




"Best Friends"

it was so hard leaving home,
you know how it feels I'm not alone.
Even harder i cant go back,
You take my hand, its alright.
I look at the photos then I cry,
You do the same, but then you smile.
I look at you and now I know,
You are my best friend I should've known.
I should've know it when I trusted you, you didn't fail
me and we made it through.
You never failed me and I know you never will,
even though it gets heavy I
know that we can deal.
So renember one thing where ever you are where you'll be,
we'll stay best friend for ever, you can trust in me.











Many Times

Many times God only blesses us with one friend

But i've been blessed with many

Through the years, hard times and strife

Most friends have come and gone

But when i look behind me, i see you

Still there with every step, every breath

Friendship fades from one year to the next

So i say we must be sisters, seperated at birth

Because what it was, it always will be a friendship for eternity!


I have a friend
Who is perfect for me
She listens to all my problems
No matter how dumb they may be
She likes herself for who she is
And never tries to change
She tells me to be myself
And that I should never change
She was shy on the phone
But she would still call
And we would talk for hours
About nothing at all
We would talk about love and life
And discuss what we wanted to be
She knew just how I felt
And how happy I could be
She listens to me patiently
But never judges what I do or say
She helped with all my problems
And never went away
I never once felt judged by her
How much that meant to me
That I could tell her all my dreams
And she would listen to me
My friend never goes and tells
What is dear to me
She keeps it all bottled up inside
And doesn't spread it like a bee
I am thankful for that friend of mine
Our friendship will never end
And she will always be there
For she is my best friend

Friends Like You, Stay Forever

Boys come and go
And friends stay forever
No one ever made me believe that
Until the times we had together

You were there for me
Through everything and all
You're the one who picked me up
When i was beginning to fall

We've had alot of rough times
But also 11 wonderful years
It means so much to me
When you're there to wipe away the tears

Kate, you mean so much to me
More than you'll ever know
Because anywhere i go in life
You'll be sure to go

After everything bad happens
You're the one i try to call
Because you pick my off my feet
And you've been there for me through it all


if u are ever lost i will help you find you way
if you are sad i will ease away ur pain
i will help you through the tough times
and be with you through the happy time.
you are my best friend and we will always be
even if we go our separate ways,
we will always stay true to one another
best friends in life
best friend forever!!!!

A friendship PROMISE

This is a promise from me to you I'll make,

A kind of promise,

So Pure, no one can take.

From our thoughts to all of our memories,

A promise that no one else could ever see.

This is a pact that will last for not a season,

a lifetime,


I make for one reason

A vow so deep,

You wouldn't believe

A promise so secret,

You have to listen carefully.

A friendship is the promise,

that I make from me to you,

I hope you got the riddle,

I gave you a special clue.


Chance is the Best thing that has ever happened to me.
He is always there to guide me and to help be see.
I cry on his shoulder and he wipes my tears away.
And just by looking in his eyes i know everything will be good someday.
I tell him my problems and all my dreams
And with his eyes he tells me "Nothings what it seems".
When my life is in peices, he puts me back together,
Telling me here will be here for me forever.
I always know that he will care.
But when i reach over to give him a hug, I realize Chance is my teddy bear.

Best Angels

You are my angel
under the moon.

You are my angel
in full bloom.

You're face is like heaven,
You are like heaven.

When we're in heaven for now and ever,
we'll be best angels together.

Watching over one another,
just like sister and brother

Good and Bad Times

You all my peoples,
you all my dogs,
in the sun,
through the fall,
if I'm wrong,
tell me the truth,
but if they wrong,
we blow the roof,
share smiles,
share tears,
lean on you,
ease my fear,
through the end,
from the start,
minus the greed,
cross your heart,
me for you,
you for me,
that's the way,
it's ganna be,
said before,
now it's ever,
us forever,
we been together,
however far,
we be apart,
one vision,
one heart,
to my friends,
to my dogs,
to my friends,
one heart!
Everybody need a partner to stand right by they side, not only down to the
good times, but also down to the bad times!



The Moon My Friend

Hunkered amidst remnants of day turned dusk,
I nurse a split along the edges of my mind
and stare at yonder rising moon.
A slight breeze spreads waving palms
upon the canvas of my reprieve,
their movements one with crickets song
and firefly pirouettes;
neighbors present their evening hellos
their shadows tossed upon fences,
long and lean, as through the eyes
of a moon lover seen.
I hear the call of this soft light,
drink deeply of its unsatisfying draught,
yet inebriated by its dreamy flavors
wrapped around the openings of my mind..
at evenings end,
I greet the moon my friend.

