





What would life be with out friends like thee

I'll tell you, like no longer being free.
Imagine what life would be so sad and blue
To go through life without that special you.
And I know we live so far away
Through the internet we are like castaways
Never get to touch or hug you for this I only pray
For some day I hope we can meet
To hug and laugh and dance to the beat
I know this would be a treat
For now this is all I see
Is my good friend here with me
Just think what life would be
Without friends like thee


Although you are a friend of mine
and letters we exchange,
I wouldn't know you on the street,
and doesn't that seem strange?

You hold a place within my life,
unusual and unique;
We share ideals and special dreams,
and still, we do not speak.

I picture what I think you are,
perhaps you picture me.
An intriguing game for both of us
for someone we can't see.

So for this friendship we possess,
we owe this mail a debt,
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact
that we have never met


although two souls are meeting
there is but one voice
capturing the moment
captivating and controlling
the thoughts, actions, words
leading the way for conscious
desire and decisive emotion

stories and daily goings- on
are frequently passed
between the one voice
and the intermixed beings
creating a warm happiness
a sense of belonging
an aura of completeness
a comfortable existence

time, a distant memory
fading in and fading out,
its power and autonomy fall
on blissfully ignorant,
yet distinctly aware,
ears - focused and true

with the quantity
of well spent hours
adding up and summarizing
the feelings and beliefs
shared and opposed,
comes an ability
to confide and uphold
moments, eternities
abundant with understanding


I type my love for you
On the TV screen

Never will you truly know
Just how much you mean

Some may say it's crazy
But I don't really care

They could never understand
all that we have shared

All the nights you've spent with me
Felt like you were here

Always with a open heart
And an open ear

I never had to wonder
If you truly care

Because when I turn on my TV
You words are always there


across the miles
you touched my life,
opened my eyes, and
filled my empty heart-

strangers, yet friends,
our spirits reach out,
always touching, never apart- -

you in the east,
me in the west,
never together,
never apart-


I still see your face in my dreams
It hurts and it doesn't help at all
I still want you in my life as crazy as that seems
I want you to catch me when I fall

I still remember the first time we met
There was something so different about you
Your friendship was something I wanted to get
That smile when you said hi to me was so new

Out of no where you called me on the phone
I wanted to sit there and talk to you forever
You were so new, so crazy and unknown
I just knew that our friendship would never sever

Two years and we are barely holding it together
What happened to the way this all used to be
I never wanted you out of my like ever
I sat there for a long time pretending not to see

We decided to go out and make it all all right
It didn't work out of course we knew it couldn't
We couldn't even really stand each others sight
It shouldn't end this way but it did and I shouldn't

I miss you and everything you were to me
Ten years from now we will look back on it all
We will be older and finally be able to see
That love will stand the test of time and never fall.


It may not be the same,
But some things never change.
I feel it and I trust it,
I still believe in forever
Because that's what my heart knows.

Memories are the dew drops on our petals
That re-open the buds that have closed.
Flowers wilt as seasons change,
Though they grow a little more with rain.

The sun will shine when in need,
And left behind, a precious seed


On my own, but mostly the savannah,
Where the tumbleweeds fade away and die,
Before the glassy sun burns a summer of crystals,
The glistering waters of the high seas
Of which was so far a place as of where vultures roam.
I looked around but you weren't anywhere...
You used to say that you would never die,
But I took the wrong meaning into my heart.
Now the sea is wild with despair,
Deep blue like a prairie of flowers blue,
Where all children of God rest in eternal peace.
I saw you at the end,
You and I, brother and sister of nature,
Brother and sister of heaven and earth,
Your usually calm and heavenly eyes full of tears,
Bitterly falling one after one into a river,
Then the river of life turned red in blood.
My eyes watched in horror.
Slowly and deadly your heart became poisoned,
You disappeared without saying good-bye,
Not a word came out of your mouth.
You became like desolation in its grave.
When once the skies were a realm of stars
And the sun shone brightly in summer skies,
You were there to share the calmness;
But now I stand here in midst of the tall grass
And only the Savannah remains.


Whenever I needed someone to talk to
You were always there.
My eyes filled with tears, my heart filled with pain, and
You were always there.
There was no time when I had doubt
to come to you because
You were always there.
I could see in your eyes you wanted to help, and that you really cared.

Whenever I was down and blue
You were always there.
No matter my problems, are what was wrong
You were always there.
Whenever I felt like nothing matters
You were always there.

