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The Interview with Timothy Dalton's mother-in-law
Liudmila Grigorievna Tchernuha,
which took place on Russian TV (RTR Channel)
on October 13, 2000

(this interview was timed to the opening of the new set in TV-programs
"On Friday Evening" and aired about half past eleven, when a lot of people are already sleeping� )

Liudmila Grigorievna Tchernuha

      Presenter (continuing the theme of Bond's movies): � Richard Moore played a part of British agent during 13 years. Again this number - 13! (The linkman is constantly mentioning the number 13, giving a hint to the unsuccessful date and day of a week as to a very hard and off day. And this day was really very hard, because Roger Moore was called Richard twice! - K.E.)

      Presenter:Richard Moore screened in Bond's movies 7 times. Timothy Dalton appeared as Bond only twice and, as we could find it, he refused to work with the X-files being under the special circumstances. Pierce Brosnan accepted this role in the last 3 films of the series. But what were the circumstances?

      (At this moment one fragment of the well-known "Jane Eyre" appeares on the screen of TV.

Timothy Dalton in the part of Rochester and link to review of Jane Eyre

Jane: "Mister Rochester, mister Rochester!"
Rochester (putting spurs to his horse): "What?"
Jane: "Grace Pool, sir�")

      Liudmila Grigorievna (always below - L.G.): : We all have fallen in love with him. I think, one half of Russian women have fallen in love with him. Well, I have never thought that he will ever be my relative!

Timothy Dalton in the part of Rochester

      Presenter (always below - P.): Only a mother-in-law in a thousand can say these words about her son-in-law! Timothy Dalton's mother-in-law is his junior by four years and lives in another part of the world, in the capital of Mordovia -the town of Saransk.

      Timothy Dalton has never been in Mordovia, but being a normal son-in-law, he congratulates his mother-in-law on her birthday and at Christmas, saying constantly the same words, which he can say in Russian: "I congratulate and kiss Liudmila Grigorievna!".

      Liudmila Grigorievna is a mother of the beauty Oksana, who has won Timothy Dalton's heart. There are many pretty young girls in Saransk and everyone of them dreams to leave this town as soon as possible. "To Moscow, to Moscow�", like Chechov's sisters� At least, to Kazan. (At that moment a number of very young and attractive girls appear on the screen of TV - K.E.) Oksana has made her choice - she went to London, leaving Kasan conservatory after 3 years studying. Her "fairy tale" began like it usually happens with every Cinderella.

      In London she worked first as a companion to and elderly couple, then - as a photographer's model in the magazines. She played on the organ in the church, she was a shop assistant. She had been depressed sometimes and was working as a Translator and Model when she was invited to the premiere party for a film where she met him - Timothy Dalton.

      Oksana's prince was twice her age. He suffered acutely, because everyone around him equalled Timothy with James Bond, he said hold the martinis and he saw the ghastly dreams about "the license to kill". To the moment of his meeting with Oksana Timothy Dalton played more, than one hundred roles of the enigmatical gallants. But despite his 50 years he has never been married. (The Presenter, probably, hyperbolizes. It was no more, than 20 ones in the movies. But what do you think of it? - K.E.)

      L.G.: He came to her, when she went downstairs and asked: "Who are you?". She said: "I am Oksana". He was interested in knowing more about this name. He: "What's the name?". She: "I am Russian." He said: "Spell!" - "Oksana"� Then he started for Japan. Some time passed and he called her on a phone from Japan. It seems to me, he worked there in a jury. She phoned me and said: "Mummy, he has called me!" It was the beginning!

Liudmila Grigorievna Tchernuha

      P.: This way Liudmila Grigorievna became a mother-in-law of the Hollywood star. But she can't imagine herself in this part even today.

      How many times Tim and Oksana forbade Liudmila Grigorievna to talk to journalists! Timothy Dalton doesn't give the interviews at all! But she made the only exception for our programme, because recently she has read in one of our newspapers, that Tim and Oksana have divorced. This is not true, but anyway she is sick at heart. Liudmila Grigorievna knows it for a fact, that her "children" are all right. She and her husband Peter Gregorievitch have just visited their son-in-law in Hollywood. This summer their grandson Sashenika (this is a pet name for Alexander - K.E.) had his third birthday. His grandmother and grandfather brought for him from Saransk a lot of Russian toys and books.

Liudmila Grigorievna Tchernuha

      L.G.: It was the first time that I have seen my grandson. He is so beautiful! It seemed to me, he resembles my daughter, Oksana, very closely. He is a child full of play, unusually active child. He is very large child, overgrown lad. Probably, because he is a son of his father, who is a very tall man.

      P.: Despite the allure of Hollywood, Liudmila Grigorievna enjoyed herself there only as a grandmother and mother-in-law - she conserved vegetables and fruits, making the pickles and jams.

      L.G.:I have conserved the pickling cucumbers and tomatoes for them, being in Hollywood. We even brought them a bottle of hooch from Ukraine. This one was made by Oksana's grandmother and grand-grandmother of our grandson. He (Timothy Dalton - K.E.) couldn't understand, "What is this - whisky or a kind of rye whisky�?"

Peter Grigorievitch Tchernuha

      P.: Timothy Dalton liked the button accordion of his father-in-law. He (Timothy - K.E.) calls it "garmoshka".

Liudmila Grigorievna Tchernuha

      It's impossible to visit Hollywood, being a teacher in Russia. Mister Dalton's mother-in-law is a "deserved creative of culture" (the one of the honorary titles in Russia - K.E.). She teachs children orchestral conducting in the musical college by name of Kiriukov. Tim doesn't understand how some-one who works as hard as his mother-in-law only earns about $30 per month - K.E.). But Timothy earns about $300,000 per film. To get the same sum Liudmila Grigorievna should work 1000 years. Oksana and Tim invite her to settle in Hollywood, but�

Liudmila Grigorievna Tchernuha

L.G.:This is my motherland. Living there, in heavens two weeks � (certainly, there were dreamlike, wonderful places, I attended a lot of interesting excursions in Hollywood!), but here is my Motherland and, at my age, I shall �, probably, never risk to leave Russia for USA. I will stay in Russia!

      This is a high point - a pathetic note, and this is the end of the interview with Liudmila Grigorievna. We say her: "Thank you very much for the good words and thoughts!"

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