





This is a poem..
nah i dint know that
and it goes a little something like this...

we started yr eight on those usual days
the days of fun in different kinds of ways
it the coolest, you could say it was the best
and well lets just say friends know the rest

we were a little unsettled, you know new school
when the older yrs used to say they arent cool
we used to be called first year bums
and that we didn't even know our sums

we thought oh we'll show them but neva did
coz we were so tiny we left them and hid
well at school in yr eight we had fun
like the usual knock and run

and well this time we were all having a fight
a water balloon figh in broad day light
and we all got totally wet and satched
we rolled in the grass and itched and scratched

it started off as a little tiny fight
but then it got bigger alright
with almost everyone in the year
and some that we sometimes feared

we were all really good friends then
but things changed from way back when
we werent so little anymore
and we mainly at friends just swore

not in a bad kind of way
in friendly kinda way
well it turned out to be a big yr for us
finding the right friends wif fuss

finding friends was definitely not easy
because well some of them were very cheesy
we finally found the right kind of friends
and we says we are til the ends

but somethings that we dont really like just happen
and many thoughts and feelings were just wack em
the teachers were strict, some we thought were mean
and we always used to think lets wipe them clean

but we got different teachers and different classes
and we used to think lets steal there big fat glasses
we alwase did and still do make our mean passes
and in that yr we played with different kinds of pastas

those were the days
to live life to the fullest
and the fullest in life
we have lots of yrs in life
and add on life in years

and my ending comment is...
to love each and all..
and to have no enemies at all


Together forever until the end
Facing the worst with my very best friend

To count on for comfort with a hand to guide
Standing forever side by side

Problems arise but disappear
Whenever I see that you’re near

Laughter, sorrow, secrets, to share
Always showing your love and you’re care

When in doubt my saddening will stay
Until you’re there with a kind word to say

Facing the future until the end
Standing together forever friends


A friend is someone who is always there,
A friend is someone who will always care,

A friend is someone who lends you a shoulder to cry on,
A friend is someone who listens to you(even if you go on and on)

A friend is someone who's like an angel,
A friend is someone who helps you no matter what

A friend is someone who is there to tell you that your to good for him when your boyfriend dumps you,
A friend is there and doesn't care if you shed a tear at something small

A friend is someone who loves you for who you are,
A friend is someone who treats you just like family

A friend is someone who calls you when their parents leave and they are grounded just so they can talk(even if for a short time)
A friend is someone who might think about risking their life to save yours,

A friend is someone who is there to give you hugs and tell you it's alright when something bad happens
A friend is someone who puts up with you always talking about the guy you like (even when they are tired of hearing about him) just because it makes you happy

