





A true friend never walks away
A true will always stay
A true friend looks out for you

A true friend will guard your secrets
Like a precious gift
A true friend is there for you
To give you a helpful lift

A true friend tries to make you smile
Tries to replace that frown
They may not always succeed
But they rarely let you down

These arms for you are open
This heart for you does care
And when I think you need me
I'll try to always be there

I'll listen to your fears
I promise not to laugh
Comfort your falling tears
I'll make this friendship last

I'll keep you near to my heart
I'll always hold you dear
Even when we're miles apart
Even when you're here

I hope I am to you
Everything you are to me
For the friendship we have
Is a special one indeed.


Words escape me
at this moment
that seems like the end
yet it is only the beginning
when friendships are close
and dreams are far
you were there for me.
Tears fill me
with memories of both good and bad
some nearly forgetton
yet all dear to the heart
you were there for me.
In times of trouble
and in times of thanks
you stood by my side
and held me up.
Through your ever-patient ears
to your comforting hugs
you were there for me.
From that first day
when I saw you and knew
that you would love me for who I was
you were there for me.
And until the day
when we are old and gray
I will always know that
you are there for me.

You Are Mine

You are mine, my best friend,
The one I can confide in, until the end.
The one who has seen every tear,
Whose hands boldly hold all of my fears.

You are mine, my other half that makes me complete,
Who never lets me feel like I am going through defeat.
You're the one who has always been there,
To show me how much that you truely care.

You are mine, my happiness in me,
Who's opened my eyes and really made me see.
Your compassion and love has shone through the clouds,
Leaving me with no more fears or doubts.

You are mine, an angel for me,
Whose smile is sent to make me happy.
The one who always has faith in your heart,
To make sure that I don't fall apart.

You are mine, without any question,
Giving me lots of hugs and affection.
You are mine, my best friend,
Whom I will always love until the very end!

I love you Lauren! Thanks for everything!

The One Best Friend

Thanks for being there for me,
through good times and bad times.
I will be on your side even if the the world ends.
When the world is going,
I will be here,
now and until the end.
Your my very best friend.
The one that I look up to.
The one that I run to, when I have a problem.
The one that I talk to.
Your the one best friend that was always there for me.
I wanna thank you for all the things you gave and showed me.

You Are My Best Friend

You are my best friend through thick and thin. When
You reach for my hand you touch my heart. You are
The bestest friend that i can have.

You are there for me when i need you the most. You
Cheer me up when i am down. If i am about to cry u
Make me smile. You are my bestest friend and i can
Not lie.

You listen to me and give me advice, advice that comes
Straight from the bottom of your precious heart. You are
My best friend in the whole wide world and i couldn't ask
God for a little bit more.

We are going to grow older, and things will change but our
Friendship will forever still remain. I'll make new friends but
That won't change because you will always be my best friend.

I'd like to mean as much to you as you mean to me. I'd like to
Be some help to you as you have been to me. I'd like to know
That as we grow old our lives will change but that our

Friendship will still remain.

Me and you will never be apart maybe in distance but never in
Heart for our friendship is way to strong to let it go off
just like

All i can say is that you are my best friend and i swear to God
That i don't want it to change. I may move to a different state but
That doesn't mean that our friendship will end, because you will
Always be my best friend. No matter what life has destined for us
I know that our friendship will never die.

Love you always,
F.D.D C/O "01"

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"Happy Birthday!"

~*~*~*To Jessie*~*~*~
© Alex

When I moved to Miami, it was a big change
Heavy traffic, crazy Cubans, it all seemed so strange
I would sit around at home and think about people in Key West I missed the most
because there was no one here with whom I was really close
Finally I have been blessed with a friendship that's true
I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met you
I'm amazed at how quickly our friendship has grown
As long as you are in this world, I know I'll never be alone
I was so shy, you helped me loosen up
You helped me in sticky situations when I was stuck
In tough times, you told me everything would be okay
You brought out the sunshine when I had a cloudy day
You brought comfort in stressful times with your love and care
I am so lucky for the bond that we share.
I knew our friendship would last forever right from the start
I love you Jessie Greb, sister, with all of my heart
*Muah* 143 67
Love Alex