The Hush Of Night

Listen to the hush of night
Creatures scurry here and there
But there is a loud crescendo
Of the orchestra of
Listen to the hush of night
Stop, Breathe, absorb
The emotion of the dark
As nature's creatures talk
Listen to the hush of night
And you'll hear your name
Spoken on the waves of wind
As your troubles flow away
Listen to the hush of night
Could it be that animals
Can serenade one another
Expressing love in foreign verse
Listen to the hush of night
And you could hear the call
Of a friend in need who
Is calling you heart to heart
Listen to the hush of night
As night merges to day
The orchestra plays a great
Masterpiece for its encore
Listen to the hush of night
Be as attentive as you can
The creature's voices fade
As they bid you come again by

I Wish For You

I wish for you...
I wish for you a rainbow
With your own pot of gold.
I wish for you a cloudless sky
And happiness untold.
I wish for you an ocean breeze
And balmy summer days.
I wish for you to be assured
That you are loved always.
I do not wish a perfect life.
An earthly life has flaws.
I do not wish a straight smooth road,
But curves and hills, because
I wish for you adventures
And dreams that never end.
And most of all I wish for you
Love, joy and peace, my friend.

Seaside Sonnet

Serenity floods through my soul today;
A canvas splashed with memories sublime
Transports me to those shores of grand Cape May
To childhood, back to that simpler time.
Beside the oceanside is found release
Completely I am cleansed from cleaving stress
Awash in tides of ever-flowing peace
Immersed in God's creative timelessness.
Upon the rocks crescendos mighty crash
Gulls swoop and soar in glee above each crest
In reverie amidst the foam I splash
On velvet sand, sun-kissed, I find true rest.

Enchantment is the gift the artist brings
Enraptured by each stroke my spirit sings.

Lovers Moon

Where is that moon...I used to know?
With butter yellow...afterglow?
That my every sigh?
Where has it gone...where does it lie?

That magic sphere...paramours dear
It shines I swear...but know not where.
How have the years...made me so blind?
Where is that moon...where is that mind?

That rare mystic...that alchemy?
That lovers seek...of revelry
The keeper secret store
That golden Magi...lovers core

That magic lantern...light of trance
The light of love...that made us dance
The glory of...the flowers lie
How did it did it die?

I stand and stare...and search the moon
The sky is bare...It is high noon.

A Tree That Cried

Have you ever seen a tree crying,
when the morning sun,
melts the dew…
I saw it very plainly that autumn day,
so please take a look,
and perhaps you'll see it too…

When it's leaves drop, I believe they're tears,
like mine that keep falling,
from my eyes…
And the sap that flows through its bark,
is the same as my heart,
bleeding, from too many cries…

I know that there must be some correlation,
with this tree that has feelings,
so much like mine…
There must be an attachment to share our pain,
and to be sad together,
with neither one being fine…

Perhaps there is something I haven't realized,
that maybe a tree can show its emotions too…
But I'm very aware that my being, has almost died,
as I sit here with my friend, a tree,
'A Tree That Cried', as I…

Things to Remember - Memories in Haiku

wintered air breathed in
nervous glances pass between
just before lips meet

iridescence drawn
by winter raindrops flowing
or perhaps by tears

such a cold damp day
and then a warm winter night
lives of irony

open road ahead
under threatening winter sky
we must say good-bye

My Shining Star

My shining star burns bright in the dark sky,
And anywhere I go it's sure to catch everyone's eye.
With a smile that could light up a thousand nights,
And the courage to fly to undiscovered heights.

To help and protect me in everything I do,
You're the one to help me make it through.
With open ears and a heart that stays true,
You know what to say when I'm feeling blue.

The way you read my mind and always see,
Just how I wanted every thing to be.
You looked past the outside, viewing the real me,
And took out of my life all the uncertainty.

The uncertainty I had of years to come,
you showed me who I could get help from.
You would be my guide and let me lean on you some,
And show me that sometimes you just need to have fun.

You know exactly when to let down your guard,
And to only keep fighting when things start to look hard.
I want you to stay in my life and never go far
For you are my one, and only, shining star.

Death of Bitter Hands

Death of Bitter Hands
Remind me of moons
and milk and honey.
Pour it over me,
preserve some purity
and we find
even hearts of stone
can crack open wide.
In the shadows
of the cave
can you see stars?
They remind us that
we can go so very far
And in my endless gaze
without a blink,
you must remember that I
wouldn't change a thing.

Mistress of Rose Fields

"Mistress of Rose Fields, beware thy speech.
Tis Whispering Meadows, a secret leach.
Crouch down and speak, yet lightly still
Thou dost not want a Meadow to thrill.

Ever so softly grant me thy tale.
Be slow, yet steady. My mind to fail.
In left ear, not right. Tell me now,
Whisper thy plight of where and how."