Now your gone, and I don't know what to do
I close my eyes and think of you, and how
You were always there.
It's hard to look at the pictures, and get memories of you
Can you hear me now
At night I pray, and I speak to you
I guess you were right when you told me no matter how far you were
You would always be there.
I know one day I'll see you again, but till then I have to say goodbye

Even though it hurts to hear your name, and speak of you
One thing I will always say is
You were always there.


There are so many stories I still want to tell
There are so many I love you's left unsaid
There are many tears left uncried
There are many dreams left to fall apart

I miss our long talks
I miss the nights when all was alright
I love you like a sister, you were my angel,
Yet I wonder why you left me here to die

We were forever best friends-
When one fell to the ground
The other one was there to help her back up.
We healed our broken hearts
With a hug and a gentle smile.
We stayed up every night looking at the stars,
Giggling like little girls and having midnight talks.

You said you had to go-
I wished it wasn't so.
You said we'd always write.
You said it would be like old times.
I looked in your eyes as you looked into mine,
With smiles like everything was fine.

Yet we both knew well that this was our last good-bye.
We knew that we would never again
Have those long talks and play like little girls again.
We knew all the pain we'd cause ourselves.
I also knew that my angel was being taken away,
Yet we promised no matter what we'd remain forever best friends.


You ask me how we got from there to here,
And you tell me you can't remember,
And so I'll answer it for you,
Though perhaps not the way you want me to.

We got from here to there on the back of a unicorn racing through our dreams,
We got from here to there when night's silence thundered between us,
We got from here to there believing a song to be stronger than the worlds pulling us apart.

And we were right.

We stood in good relation to the earth,
We stood in good relation to the gods,
We stood in good relation to all that was beautiful,
You see, we were Alive

We got from there to here when we believed reality to be stronger than love,
We got from there to here when we forgot to look up and believe that gravity held no hold on our souls,
We got from there to here when we left our storybooks for some other distracting play,

And now I do not know my world,
And I cannot find my God,
And beauty dies,
Shut out in the cold.

And I believe we can get from here to there if we just believe,
And I believe we can get from here to there if you'll take my hand,
And I believe we can get from here to there - if only in our dreams,

And when you're dancing across the sky,
Somewhere between the stars and the moon,
Look for me by your side, I'll meet you with hands outstretched,
We'll go - from here to there, there to here, and back again


Left alone in the past
Forgotten friendships buried, never meant to last
She walked away from me
Why couldn't I foresee?
Time standing still
Another way to deal, another pill
The sky is gray with hate
One thing tore us apart, your fate
Now what will you do?
Who will confide in you?
Remember the times we shared?
Remember how well we paired?
The consequences are tough
You only knew how to treat me rough
Who is next in line?
Will you, too, break their spine?
Look at what you've done
This time I will stand in front of you, I won't run
Don't bother me anymore
All you touch, you tore
What you wanted, you took
Now I glance back, I take one last look
You left me alone in your past
Forgotten friendships buried, never meant to last


I reached out for your hand
You didn't seem to care;
You can only reach so far
When no one else is there.

Others also reached for you
Hoping to make you see;
That we're just as important
As he will ever be.

We wish we could reach further
But we are only so strong;
We hoped your eyes would open
So that you'd see you're wrong.

It hurts to have to reach far
When you once were so near;
It's hard shouting out for you
With our voices you don't hear.

We wish you'd extend your hand
And sense the friendship there;
Knowing what our memories mean
Showing us you still care.

We realize you don't reach back
Instead his hands with yours;
You can't handle both the worlds
So you close common doors.

We're done reaching for the past
You are now on your own;
We hope he is all worth it,
Without him you're alone


An echo fades into the night,
an eerie mournful sound.
A shooting star disappears from sight,
and I crumble to the ground.
There is no life within this garden;
my sobs are the only sound.
I have poisoned the honeyed fountain
where your love could be found.

Dazed, I stare at the stars above,
my grieving howls fill the night!
Unintended betrayal of love
has hidden you from my sight.
I remember how it used to be
when we shared our fears and delights.
You are a treasured friend to me.
How can I make things right?

Feeling afraid, cold and lonely,
I long to tell you how I feel,
but you don’t want to hear me.
The pain for you is much too real.
Should I back away and build a wall
and block away how I feel?
Or, should I give you a call?
We both need some time to heal.

An echo fades into the night
as our friendship disappears.
How do I know what is right?
How can I ease my fears?
If I do call you again,
would the old wounds reappear?
I can’t stand to cause you pain.
Hurting you again is my worst fear!


Once was here
now is gone
I will always
love forever
the laughs
the tears
the smiles
without her
my life has no direction
no ups nor downs
no smiles or frowns
I miss her
I cry
I see her
I lie
what ever went wrong
I can mend
I will always
love forever
my very best friend.