You Were There
© Beth Ensminger, sent by Krystine Ose

When no one was there for me
And I thought that no one cared
When the whole world walked out on me
And I thought I was alone
You were there

When the one I cared about the most
Could care less about me
When the one I gave my heart to
Threw it in my face
You were there

When the person I trusted
Betrayed me
When the person I shared a lot of memories with
Can't even remember my birthday
You were there

When all I needed was a friend
To listen to me whine
When all I needed was someone
To catch my tears
You were there

When my heart hurt so bad
I couldn't even breath
When I just wanted to crawl up and die
You were there

When I started to cry
After hearing that sad song
When thew tears just wouldn't
Stop falling down
You were there

So you see I will be there until the end
This is a promise I can make
If you ever need me
Just give me a call
I will be there just as you were there for me


A friend is someone who cares
Someone who is always there

A friend is someone special
Someone who you can tell everything

A friend is someone who will never betray you
No matter who doesn't like you

A friend is someone you can trust
Someone kind of like you


Cold black stone
Left me standing here all alone
A road I’ve found no end
So many bumps and turns
Still you leave me with another bend

Twisted and curved I follow
Deep within my heart cold and hollow
Winding and turning I continued on
So many roads have come and gone

One day I set out to find the right path
Frustated, sad and confused
Only to find myself feeling its wrath
I moved along,
My Soul, tormented and bruised

Standing at a fork in this God forsaken place
Tired, scared and all alone
Tears of sorrow streaked my face
I fall, hitting hard, the cold black stone

A gentle touch upon my shoulder
Not knowing, not willing to understand
I turned to see you standing there
Outstretched arm with a helping hand.........

I thank God for the day you were created
And smile each time you look my way
The road has warmed and all my sorrows were tamed
Within my heart your friendship and love will always remain.

So the next road I travel frightening and new
I will walk without pain or sorrow
Not before, but knowing this now
All my roads will lead back to you


Succumbed by the words you’ve uttered
Feeling of lost and asking for direction
Needing a shoulder when I want to lean on
Waiting for an open ears to listen of my woes
But, there you are cuddling my heart to hang-on….

You showed me how vast the darkness at night
But somewhere you emphasized that shining star
That stands alone inspite of the clouds that hatched
Then denuded my eyes about how willed my soul is
For you regard me as the shining star that can stand….

That point I realized I’ve found someone along the road
Who tries to held my hand when I start to weaken
Those acts had inspired me define a real friend
Which I maybe blind for sometime but I now I can see
For now I considered you not a friend but a real chum I have….


Will you be there when I'm down,
And catch me when I fall?
Will you hold me when I need
To feel the warmth of your touch?

Will you laugh when I laugh,
And cry when I cry?
Will you let me rant and rave,
When I need to let off steam?

Will you discuss those painful things,
That you'd rather not think about?
Like the times we've hurt each other,
And promised would never do so again?

Will you say the right thing,
When all I've heard is the wrong?
And tell me soothing words,
That make the pain I feel subside?

Will you understand me when I say,
"I can't see you now, go away"?
Will you come back when I call,
As if nothing happened at all?

If you'll do these things for me,
And keep smiling all the way.
If you'll be with me through the bad times,
As well as the good.

Then truly you are my friend,
My pal, my mate and my confidante.
And that means so much to me.
I thank you dearly, for being there,
You, My Friend.


In my darkest hour...
In my deepest despair...
Will you still care?
Will you be there?

In my trials and my tribulations?
Through all doubts and frustrations?
In my violence...
And my turbulence?

Through my fear
And my confessions?
In my anguish...
And my pain?

Through my joy and sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I will never let you part
For you, are always in my heart.


You're my friend because you're always there,
If there's sadness around or in the air,
At night, in the morning or anytime of day,
You're there to cheer me up and chase the sadness away.