Time elapsed, the tavern was cold.
Mistress of Rose Fields, her secret told.
Whispering Meadow lay in shock on floor
Exclaiming, "Halt! Please stop, no more!"

Yet still, she went on, and on she pressed.
Meadow lay dead, in motionless blessed
With eyes wide open, and mouth closed tight.
His mind in fear, in fear of fright.

Tears ran down Mistress cheek.
Uttered a secret that made her weak.
Fell to the floor in a weary spill,
Yet continued on, no fear of kill.

She finished herself with one, short phrase.
Said it softly and within a haze,
"Tis what happens when we blindly see,
I turned my back on love, on thee."


Taken by the waves
crash landed on heaven
broken on impact
it could never be saved

Yet it got there
it made its trip
it arrived at its destination
that is all that matters

The course brought him
closer and closer.
he reached eternal grace.
he won the race.

Crash landed on heaven
broken on impact
it could never be saved,
but that was just the vessel anyway.

Thee Lost Woods

I saunter unhindered
through the shadows,
as malignity swells up inside.

My eyes are wide shut yet
the rage will not hide.

The forest of iniquity,
clutches my breath.
I ultimately grasp ...
I'm in the lost woods of death!!!

I rampage though the leaves
to attempt to get out.
I am plundering through
my distinctive perturbation of doubt.
The ebony ink commences to devour my soul...
My spirit was seized ...
and I
just let it go.

I collapsed to the dust
from the feebleness
of my treacherous plight.
The trees covered my remains
and I no longer had the STAMINA
r the HEART
to finish my fight.
I realized something
as one solitary tear
shattered the ground,

On that mystical and vaporous night
I had found;
I was not ever
in the lost woods of death ...
But rather ...
Trapped within
my own horrendous stone walls of flesh.

To A Friend

I ask but one thing of you, only one,
That always you will be my dream of you;
That never shall I wake to find untrue
All this I have believed and rested on,
Forever vanished, like a vision gone
Out into the night. Alas how few
There are who strike in us a chord we knew
Existed, but so seldom heard its tone
We tremble at the half-forgotten sound.
The world is full of rude awakenings
And heaven-born castles shattered to the ground,
Yet still our human longing vainly clings
To a belief in beauty through all wrongs.
O stay your hand, and leave my heart its songs!

The Friend Who Just Stands By

When trouble comes your soul to try,
You love the friend who just "stands by."
Perhaps there's nothing he can do--
The thing is strictly up to you;
For there are troubles all your own,
And paths the soul must tread alone;
Times when love cannot smooth the road
Nor friendship lift the heavy load,
But just to know you have a friend
Who will "stand by" until the end,
Whose sympathy through all endures,
Whose warm handclasp is always yours--
It helps, someway, to pull you through,
Although there's nothing he can do.
And so with fervent heart you cry,
"God bless the friend who just 'stands by'"!

A Mile With Me

O who will wak a mile with me
Along life's merry way?
A comrade blithe and full of glee,
Who dares to laugh out loud and free,
And let his frolic fancy play,
Like a happy child, through the flowers gay
That fill the field and fringe the way
Where he walks a mile with me.
And who will walk a mile with me
Along life's weary way?
A friend whose heart has eyes to see
The stars shine out o'er the darkening lea,
And the quiet rest at the end o' the day,--
A friend who knows, and dares to say,
The brave, sweet words that cheer the way
Where he walks a mile with me.
With such a comrade, such a friend,
I fain would walk till journey's end,
Through summer sunshine, winter rain,
And then?--Farewell, we shall meet again!

If I Had Known

If I had known what trouble you were bearing;
What griefs were in the silence of your face;
I would have been more gentle, and more caring,
And tried to give you gladness for a space.
I would have brought more warmth into the place,
If I had known.
If I had known what thoughts despairing drew you;
(Why do we never try to understand?)
I would have lent a little friendship to you,
And slipped my hand within your hand,
And made your stay more pleasant in the land,
If I had known.

To the Memory of My Beloved

I therefore will begin. Soul of the age!
The applause, delight, the wonder of our stage!
My Shakespeare, rise! I will not lodge thee by
Chaucer, or Spenser, or bid Beaumont lie
A little further, to make thee a room;
Thou art a monument without a tomb,
And art alive still while thy book doth live
And we have wits to read and praise to give.
. . .
Sweet Swan of Avon! what a sight it were
To see thee in our waters yet appear,
And make those flights upon the banks of Thames,
That so did take Eliza, and our James!
But stay, I see thee in the hemisphere
Advanced, and made a constellation there!
Shine forth, thou star of poets, and with rage
Or influence, chide or cheer the drooping stage,
Which, since thy flight from hence, hath mourned like night,
And despairs day, but for thy volume's light.


