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Timothy Dalton's Last Premieres

First Nights of 2001 and 2002

      The only feature film with the participation of Timothy Dalton was issued during the two last years. But then this one is on the big screen! For the majority of Russian Timothy Dalton's admirers it will be, probably, the first time they could watch the movie with the idol in the film theatre.

      "American Outlaws" became "American Heroes" while were moving from USA to Russia! Well, this probably successful promotion stunt will help to make Russians to take an interest in the destinies of famed gangsters. Indeed, Russian viewers are not so good informed in this field, as their American vis-à-vis ones. The hudreds of books and films about Jesse James, the tens of books and films about the great detective Allan Pinkerton in English - from the one side of Atlantic Ocean, - the units of the dubbed films with the mentioning of the name of Jesse and the complete absence the books even about Allan Pinkerton in Russian - from the other one.

      The American First night took place on August, 17, 2001. It"s impossible to tell, that the responses in the local press were only warm, and the viewers' estimations were different - from admiration to the slashing criticism. However the work of Timothy Dalton, as usual, won only a praise!

      So - don't miss it!

      We publish here the advertising materials about the demonstration of the film "American Outlaws" in Russia, kindly given us by the managers of the company "Ekatherinburg-Art", which provides the exhibition of "American Outlaws" in our country.

      K.E., 29.01.2002


The exhibition in USA and Canada

The plan of exhibition in Russia

The First night in Moscow

The poster of American Outlaws



Advertising in the Net

Synopsis of the film

The exhibition in USA and Canada

      The exhibition of "American Outlaws" in the film theatres in USA and Canada beginning since August, 17, 2001 - provides WARNER BROTHERS (2-2,5 thousands of copies).

The plan of exhibition in Russia

      The presentation for press will take place on February 1, 2002 in the film theatre "POBEDA" ("VICTORY")in Moscow. The First night of the film will be there on February 13, 2002.

      The First night in Saint-Petersburg will be on February 7, 2002, in the film theatre "Colosseum".

      The date of February 14, 2002 is the start day of the film exhibition in Russia. That day the inhabitants of cities Omsk, Perm, Vladivostok and Nizhni Novgorod can see "American Outlaws" at the film theatres. A little bit later, beginning with February, 21, this film will be shown to the viewers in Yaroslavl, Ekaterinburg, Tver. Beginning with March, 1, inhabitans of Kaliningrad, Naberegnie Tchelny, Irkutsk and Khabarovsk will join with them.

      In all the inhabitants of MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED (!) towns and cities of Russia could watch this movie in theatres.

The First night in Moscow

      The official Opening night of "American Outlaws" will take place on Wednesday, February 13, 2002, in the picture palace "POBEDA" ("The Victory") in Moscow.

      Common meeting - at 18.30 (6.30 p.m.). Film's beginning - at 19.00 (7 p.m.).

      The Premiere's programme includes a cordon bleu cold table and a living music.


      Promotion of the film "American Outlaws" picks up its speed!

      The unprecedented sum of money was diverted to advertise this movie - 100 000 dollars! The promos with the mentioning names of the starting film theatres will be aired on the all favourite TV-Channels and the games on the theme of "American Outlaws" will be organized simultaneously on the most popular Radio Stations:


      Everyone, who wants, can become a participant in these games and win a prize - a videotape or another souvenir from the company "Ekatherinburg-Art", and the thing, that comes before everything - the tickets to visit the largest film theatres to watch "American Outlaws". The journalists of all popular editions in mass-media will be invited to the presentations of the movie in Moscow and Saint Petersburg!

      The total amount of promos for the Radio-stations above (the airing since February 7 until February 24) will be no less than 250 times! And additionally there will be the games with the audience for the tickets to the film and the constant mentioning in the news!

      The promos of the film will be aired everywhere on Federal and Youth Channels (MUS-TV, MTV) at the best time and in the most popular television programmes!

      In the middle of February we ought to wait the appearance a number of large publications about the film in all Russian biggest newspapers and magazines!