I just want to thank you for all you've done,
You've helped me through a lot, you're really number one.
Thanks for all the good times that we share,
It shows that you're one who really does care.

Thanks for being there when time got rough,
You make it easier when times get too tough
Thanks for being there each and every day,
Thanks for being you in that very special way.


Now, who you are is who I know,
After you as a person began to grow.
Looking at you is like looking in the mirror,
And what you say makes my life clearer.

It seems what good I've done, you've shared
For this you know not how I've cared.
From you, often I must draw strength
You give my patience with life its length.

Things with meaning are in your presence
Looking me in the eye is your essence.
You know my thoughts after just one glance,
Letting you in, glad I gave you the chance.

You were too strong and I too weak
Your absolute trust, what I would seek.
Now, I've got yours and you've got mine
So, I always know everything's fine.

I've come to know this, and it's true,
I seldom question myself when I'm with you.
I hang on your words, the little things you say,
I'm happy, reminded of what you said yesterday.

It's these things I've wanted to share,
To let you know how much I care.
For you and few others I'd take the fall,
So that you might have, I'd risk all.

Our respect for each other is well earned,
As Jesus, since the grotto, in our hearts has burned.
As I felt small and the winds of change blew,
My life was made significant with the presence of you.


Do you know how I feel when you touch my heart
Can you hear me cry inside at your silent embrace
Do you see the fear I keep hidden away
Can you feel the pain I never show

I can't help but smile when you touch my heart
You can't know the warmth it brings me
I can't bring myself to share the love
You can't see the hope in my soul

If only I too touch your heart
I only try to ease your fears
If only I could help as much
I only wish I were as true

Do you know you touch my heart
I love you being in my life
Do you feel the way I do
Do you know you touch my heart


Well I hope that you're happy,
now that I wrote this dumb poem for you!
Remember that ugly puppy you saw,
I bought it for you too.

I can almost picture
that stupid grin on you face;
Just make sure you keep that fleabag away from me
when I drop by at your place.

Okay... the truth is
I'm sorry about what I said the other day.
When I called you a pig,
I meant piggish in a nice kinda way.

This is embarassing,
but... er... you're not fat.
In fact, I think you are very pretty.
(Not that I'm gonna marry you or anything like that!)

I just want you to know
that you'll always be my best friend;
and that I'll be there for you from the beginning
till the end.

This really sounds disgusting,
doesn't it?
Promise not to let your sister read this poem,
and give me back my Alanis Morrisette CD by the end of this week!!

Just me,


A heart of gold will never rust
It is too precious and too fine
Those who know it think it to be
Sweeter than the sweetest wine.

More valuable than any treasure
Shining brighter than anything known
It's love is stronger than any weapon
Those who know it are never alone.

Nothing else like it on this earth
Hearts of brass and silver cannot compare
To the beauty and warmth it offers each day
And with it my soul shall never be bare


A quick glance, a tender smile,
I am caught in a spell.

A gentle touch, a warm embrace,
I know that all too well.

A soft voice, an unspoken love,
Across the way I see.

A kind face, an inner beauty,
That's what you are to me.


We had a friendship pure and true,
A friendship time could never cease,
That in sad moments, could renew,
And bring to us release,
We had a friendship, you and I,
That was taken much for granted.
We thought that it would never die,
Much like the seed that we have planted.
And in such haste did we forget,
The love required to grow,
And at our feet it shall be set,
Drowning from feelings never shown.
Maybe we can save this seed before its time is through,
For I've never had a friendship, as the one i have with you.


Yesterday has come and gone, today is but a fleeting thing.
Tomorrow shines as a beacon with all that the future can bring.

The future's out there and life's road calls you.
As you travel life's highways, to your own self be true.

When doubts assail you at night in the dark,
Search for the answer in your deepest heart.

That small inner voice is one you should heed,
It's the poet in you, answering your need.

So listen carefully dear, and he'll see you through.
Life and the future beckon to you!


Will you believe again my friend?
That dream destroyed your pride,
It vanished away hurting your life.