Oh, the comfort--the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
Having neither to weigh thoughts,
Nor measure words--but pouring them
All right out--just as they are--
Chaff and grain together--
Certain that a faithful hand will
Take and sift them--
Keep what is worth keeping--
And with the breath of kindness
Blow the rest away.


How pleasant it is that always
There's somebody older than you-
Someone to pet and caress you,
Someone to scold you, too!
Someone to call you a baby,
To laugh at you when you're wise;

Someone to care when you're sorry,
To kiss the tears from your eyes;
When life has begun to be weary,
And youth to melt like the dew,
To know, like the little children
Somebody's older than you.
The path cannot be so lonely,
For someone has trod it before,
The golden gates are the nearer,
That someone stands at the door.
I can think of nothing sadder
Than to feel, when days are few,
There's nobody left to lean on,
Nobody older than you!
The younger ones may be tender

To the feeble steps and slow;
But they can't talk the old times over-
Alas, how should they know!
'Tis a romance to them--a wonder
You were ever a child at play;
But the dear ones waiting in heaven
Know it is all as you say.
I know that the great All-Father
Loves us, and the little ones too;
Keep only childlike-hearted--
Heaven is older than you!


When a feller hasn't got a cent
And is feelin' kind of blue,
And the clouds hang thick and dark
And won't let the sunshine thro',
It's a great thing, oh my brethren,
For a feller just to lay
His hand upon your shoulder in a friendly sort o' way.
It makes a man feel queerish,
It makes the tear-drops start.
And you kind o' feel a flutter
In the region of your heart.
You can't look up and meet his eye,
You don't know what to say
When a hand is on your shoulder in a friendly sort o' way.
Oh this world's a curious compound
With its honey and its gall;
Its cares and bitter crosses,
But a good world after all.
And a good God must have made it,
Leastwise that is what I say,
When a hand is on your shoulder in a friendly sort of way.

In Times of Sorrow

In these times of sorrow and pain
There is not much that we can say
So we will continue to be a friend
Maybe help you in some other way
Take your hand and just be silent
Or just be your open ear
A hug and kiss to let you know
Your friends are always near
And when the time is upon you
Your loved one passes on to another land
We will be there with a sturdy shoulder
An open heart and a helping hand
If ever your heart is so heavy
The pain is just to much to bear
Remember you have friends that love you
You aren't alone for we are always there

Wealth Is But A Dream

Wealth is but a dream
that vanishes with the dawn
And beauty is but a gift
tell seen truly from the heart
Popularity is just vanity
that changes from day to day
But true friends are forever
and should be held dear to the heart.

The Race Called Life

Like a cross-country runner,
I race to the end,
Relaxing at the finish line
I have won to no amend!

I smell the sweet smell of victory,
Knowing that I have won,
But what has really happened?
Where have the others gone?

I left them all behind,
In the thick cloud of dust,
I turn to find them,
Because the others are a must!

I see an empty track,
Where none other is there,
I must go back
They must be here somewhere!

I had forgotten all about them,
Until I reached the end,
It's not how it should happen,
For they were all my friends!

I just wanted to win,
But now I have lost,
I have sinned the greatest sin,
I am paying the greatest cost!

I lapped them 4 & 5 times,
To prove myself as the best,
And now I'm in a bind,
For I have lost the rest!

When proving yourself true,
In the biggest race of all,
Remember your friends, too,
Or in life you will fall!

You will fall to the ground,
At the beginning, middle, or end,
And you will see what I have found:
You can?t live without your friends!

Growing Old

The days grow shorter, the nights grow longer;
The headstones thicken along the way;

And life grows sadder, but love grows stronger
For those who walk with us day by day.
The tear comes quicker, the laugh comes slower;
The courage is lesser to do and dare;
And the tide of joy in the heart falls lower,
And seldom covers the reefs of care.
But all true things in the world seem truer,
And the better things of earth seem best,
And friends are dearer, as friends are fewer,
And love is all as our sun dips west.
Then let us clasp hands as we walk together,
And let us speak softly in low, sweet tone,
For no man knows on the morrow whether
We two pass on--or but one alone.


He may be six kinds of a liar,
He may be ten kinds of a fool,
He may be a wicked highflyer
Beyond any reason or rule;
There may be a shadow above him
Of ruin and woes to impend,
And I may not respect, but I love him,
Because--well, because he's my friend.
I know he has faults by the billion,
But his faults are a portion of him;
I know that his record's vermilion,
And he's far from the sweet Seraphim;
But he's always been square with yours truly,
Ready to give or to lend,
And if he is wild and unruly,
I like him--because he's my friend.
I criticize him but I do it
In just a frank, comradely key,
And back-biting gossips will rue it
If ever they knock him to me!
I never make diagrams of him,
No maps of his soul have I penned;
I don't analyze--just love him,
Because--well, because be's my friend.