Advertising in the Net

      Official Web-site: www.AmericanOutlaws.com (you will find there the photoes, the press release and another useful information).

      Another resources in the Net:

Synopsis of the film

      The company "Ekatherinburg-ART" and the company "Warner Brothers / Morgan Creek " announce the film "American Heroes/American Outlaws" - the new comedy-action movie with the 60 MILLIONS DOLLARS dollars budget, directed by LES MAYFIELD ("Áðèëëèàíòîâûé Policeman", "Flubber").

      This film was appeared on the screens of America on August 17, 2001 and since that time is in the ten of the best films there. Such a popular actors as Timothy Dalton (James Bond: License to kill", "Cleopatra"), Colin Scott Caan ("Gone in Sixty Seconds", "Enemy of the State"), Ali Larter ("House on Hounted Hill"), Colin Farrell (he was called by American journalists "the new Brad Pitt" and debuted here on the big screen). The film tells the story of the legendary American gangster Jesse James and his gang.

      Bad is good again.

      This is the story of the most legendary bandits of America, " Robin Hoods of the New World", the audacious young soldiers, who returned home after the Civil War and were forced to declare vendetta to the powerful railroad barons. The gang, created by the fellows becomes the object of the biggest manhunt, headed by the famous detective Allan Pinkerton (TIMOTHY DALTON). At the first time unappreciated by their adversaries, the young gangsters were practically impregnable. They fight the adversary with his own weapon - they take money from his purse, putting to the sack the trains and banks. The gangsters give a part of their loot to the farmers and have-nots, conquering this way a popularity among the people, who announces them heroes. The glory of the uncatchable bandits grows and the name of their leader Jesse James (COLIN FARRELL) becomes a legend.

      Another version of the Synopsis from "EA":

      Every film director has his own vision of the Wild West history: and Les Mayfield decided to romanticize the grim reality again and transformed the gang of robbers, led by Jesse James, to the fiery fighters for justice, like Robin Hoods. The bad fellow Tadeush Reins, the railroad baron, occupied his native town Liberty (a very good name for the birthplace of the soldiers, who fought with the southerners!) with the aim to make a railroad through the city. And no other, but Allan Pinkerton, the right detective, helps him to drive the inhabitants of this place. (Timothy Dalton, ex-James Bond, performs the part of Pinkerton). Jesse and Frank James can't accept the methods, the baron used, especially, if to take into consideration the fact they just returned after the war, where they lost it. Jesse had assembled a gang from his former fellow soldiers, his sympathizers from the town and Comanche. After that they begin to sabotage the rail- road building, to robber banks, which were the sponsors, to robber the Rail-road Services. Jesse dreams to return his native town, where his lover girl is waiting for him. But there are the conflicts in the gang, which are dangerous, as Pinckerton, the weaponed arm of Law…

      COPYRIGHT 2002, The materials of "Ekatherinburg-ART" company.


Timothy Dalton - the filming moment

Allan Pinkerton and Tadeush Reins

Allan Pinkerton and porr Jesse James

The drove of horses, the constant Timothy Dalton's partner, as if invite you to visit Our Calendar!

      We put on TDRUS only the fragments of photoes, given on the Official film's site. However you can see here the main Timothy's partners in the project - director Les Mayfield, new film star Colin Farrell, the actor Harris Yulin, who performs a part of Thaddeus Rains and… the constant Dalton's partner through the films - the drove of horses.

      Please, attend the Official film's site "American Outlaws", to see these ones and another pictures in details! Don't forget Our Calendar for 2002 year! We used Timothy's photo from the film there!       Please, attend our Web-site www.tdrus.newmail.ru or www.geocities.com/tdrus2000 soon after the Moscow First night - and you will find here new materials about this event and film too!

      The additional information for Muscovites: since February 7, 2002 until February 20 "American Outlaws" will on the screen in the picture palace "Khudogestvenny" ("The Art One"). Beginning - at 13.00 and 17.00 (1 p.m., 5 p.m.).

      K.E., 29.01.2001


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