Well maybe now I should just say goodbye
You used to be my friend
But I never felt I really was yours
So maybe this is the end.
I'm different from you, all of you
Each other we've never understood
I hope that if I do tell you goodbye
That it won't be for good.
Whenever I'm mad it hurts me so bad
And you don't even care
I don't know why, I just want to cry
And someday I won't be there.
The streaks on my arm they've done me no harm
They're only made of pen
But once they are blood that turns brown like mud
They'll be there again and again.
If I'm mad at you I'll hurt myself too
But that doesn't really matter
Although when I hurt I feel like dirt
And my spirit's bruised and battered.
I do not know why it has to be so
I really wish it did not
But the way this has been going
it is basically shot.
You don't need me and we don't need we
And that's how I think I know why
These words are the ones I have to speak-
I love you, but goodbye


Remember then,
Dreaming of when

Our childhood fears
Would be gone with the years.

Now we look at the past
Wondering why it didn't last.

Days in the hot sun
Always having fun.

Going for a ride
Letting the bike glide.

Biking, sledding,
Swimming, swinging,

Days of old
Never to be sold.

Signs of change
Widely range.

Moving away
No more play.

Friends forever
Talk almost never.

Through the years,
Our lives shift gears.

Laughter, smiles,
Fears, miles,

Distant souls
Drifting goals.

Friendship the art
Connects our hearts.

Now that it is when
We dream of Then


I came to you the hour I was in pain
Looking for answers, I cried to you in vain.

I shared the many skeletons hiding in my heart,
I knew then you'd be my friend,
I knew it from the start.

Troubles ran like rivers, flowing through my life,
You picked the pieces up and help me through my strife.

When home wasn't home to me no more,
You opened up your heart, and opened up the door.

We cried into night until the early morn.
We solaced each other's pain and shared our many thorns.

As time flew, the air grew thick,
I saw our friendship fading, and my heart grew sick.

The day had arrived,
When it was time to say goodbye.

Now I sit alone,
reminiscing the past I'd blown.


I always wanted more from you
than you were willing to give;
So now we've gone our separate ways
each with different lives to live.

The bond will always be there
the friendship always intact;
But the time for us has come and gone
and the pages of time, you can't turn back.

I will always be a friend to you
and wonder how you are;
The smiles and laughter I will remember
and our fights have become painless scars.

Sometimes on those busy days
when you've a thousand things to do;
Please let me glide slowly through your mind
and spend some time with you.

In that quiet moment
when you're surprised to find me there;
Just remember even with the distance between us
I am still someone who cares


I never thought I'd see this day,
I never thought I'd feel this way,
You...a stranger to me now.
I'm left with emptiness...
I wish I knew how it could be,
That we were once so open and free.
You were like my brother.. yet so much more
I wish I would have seen what I see now before.
For, I did not and it's too late...
My friend, my lover once, is now unknown.
And what hurts the most is I now know..
What I lost.. and I'm alone.
To face a challenge life has sent,
And not a moment with you I've spent.
I hope one day I can forgive you, my friend..
I miss you....
Why did you go?


There were promises made in childhood,
In the days of their innocence.
They laughed, they played, they cried.

Throughout high school dramas,
Broken hearts, and adolescence,
Their special friendship thrived.

The little girls grew up and
Became wives and mothers.
It happened in an instant.

They gave bridal and baby showers,
Each advising the other.
Still close across the distance.

One day, the inevitable happened,
An event that changed their lives.
It had the power to destroy.

They were both the betrayed and betrayer.
Can their friendship survive?
Or will they live with the void?


Friendship . . .

. . . is you.
. . . is love.
. . . is shared.
. . . is forgiving.
. . . is understanding.
. . . is shared secrets.
. . . heals many hurts.
. . . is not judgmental.
. . . is shared laughter.
. . . is slow and steady.
. . . can be angry at times.
. . . is dependable and true.
. . . is more precious than silver or gold.
. . . is meant to be savored like fine wine.
. . . is not perfect, much like we are not perfect.
. . . does not hold grudges or demand perfection.
. . . makes all the wrong things in life, right somehow.
. . . is meant to be gulped like lemonade on a hot summer day.
. . . is always there, through times of trial, happy times and hard times.
. . . just happens, but once discovered, needs to be tended like a beautiful garden.
. . . is a road to be traveled slowly, remembering the sights and sounds.
. . . is strength when you are too weak to notice its there.
. . . is a cherished moment of mutual understanding.
. . . reaches into your heart and grabs a firm hold.
. . . is a refreshing rain on a hot day.
. . . is sunshine through the clouds.
. . . cannot be forced or induced.
. . . is relaxed and comfortable.
. . . is a shoulder to lean on.
. . . is an ear to whine to.
. . . gets better with age.
. . . is shared tears.
. . . is shared pain.
. . . is shared joy.
. . . is shared.
. . . is love.
. . . is you


You are my friend,
trusted and true;
And this is for everything
and all that you do.

