paws Up Award

Received 3/10/1998
Congradulations on a Site well done. I am pleased to present to you the "Paws Up Award" for having a site dedicated to the well being cats.
Luis Talcum Powder
Luisito's Talcum Powder

Received 11/10/1998
Hi Ben, my bunny told me I must present to you his Award. He is very very happy that in the world there is people like you.
Tigger's Lifesaving Award
Tigger's Lifesaving Award

Received 14/10/1998
Presented to all the webmasters whose pages promote animal rescue, shelter adoptions & spaying/neutering.
Texans for Animals
Texans for Animals

Received 31/10/1998
Your site shows an outstanding devotion to animals.
Making it Count

Received 2/11/1998
Pet'escue encompasses all that our fur friends need ... love, compassion, hope and understanding! I have never experienced a site so dedicated to the love of our companions! Your presentation of the site is a well balanced blend of peace and insanity (it's something that happens to humans who love animals) and we love it!
Unconditional Love Award
Pawprints and Purrs

Received 2/12/1998
The Unconditional Love Award was presented to The Pet'escue Network for it's devotion and dedication to Animal Welfare
Precious Paws Award
Pawprints and Purrs

Received 2/12/1998
The Precious Paws Award was presented to The Pet'escue Network for it's devotion and dedication to Felines
Westies Downunder
Westies Downunder

Received 16/2/1999
I was extremely impressed with your web page. It's very obvious that you care very deeply for animals and that you have spent a great deal of time and effort in putting together such a vast array of information.
The SW Award

Scout World Productions
Received 5/3/1999
Handsome Award
Diabella Loves Cats

Received 8/9/1999
I have just become aware of your site and would like to offer you a highly coveted award. Many have applied for the Handsome award, yet very few have recived it. You are providing a wonderful service and your dedication is apparent. Handsome would have applauded you.
Gladiol's Award of Excellence
Gladiol�s Shetland Sheepdogs

Received 9/9/1999
(From Sweden) I want to give you my award because I really like your web.

Received 6/10/1999
We thought your webhome was very pleasing to the eye and contains alot of great information.

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|| Tribute To Special Pets | Health Watch | Wall of Fame ||

|| Apply for The Pet'escue Award | Award Winners ||

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