New Friends and Old Friends

Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
New-made friendships, like new wine,
Age will mellow and refine.
Friendships that have stood the test--
Time and change--are surely best;
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,
Friendship never knows decay.
For 'mid old friends, tried and true,
Once more we our youth renew.
But old friends, alas! may die,
New friends must their place supply.
Cherish friendship in your breast--
New is good, but old is best;
Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.

When to the Sessions of Sweet Silent Thought

When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
I summon up remembrance of things past,
I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought
And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste.
Then can I drown an eye (unus'd to flow)
For precious friends hid in death's dateless night,
And weep afresh love's long since cancell'd woe,
And moan th'expense of many a vanish'd sight.
Then can I grieve at grievances foregone,
And heavily from woe to woe tell o'er
The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan.
Which I new pay as if not paid before.
But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,
All losses are restor'd and sorrows end.

A Friend or Two

There's all of pleasure and all of peace
In a friend or two;
And all your troubles may find release
Within a friend or two;
It's in the grip of the sleeping hand
On native soil or in alien land,
But the world is made--do you understand--
Of a friend or two.
A song to sing, and a crust to share
With a friend or two;
A smile to give and a grief to bear
With a friend or two;
A road to walk and a goal to win,
An inglenook to find comfort in,
The gladdest hours that we know begin
With a friend or two.
A little laughter, perhaps some tears
With a friend or two;
The days, the weeks, and the months and years
With a friend or two;
A vale to cross and a hill to climb,
A mock at age and a jeer at time--
The prose of life takes the lilt of rhyme
With a friend or two.
The brother-soul and the brother-heart
Of a friend or two
Make us drift on from the crowd apart,
With a friend or two;
For come days happy or come days sad
We count no hours but the ones made glad
By the hale good times we have ever had
With a friend or two.
Then brim the goblet and quaff the toast
To a friend or two,
For glad the man who can always boast
Of a friend or two;
But fairest sight is a friendly face,
The blithest tread is a friendly pace,

And heaven will be a better place
For a friend or two

Last Breath

I do not fear death;
Rather I long that last breath.
I don't mind dying;
So please do not start crying.
For when I draw that last breath;
I do not enter the world of death;
Rather I go to the place of love.
And then I have finished my journey to the great above''

Please Don't Cry

Please don't cry,
For I am here,
To wipe away,
Every single tear.

I'll be here,
To hold your hand.
Because life didnt go,
The way you planned.

Someday soon,
Your smile will shine,
You'll move on,
And you'll be fine.

But until that day,
Is today,
I'll be by,
Your side to stay.

You Have Opened Up a Place

You have opened up a place in my heart that wasn?t before touched,
You have given me your friendship, which means so much.
Your comforting words give me peace of mind,
Something I thought I could never find.
You comfort me and make me whole,
You make me laugh and you soothe my soul.
And that is why you are the only one I can call
My very best friend of all.

A Friend Most True

I need to know if you’re my true friend,
will you be by my side until the end?
Can I tell you my secrets deep,
and trust them in your heart you’ll keep?
We are neither of us without our flaws,
can you accept mine as I will yours?
I’ll be a shoulder to cry on when you’re blue,
will you be there for me when I need you?
No matter how busy I will make time for you,
if you are busy will you make time for me too?
I will take your hand and comfort your tears,
will you hold me and soothe my fears?
I will give you joy and many warm smiles,
can we share that even across many miles?
I will not forget what’s important to you,
will you remember what’s important to me too?
With you my most favourite things I’ll share,
If only I know do you truly care?
If you can accept me as I do you,
then I will know you are a friend most true.

The Best of Friends

The best of friends,
Can change a frown,
Into a smile,
when you feel down.

The best of friends,
Will understand,
Your little trials,
And lend a hand.

The best of friends,
Will always share,
Your secret dreams,
Because they care.

The best of friends,
Worth more than gold,
Give all the love,
A heart can hold.


Everyone should have
a friend like you
You are so much fun to be with
And you are such a good person
You crack me up with laughter
And touch my heart with your kindness
You have a wonderful ability
To know when to offer advice
And when to sit in quiet support
Time after time
You've come to my rescue
And brightend so many
Of my routine days
And time after time
I've realized how fortunate
I am that my life includes you
I really do believe that
Everybody should have a friend like you
But so far it looks like
You are one of a kind!


You're never alone, I'm always near,
When your troubled, down or blue.
All you have to do is call me,
I'm always here for you.

It doesn't matter where I'm at,
It doesn't matter when.
When you need someone to talk to,
I'm here to be your friend.