When the light seems so far
and times are so low,
You reach out your hand
to give me a place to go.

When I find I can't make it
and the mountain's too high,
You give me your wisdom
and help me to try.

You've given me hope
in times of despair.
You do this for me,
because I know you care.

You make me laugh
when there are no smiles,
Even though we're separated
by the miles.

So let me tell you this,
My Friend,
If you ever need me,
I'm here 'til the end.

I give you my love
my hand and my heart,
And from your friendship
I'll never part.

For everything
and all that you do,
I want you to know
I'll do the same for you.

So, when your days are black
and your nights are long,
And it seems like
everything will go wrong -

I'm there by your side
you're never alone.
I'll be there for you
to help lead you home.

So, My Friend,
as you can see;
You're very special,
especially to ME! ! !


There was a time it seemed as though
My life was tossing to and fro
And I, left with nowhere to go,
Was subject to the sea.

But there, ahead, a beam of light
Peered through the darkness of the night
And granted to me clearer sight
That I might be set free.

I steered a course toward the land
To find a refuge on the sand
And maybe touch the gentle hand
That guided me along.

And when I reached the coast that night,
Upon a hill, the shining light
Was tended by a welcome sight . . .
My friends had led me home.


The distance between you and I
Is only a heartbeat away,
For you and I dwell in each other's heart -
There forever we will stay.

You know all my emotions,
Many they may be.
You know when to be gentle,
And when to chastise me.

Two gentle souls deeply connected,
Thoughts not spoken,
There is no need -
For the other knows what one is thinking
Even before they speak.

So with all the love I have
In my heart today,
I want to express to you
These feelings I want to stay.


If ever you need me,
I'll be right here,
To chase away the sadness,
And wipe away a tear.

If ever you need me,
I'll be two steps behind,
To follow in your footsteps,
And hear what's on your mind.

If ever you need me,
You'll never have to fear,
That your presence isn't important,
And your love isn't dear.

If ever you need me,
I'll always be around,
To bring back the laughter,
Where deep in your heart it's found.

You'll never have to worry,
For I'll always be here,
To chase away the sadness,
And wipe away a tear


Two separate lives brought together
Our love and friendship shared forever.
The laughs, the love, even some tears
Were planned to be spent all our years.

Then one day things fell apart,
And time and hurt pulled at our heart.
"Together always," were words only said;
And reality was, it was all in our head.

But through it all, we truly shine;
It will be you and me till the end of time.
"I love you always," will now be said
and a great friendship waits ahead.


Friends 'til the end,
That's what we always said,
Even when all hopes were dead.

Friends 'til the end,
We will always be,
Nothing can ever come between you and me.

Friends 'til the end,
Even when nothing will bend,
Our friendship we will always mend.

Friends 'til the end,
There's nothing we can't overcome,
I know you'll be there when I need someone.

Friends 'til the end,
We will never part,
As long as we have each other in our hearts.

Friends 'til the end,
Lies never told,
Standing together so strong and so bold.

Friends 'til the end,
With nowhere to begin,
I know I'll never be without you as a friend.

Friends 'til the end,
You can cry on my shoulder,
That's what I've always told her.

Friends 'til the end,
Through sun and snow,
While others still come and go.

Friends 'til the end,
When my light fades away,
She brings back the sunlight into my day.

Friends 'til the end,
Nothing else in mind,
Someone who's always there when you're in a bind.

Friends 'til the end,
All throughout time,
I'm proud to say you're a friend of mine.

Friends 'til the end,
Even with a fight,
We'll always be friends again that night.

Friend 'til the end,
Through thick and thin,
A strong friendship will always win.

Friends 'til the end,
Through laughter and tears,
With a friend you can overcome any fears.

Friend 'til the end,
We share all our dreams,
We will make it by any means.

Friends 'til the end,
Our hopes will all come true,
There's no other pair like me and you.

Friends 'til the end,
Through highs and lows,
When we're together anything goes.

Friends 'til the end,
We're in the same boat,
But it will always stay afloat.

Friends 'til the end,
I'll never be alone again,
As long as I have you as a friend.

Friends 'til the end,
No matter what people say,
We will always go our own way.

We may take other paths,
And go separate ways,
But we'll always meet at the bend,
ecause we're friends 'til the end.

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