A Best friend is all of the above and much much more,
A friend will never forget you even after you are gone.

~~~~So next time you talk to your friend or best friend show how grateful you are to have their friendship, and give them a hug.~~~


You're... my friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend,
my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness,
with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there, throughout
the years!


A friend is like a flower,
A rose to be axact.
Or maybe like a brand new gate,
That never comes unlatched.

A friend is like an owl,
Both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
Who's spirit never dies.

A friend is like those blades of grass,
You can never mow,
Standing tall and proud,
In a perfect little row.

A friend is like a heart that goes
Strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world,
If we didnt have a friend....


Father, I ask You to bless my friend reading this right now!
Lord, show them a new revelation of Your love and power.
Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment.

Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.

Where there is self-doubting, release a renewed confidence in
Your ability to work through them.

Where there is tiredness, or exhaustion, I ask You to give them
understanding, patience, and strength as they learn Your leading.

Where there is spiritual stagnation, I ask You to renew them by revealing
Your nearness, and by drawing them into greater intimacy with You.

Where there is fear, reveal Your love, and release to them Your courage.

Where there is sin blocking them, reveal it, and break its hold over my friend's life.

Bless their finances, give them greater vision, and raiseup leaders, and friends to support, and encourage them.

Give each of them discernment to recognize the demonic forces around them, and reveal to them the power they have in You to defeat it.

I ask You to do these things in Jesus' name!


A simple friend has never seen you cry.
A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

A simple friend doesn't know your parents first names.
A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.

A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.
A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.

A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed.
A real friend asks you why it took you so long to call.

A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.
A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.

A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.
A real friend could blackmail you with it.

A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
A real friend opens the refrigerator and helps himself.

A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.
A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had fight.

A simple friend will say "later".
A real friend will make the time for you now.

A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
A real friend expects to always be there for you!


"Friends Forever" you promised.
"together till the end"
We did everything with eachother.
you were my best friend.

When i was sad, you were by my side.
when i was scared, you felt my fear.
You were my bast support-
If i needed you, you were there.

You were the greatest friend,
You always knew what to say:
You made everything seem better.
As long as we had eachother,
Everything would be okay.

But somewhere along tha line,
We slowly came apart.
I waws here, you were there,
It tore a hole in my heart.

Things were changing,
Our cheerful music reversed its tune.
It was like having salt without pepper,
A sun without its moon.

Suddenly we were miles apart,
Two different people, with nothing the same.
Although we knew deep in our hearts
Neither of us was to blame.

You had made many knew fienda
And luckily, so had i
But that didn't change the hurt-
The loss of our friendship made me cry

As we grow older, things must change
But they don't always have to end.
Even though its different, now,
You will always be my friend.


u cheered me up when i was sad
u made me warm when i was cold
u understood when i was mad

i made u happy when u felt down
i picked u up whenever u fell
cause i never like to see u frown.

BEST FRIENDS forever and ever
never alone
always together


Around the corner I have a friend
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone

And I never see my old friend's face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell,

And he rang mine..If, we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.

"Tomorrow" I say "I will call on Jim"
"Just to show that I'm thinking of him."
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes, And
distance between us grows and grows.

Around the corner!- yet miles away,
"Here's a telegram sir-"
"Jim died today."
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.


When times get tough and you feel down,
good friends are hard to come by.
But down worry when i see you frown
I'll be right by your side.

It may be a boy that breaks your heart
I promise, the pain will fade away
But dont you worry I will do my part
To be there for you every day.

But perhaps its your parents that made you cry
They are the ones who have you upset
They dont mean too make you have tears in your eyes
And on that i am sure to bet

And some times you just feel down and out
Just need a friend to on whom you can rely
Dont worry we can talk about
Whatevers on your mind

You can call me even if it's late
Or if I'm studying for a test
Even if you know, that I am on a date
To help I will do my best

Because your my friend you can rely on me
To get you through those bad times
As long as i can have the same garentee
That you will be there for me.


When I'm down and sad
You're always there
Hoping for the best.
When i want and need
Love, hope or comfort
You hlep me find it.

You're heart is pure sweet,