If you need someone to hold your hand,
or a hug to say I care.
If you need a shoulder to cry on,
for you I will be there.

So never think you are a burden,
when the weight gets to be to much.
You might find if look hard enough,
a good friend could be the right touch.

You're never alone, I'm always here,
through the good times and the bad.
I'm always here to be your friend,
I don't like to see you sad.

For My Best Friend

This is for you, my best friend,
the one person i can tell my soul too
Who can relate to me like no other
Who I can laugh with to no extents,
Who I can cry too when times are tough,
Who can help me with the problems of my life.

Never have you turned your back on me
Or told me I wasnt good enough
Or let me down

I don't think you know what that means to me
You have went through so much pain and you still have time
For me.
And I love you for listening even when inside YOU are dying
And I look up too you because you are strong,
and caring
and beautiful.
Even though you don't think you are.

And I hope you know that I am always here
To listen to you laugh and cry and help
In all the ways that i can
And I will try to be at least half the friend you are
To me.

I hope you know I would not be the person I am today, with out you.
My best friend.


I have a friend
Who is perfect for me
She listens to all my problems
No matter how dumb they may be

She likes herself for who she is
And never tries to change
She tells me to be myself
And that I should never change

She was shy on the phone
But she would still call
And we would talk for hours
About nothing at all

We would talk about love and life
And discuss what we wanted to be
She knew just how I felt
And how happy I could be

She listens to me patiently
But never judges what I do or say
She helped with all my problems
And never went away

I never once felt judged by her
How much that meant to me
That I could tell her all my dreams
And she would listen to me

My friend never goes and tells
What is dear to me
She keeps it all bottled up inside
And doesn't spread it like a bee

I am thankful for that friend of mine
Our friendship will never end
And she will always be there
For she is my best friend


This is a list
Of what to expect
From me to you
With love and respect
I owe you an ear
Cuz u would always pay attention
I owe you a shoulder
Cuz on yours lies my affection
I owe u a hand
You always helped out
I owe u advice
Of that there’s no doubt
I owe u respect
Of that your full
I owe trust
With my secrets you were cool
I owe you knowledge
You taught me so much
I owe you love
Deep in my heart, you touched
I owe you a friend
Who is honest and true
I owe you my life
Because of what you still do


There is that friend
that is so much a part of you, that you feel alone just thinking about the thought of her not being there.

There is that friendship
that has so much that it is based on that nothing could ever dissolve or even threaten it.

There is that friend
with whom you share so much history that one fight or misunderstanding rolls off nearly instantaneously,
because one issue is so insignificant, and could never come close to shattering the bond.

There is that friendship
that cannot always be explained, but only understood and cherished by the two people that share it.

There is that friend
that mean so much to you, that you honestly believe you would stop studying for a final exam, break a date with your crush of five years, or risk being grounded just so you could be there to lend a shoulder to cry on, offer a hug, or spend three hours just sitting with her if that would make it at all better.

There is that friendship
that has lasted through ten years of your life, and is still growing.

There is that friend
who you can talk to about something that happened when you were eight years old, and she can relive that moment so vividly along with you..

There is that friend
that knows you as well as you know yourself, and finds it special that you know her just as well.

There is that friend
who can make you smile through your tears, or cry out of happiness.

There is that friend
who is always there for you, and just realizing that she would be there is more than enough to make it better.

There is that friend
who cares about clearing away your tears no less if you are crying over absolutely nothing or over something she may have done to hurt you.

I have one friend like that, and it is that friend that will always occupy a precious part of my heart.


A true friend never walks away
A true will always stay
A true friend looks out for you

A true friend will guard your secrets
Like a precious gift
A true friend is there for you
To give you a helpful lift

A true friend tries to make you smile
Tries to replace that frown
They may not always succeed
But they rarely let you down

These arms for you are open
This heart for you does care
And when I think you need me
I'll try to always be there

I'll listen to your fears
I promise not to laugh
Comfort your falling tears
I'll make this friendship last

I'll keep you near to my heart
I'll always hold you dear
Even when we're miles apart
Even when you're here

I hope I am to you
Everything you are to me
For the friendship we have
Is a special one indeed.


Words escape me
at this moment
that seems like the end
yet it is only the beginning
when friendships are close
and dreams are far
you were there for me.
Tears fill me
with memories of both good and bad
some nearly forgetton
yet all dear to the heart
you were there for me.
In times of trouble
and in times of thanks
you stood by my side
and held me up.
Through your ever-patient ears
to your comforting hugs
you were there for me.
From that first day
when I saw you and knew
that you would love me for who I was
you were there for me.
And until the day
when we are old and gray
I will always know that
you are there for me.

