image map menu - for text links use links at bottom of page what to do in Rome suggested sites for reading everyone needs help now and then.. what's good surf the net my personal opinion back to Romanpride Here is a listing of what I know are publications available as either subscription or newstand copies. These are the best that I know of, but if you read one that deserves to be here, let me know!

The Southern Voice is a weekly newspaper that covers gay news throughout Georgia and the nation. It is available by subscription or free at newstands towards the Atlanta area.
Casa Azul is not a strictly gay oriented magazine, but a quarterly publication that bills itself as a "Cultural Journal for the Southeast" - a forum for the diverse voices of the Southeast. It's a free, local publication, and interesting reading.
The Advocate is a monthly magazine covering worldwide news for the community. It is available both by mail (in a privacy wrapper) or at better newstands. This magazine covers the G/L/Bi/Trans community well, and has a variety of topics and opinions from just about everyone. They have a cool web site, check it out!
The Electronic Gay Community Magazine is, well, just that.
Whosoever is an online magazine for gay, lesbian and bisexual christians. I just saw the first issue, and it did look balanced, informative and fair.

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