Not sour or bitter.
And forever and longer
I will help you with whatever
you're so kind, and caring
thoughtful, nice, and loving.
without you i'd be lost,
and I would definately Die.


Friendships online are often fleeting,
Made and lost without even once meeting.
How many friends from online have I lost?
I haven't kept count nor figured the cost.

Some depart, spouting bluster and rage,
Others as quietly as the turn of a page.
Many return though I couldn't say when,
While the rest are never heard from again.

For the loss of some, the fault is my own,
An unkind word spoken and I'm left alone.
Some friends turn away for no reason at all.
I'm puzzled and hurt when they shun my call.

Scores of friends are forever lost to me
Since the systems we called ceased to be.
And more than once, I've had friends die.
I can't forget them; I don't even try.

So take a moment during your time online
And be aware, though there's no outward sign.
That sound you hear, that solitary crying,
Might well be the sound of friendships dying.


Sometimes it's hard to write the words
That you, my dear, should see.
Or say the things that you need to hear,
Or be as I should be.

You grow so fast and learn so much
It's hard for me each day.
To say or do just what is best,
To help along the way.

Should I be silent or give advice?
Should I answer yes or no?
Should I have control - set many rules,
Or simply let you go?

One thing is certain...I'll make mistakes,
And some will seem hard to mend.
But if nothing else seems clear right now,
Know that you can always count on me as your friend.


Even though we are lost,
we will soon be found.
We will wait for the time to come,
and it should be around.

The sacred moment of love,
is always held inside of me.
It is the time of caring,
and wandering about thee.

You are my dearest friend,
no matter where you are.
So, the point of me loving,
should never fall apart.

I will always be thinking of you,
until the time comes.
You are my dearest friend,
and I love very much.


It's wondrous what a hug can do.
A hug can cheer you when you're blue.
A hug can say, "I Love You So,"
Or, "Gee, I hate to see you go,"
A hug is, “Welcome Back Again.”
And, “Great to see you! Where’ve you been”
A hug can soothe a small child’s pain
And bring a rainbow after rain.
The hug! There’s just no doubt about it
We scarcely could survive without it!
A hug delights and warms and charms.
It must be why God gave us arms.
Hugs are great for Fathers and Mothers,
Sweet for Sisters, Swell for Brothers.
And chances are your favorite Aunts
Love them more than potted plants.
Kittens crave them, puppies love them.
Heads of State are not above them.
A hug can break the language barrier
And make your travels so much merrier.
No need to fret about your store of “em;
The more you give the more there is of ‘em.
So stretch those arms without delay
And give someone a hug today!!!


Sometimes I feel sad and sometimes I feel blue
but whenever I see you, I'm as happy as can be
for you bring a smile upon my face
and a feeling of joy within my heart
you're like my sunshine in the morning
and my stars that glow at night
you're like the waves in the ocean
the cool breeze in the wind
like the call of the birds in the morning dew
like the sounds of beauty in the night
you see all of these things are of beauty and love
that's how I feel whenever you are near
for it was the passion and desire from both of us
that opened up the world for our eyes to see
for our love of each other will grow and grow
and our needs and desires will be more everyday
for a friend you once were and will always be
has turned into love as it should have been
so I want you to know as a friend and lover
that in my heart and arms you'll always stay
for our love for each other will never fade


People always say that friendships should be treasured.
But I want something more with her.
My love for her could never be measured.
I only wish she could see how I feel.
So I wonder, what can I do?
Can I just be friends with her?
Or can I say to her, "I'm falling for you,"
And lose her friendship forever?
So is there any hope here or I should let my love for her end?
No matter how it all turns out, I'll always be her friend.


If I had three wishes,
I would wish to trade lives,
With a person so lucky,
A woman,
Your wife.

Just to have one day of waking up beside you,
Looking into those beautiful eyes,
Tasting your morning lips.
To make slow love to you
'Til we collapse into each other's arms.
I want to watch you shower and
Help with the hard to reach areas (wink).
I will make your breakfast and
Send you to work with a kiss and a smile.
I would love nothing more than to be that person
You come home to after work,
To greet with a hug.
We can talk over dinner . . .
Enjoy dessert much much later (smile).
I want nothing more than to appreciate
The beautiful, kind, caring, gentle, honest,
loyal and loving man you are.

I would love the chance
To show you what you deserve and
Enjoy what she has.
If I had three wishes . . .
I would give away two, because
The only thing I want in this world,
Is one chance with you!


I've been hurt so very deep
By the one who once made my life complete

He left his scars they do not show
Imprinted them within my soul

So forgive me friend if I get scared
but my emotions are temporarily under repair

I work on this heartbreak everyday
Slowly its damage is drifting away

IF you've ever been here
I know you'll understand

That what I need right now
is for you to stay my friend


Shall I run or hide
And die inside
Or pretend
That I never knew you, even as a friend?

Can I go back in time,
Before your hand was in mine,
Or erase the kiss,
That I will forever miss,
Or forget your eyes
That seem to hypnotize?

Can my mind erase
The feel of your embrace?
How can I forget all of this
And pretend it doesn't exist?

I want you to know one thing that will never end -
my love for you. I love you, my friend