You Are Mine

You are mine, my best friend,
The one I can confide in, until the end.
The one who has seen every tear,
Whose hands boldly hold all of my fears.

You are mine, my other half that makes me complete,
Who never lets me feel like I am going through defeat.
You're the one who has always been there,
To show me how much that you truely care.

You are mine, my happiness in me,
Who's opened my eyes and really made me see.
Your compassion and love has shone through the clouds,
Leaving me with no more fears or doubts.

You are mine, an angel for me,
Whose smile is sent to make me happy.
The one who always has faith in your heart,
To make sure that I don't fall apart.

You are mine, without any question,
Giving me lots of hugs and affection.
You are mine, my best friend,
Whom I will always love until the very end!

I love you Lauren! Thanks for everything!

The One Best Friend

Thanks for being there for me,
through good times and bad times.
I will be on your side even if the the world ends.
When the world is going,
I will be here,
now and until the end.
Your my very best friend.
The one that I look up to.
The one that I run to, when I have a problem.
The one that I talk to.
Your the one best friend that was always there for me.
I wanna thank you for all the things you gave and showed me.

You Are My Best Friend

You are my best friend through thick and thin. When
You reach for my hand you touch my heart. You are
The bestest friend that i can have.

You are there for me when i need you the most. You
Cheer me up when i am down. If i am about to cry u
Make me smile. You are my bestest friend and i can
Not lie.

You listen to me and give me advice, advice that comes
Straight from the bottom of your precious heart. You are
My best friend in the whole wide world and i couldn't ask
God for a little bit more.

We are going to grow older, and things will change but our
Friendship will forever still remain. I'll make new friends but
That won't change because you will always be my best friend.

I'd like to mean as much to you as you mean to me. I'd like to
Be some help to you as you have been to me. I'd like to know
That as we grow old our lives will change but that our

Friendship will still remain.

Me and you will never be apart maybe in distance but never in
Heart for our friendship is way to strong to let it go off
just like

All i can say is that you are my best friend and i swear to God
That i don't want it to change. I may move to a different state but
That doesn't mean that our friendship will end, because you will
Always be my best friend. No matter what life has destined for us
I know that our friendship will never die.
Love you always,

You Were There

When no one was there for me
And I thought that no one cared
When the whole world walked out on me
And I thought I was alone
You were there

When the one I cared about the most
Could care less about me
When the one I gave my heart to
Threw it in my face
You were there

When the person I trusted
Betrayed me
When the person I shared a lot of memories with
Can't even remember my birthday
You were there

When all I needed was a friend
To listen to me whine
When all I needed was someone
To catch my tears
You were there

When my heart hurt so bad
I couldn't even breath
When I just wanted to crawl up and die
You were there

When I started to cry
After hearing that sad song
When thew tears just wouldn't
Stop falling down
You were there

So you see I will be there until the end
This is a promise I can make
If you ever need me
Just give me a call
I will be there just as you were there for me


A friend is someone who cares
Someone who is always there

A friend is someone special
Someone who you can tell everything

A friend is someone who will never betray you
No matter who doesn't like you

A friend is someone you can trust
Someone kind of like you


Cold black stone
Left me standing here all alone
A road I’ve found no end
So many bumps and turns
Still you leave me with another bend

Twisted and curved I follow
Deep within my heart cold and hollow
Winding and turning I continued on
So many roads have come and gone

One day I set out to find the right path
Frustated, sad and confused
Only to find myself feeling its wrath
I moved along,
My Soul, tormented and bruised

Standing at a fork in this God forsaken place
Tired, scared and all alone
Tears of sorrow streaked my face
I fall, hitting hard, the cold black stone

A gentle touch upon my shoulder
Not knowing, not willing to understand
I turned to see you standing there
Outstretched arm with a helping hand.........

I thank God for the day you were created
And smile each time you look my way
The road has warmed and all my sorrows were tamed
Within my heart your friendship and love will always remain.

So the next road I travel frightening and new
I will walk without pain or sorrow
Not before, but knowing this now
All my roads will lead back to you


Succumbed by the words you’ve uttered
Feeling of lost and asking for direction
Needing a shoulder when I want to lean on
Waiting for an open ears to listen of my woes
But, there you are cuddling my heart to hang-on….

You showed me how vast the darkness at night
But somewhere you emphasized that shining star
That stands alone inspite of the clouds that hatched
Then denuded my eyes about how willed my soul is
For you regard me as the shining star that can stand….

That point I realized I’ve found someone along the road
Who tries to held my hand when I start to weaken
Those acts had inspired me define a real friend
Which I maybe blind for sometime but I now I can see
For now I considered you not a friend but a real chum I have….


Will you be there when I'm down,
And catch me when I fall?
Will you hold me when I need
To feel the warmth of your touch?

