Feline Heartworm Disease
Cats get heartworms too...

Dirofilaria immitis infection in cats is a very real clinical problem with a increasing incidence and awareness. Heartworm disease in cats was originally reported in Brazil in 1921; and has been reported worldwide. Cats with heartworm disease are consistently diagnosed in heartworm endemic areas where dogs have the disease.
The increased awareness of the disease has made antemortem diagnosis more common. The frequency of heartworm infection in the cat is generally accepted to correlate with the dog population of the area, but at a lower incidence. The clinical signs and diagnostic approach are different in the cat as compared to the dog; which has impaired the veterinarian's ability to detect this parasite in the cat. New techniques and methodologies have now made the cat owner and veterinarian better able to be aware of this potentially severe disease.
|| Susceptibility | What to Look For | Clinical Signs | Clinical Management | Preventive Medication ||