I want to know the you
That has not been introduced to anyone else.
I'm talking about the you
That you've been keeping to yourself.

I want to know your most recent fantasy -
You know, the one that just tickled your fancy.
I want to know each and every thought of me,
So I can lay back and contemplate bringing them to reality.

I want to know that spot
That seems to be under so much stress.
Because as a body physician, I have the answer -
It just needs to be caressed.

I want to know if that same spot
Was rubbed, licked and kissed,
Would your mind ponder
On what you could've missed.

I want to know what makes you happy,
What makes you sad,
What makes you sigh
And what makes you cry.

If I have to take a dive,
And explore the ocean floor,
I'll find out
And bring it back to shore.

I want to know,
That no matter what we're going through
Whether our lives are sunny or blue
I want to know - do I have a friend in you?


You're always in my heart,
Always on my mind,
No matter how deep the water,
You, I always find.
My memories are darkening,
You're getting more unclear,
I've fallen into a tunnel,
But I am not to fear.
Very soon we'll be as one,
Together as we once had been,
Filling our memory boxes,
For another year of being unseen


You are so much like my mother,
My feelings for you are like no other.
You are a person I will treasure,
Always and Forever.

Poems you taught me to write,
You are the one who showed me the light.
I don't know what I would do,
If in my life, I didn't have you.

To me, you have been so influential,
Keeping things I tell you confidential.
You always seem to touch my soul,
Without you, I wouldn't feel whole


Another day is passing
And still there is no word
On how your life is going
And who is in your world

I pray you will consider
These words I write to you
I liked you in my life
Yet maybe now it's through

I don't want to see
our relationship come to an end
And I don't want to find
our lives standing still

We are moving towards the end
And we really ought to wait
Because God planted something special
Deep within our hearts

I know your life is hectic
You are busy all day through
My life is busy also
But I still think of you

I want to send my love
And remind you of these things
Just so you will know
You mean so much to me.


How do I tell you I'm sorry -
With a gesture, a look, a touch?
How is it I never realized
I hurt you so very much?

I do not ask forgiveness,
A comfort I'll never deserve.
I merely want to let you know,
But I cannot find the nerve.

To finally confront you, face-to-face,
To look you in the eye,
To face your wrath, your apathy -
Too terrified to try.

You called me selfish, I turned away,
I festered and I fled;
Cutting and wounding and lashing out,
Just to see if you bled.

Betraying and deceiving you,
I surely had no right
To snatch away such a precious gem;
A dark thief in the night.

Four years and forever passed
To bring us to this day,
When I present these simple words
I never thought to say.

The time has come, it's long past due,
To put aside my fear;
Would this confession torture you,
Or have you longed to hear?

To hear those two forbidden words,
To vanquish all the pain,
To understand my dearest wish:
To know you once again.

The years aged me remarkably,
Though they have not made me wise;
I do know I erred irrevocably -
For that I apologize.


Rainbows created my imagination
As it arched across the sky
On one end there sat you
At the other end, there sat I

Imagining I could slide across
Over the rainbow to the end
There would be my pot of gold
The sweet love of my dear friend

The rainbow is a connection
Like a bridge from me to you
It appears joined by sunlight
Then the grey skies turn to blue

Arriving after the rainstorms
It became so evident to me
Thoughts of love follow rainbows
They arched right across the sea

A colorful arching rainbow
It has no gate, it has no door
It reaches from friend to friend
It arches from shore to shore

I smiled up today at the sky
How far would my loving smile go
It slid right over to the other side
The other end of the colored rainbow.


From dawn to dusk
I think of thee,
As I feel your sweet spirit come over me.
A calming hand,
A warming heart,
You and I shall never part.

Follow me as I kneel to pray,
to thank you for my days of praise.

To you I owe,
my life I lend,
for in return I promise a friend


I could write you a letter,
But what would it say?
Could it make things better?
Would it make everything okay?

I could write you a song,
Full of love hope and grace.
Would you tell me what went wrong?
Could you say it to my face?

I could make a telephone call,
And listen as you cried
But I would not let you fall,
And if you did, we'd both know I tried.

I could make the world go away
But would that be what you like?
You would miss the golden sunrays
You would miss the moonlight.

I could stop all this pain
Bring it all to an end
The tears would fall like rain
On the shoulder of a dear friend


I know you're still out there
Living life with your kind of flair
Standing with your face to the sun
Picturing your time to come

Many clouds have passed by
Since we stood under the same sky
Taking in the summer sights
Howling at the city lights

I still remember when we were young
Pulling pranks just for fun
Summer vacations were such a blast
The kind of memories that will always last

Growing up the future seemed like such a sure thing
Thought we knew what it would bring
True love, a family, a house in the hills
Work hard, play hard and don't sweat the bills

Never guessed things would change so much
Thought our friends would never loose touch
The stars seemed so clear from our domain
I sure could handle some of those good times again

Even if our dreams still seem far away
Our friendship will be right here to stay
Until we are both gone
The road between us will never be too long

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