Will you laugh when I laugh,
And cry when I cry?
Will you let me rant and rave,
When I need to let off steam?

Will you discuss those painful things,
That you'd rather not think about?
Like the times we've hurt each other,
And promised would never do so again?

Will you say the right thing,
When all I've heard is the wrong?
And tell me soothing words,
That make the pain I feel subside?

Will you understand me when I say,
"I can't see you now, go away"?
Will you come back when I call,
As if nothing happened at all?

If you'll do these things for me,
And keep smiling all the way.
If you'll be with me through the bad times,
As well as the good.

Then truly you are my friend,
My pal, my mate and my confidante.
And that means so much to me.
I thank you dearly, for being there,
You, My Friend.


In my darkest hour...
In my deepest despair...
Will you still care?
Will you be there?

In my trials and my tribulations?
Through all doubts and frustrations?
In my violence...
And my turbulence?

Through my fear
And my confessions?
In my anguish...
And my pain?

Through my joy and sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I will never let you part
For you, are always in my heart.


You're my friend because you're always there,
If there's sadness around or in the air,
At night, in the morning or anytime of day,
You're there to cheer me up and chase the sadness away.

I just want to thank you for all you've done,
You've helped me through a lot, you're really number one.
Thanks for all the good times that we share,
It shows that you're one who really does care.

Thanks for being there when time got rough,
You make it easier when times get too tough
Thanks for being there each and every day,
Thanks for being you in that very special way.


Now, who you are is who I know,
After you as a person began to grow.
Looking at you is like looking in the mirror,
And what you say makes my life clearer.

It seems what good I've done, you've shared
For this you know not how I've cared.
From you, often I must draw strength
You give my patience with life its length.

Things with meaning are in your presence
Looking me in the eye is your essence.
You know my thoughts after just one glance,
Letting you in, glad I gave you the chance.

You were too strong and I too weak
Your absolute trust, what I would seek.
Now, I've got yours and you've got mine
So, I always know everything's fine.

I've come to know this, and it's true,
I seldom question myself when I'm with you.
I hang on your words, the little things you say,
I'm happy, reminded of what you said yesterday.

It's these things I've wanted to share,
To let you know how much I care.
For you and few others I'd take the fall,
So that you might have, I'd risk all.

Our respect for each other is well earned,
As Jesus, since the grotto, in our hearts has burned.
As I felt small and the winds of change blew,
My life was made significant with the presence of you.


Do you know how I feel when you touch my heart
Can you hear me cry inside at your silent embrace
Do you see the fear I keep hidden away
Can you feel the pain I never show

I can't help but smile when you touch my heart
You can't know the warmth it brings me
I can't bring myself to share the love
You can't see the hope in my soul

If only I too touch your heart
I only try to ease your fears
If only I could help as much
I only wish I were as true

Do you know you touch my heart
I love you being in my life
Do you feel the way I do
Do you know you touch my heart


Well I hope that you're happy,
now that I wrote this dumb poem for you!
Remember that ugly puppy you saw,
I bought it for you too.

I can almost picture
that stupid grin on you face;
Just make sure you keep that fleabag away from me
when I drop by at your place.

Okay... the truth is
I'm sorry about what I said the other day.
When I called you a pig,
I meant piggish in a nice kinda way.

This is embarassing,
but... er... you're not fat.
In fact, I think you are very pretty.
(Not that I'm gonna marry you or anything like that!)

I just want you to know
that you'll always be my best friend;
and that I'll be there for you from the beginning
till the end.

This really sounds disgusting,
doesn't it?
Promise not to let your sister read this poem,
and give me back my Alanis Morrisette CD by the end of this week!!

Just me,


A heart of gold will never rust
It is too precious and too fine
Those who know it think it to be
Sweeter than the sweetest wine.

More valuable than any treasure
Shining brighter than anything known
It's love is stronger than any weapon
Those who know it are never alone.

Nothing else like it on this earth
Hearts of brass and silver cannot compare
To the beauty and warmth it offers each day
And with it my soul shall never be bare


A quick glance, a tender smile,
I am caught in a spell.

A gentle touch, a warm embrace,
I know that all too well.

A soft voice, an unspoken love,
Across the way I see.

A kind face, an inner beauty,
That's what you are to me.


We had a friendship pure and true,
A friendship time could never cease,
That in sad moments, could renew,
And bring to us release,
We had a friendship, you and I,
That was taken much for granted.
We thought that it would never die,
Much like the seed that we have planted.
And in such haste did we forget,
The love required to grow,
And at our feet it shall be set,
Drowning from feelings never shown.
Maybe we can save this seed before its time is through,
For I've never had a friendship, as the one i have with you.

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