Tell me, will you dream again?
Will you follow it towards the end
Thinking it's part of your fate?

Will that nightmare hit you once more?
Tell me, if you please, tell me so.
I want to hear it from you, I want to know.

Please, please don't lie to me,
Tell me if you're going back to it.
Tell me so, I promise I won't be mean.

For you there will be no blame
Until it passes the time that will take
To show you it wasn't part of your fate


I wasn't looking for it, but some how it came, and found me.
Before I had a chance to react, it wrapped it's warmth around me.
Like a thief in the night, it has come and gone.
I have nothing, but that vision to reflect upon.

Until chance comes again, I'll let my thoughts dance upon the wind.
All day long, in my mind, I walk love's lonely street.
Like a tired man that longs to sit, but just can't find a seat.
Then, there it was again, up ahead, to light my way.

Only to vanish once more, just like all my yesterdays.
Until chance comes again, I'll let my thoughts dance upon the wind.
I don't know where I'm going, and where I've been isn't much to speak of.
I just know my heart is always showing, leading me to some far off love.

Just when I give up the fight.
Here it comes to make the bad things good, and the wrong things right.
Only to leave me lost and lonely again.
Drifting away as my thoughts dance upon the wind.

It has a name, I think they call it friend


Because existence can become severe
in one day,
just sense me and I'll be there.
In the minds eye,
I'm not so far away.
If you hold out your hand,
in the whispers,
I'll become the zephyr.
and besiege you.
If your eye's upon the stars,
in the crystalline darkness,
I'll become the moon.
And the light shall guide you.
If you rest upon the ground,
in the warmth,
I'll become the grass.
And embrace you.
If you turn outside,
in the wetness,
I'll become the rain.
An upon your forehead, kiss you.
If you free the air,
in the light of day,
I'll become the sun.
And smile for you.

Between the miles-
if you need me.
If you need a friend.
Let me be the friend, I want to be


When you feel sad and betrayed
Who can you count on every single day?
When you feel lost and alone
Who will be there for you in every way?

When you've made mistakes and bad decisions
Who can you count on to tell you you're wrong?
When you feel you can't go on
Who will be there with a feel-better song?

Look into your heart and you will find
That person you can trust is not far away.
Look deep into yourself, don't give up,
For if you do, it's yourself you'll betray.

When you're looking for answers
To all your questions and dreams,
There is one person you can count on,
It's impossible, I know, it seems.

But take a few moments to look deeper inside.
Look into your heart and there you will see.
You'll be surprised when you find out
That you've been looking at ME


Your cheerful smile
Your caressing hand
It's the really simple things
That make your life look so grand

You're a special woman
It's in your eyes
I see the truth
There is no disguise

It's your spirit
Maybe your soul
But my life without you
Would feel painfully old

You've been a true friend
I hope you stay
I would be so very empty
If you ever went away


You came like spring
and lit my soul on fire
when the birds began to sing
you came and inspired

When the flowers began to bloom
with the smell of spring in the air
you took away the gloom
and taught me how to care

I'll never be the same
you breathed new life into me
I'm so glad you came
A true friend you'll always be


Her heart is a star is a system is the universe
Her heart has a very bright, luminous beam is sparkling with the love
of a million days is lighting the sky with its dazzling beauty.
Scintillates with joy when she's happy, blazes with anger when she's sullen,
glimmers with sadness when she's morose.
Can shine like the morning star or flicker like the dying one.

Her soul is a comet is a system is the universe
Her soul is free to float and fly is unique is in a position
where any hard impacts will shatter it.
Shimmers as it catches light, is darkened with shadows,
moves like a "shooting star" when given encouragement.
Leaves its mark upon the universe, if only for a brief period of time.

Her body is a planet is a system is the universe
Her body is left behind sometimes is large
and cumbersome can be abandoned easily.
Orbits the light of her heart on a daily basis can be icy cold
or agonizingly hot is surrounded by a ring of skin.
Cycles with the seasons of birth, life, old age, and death


Her heart is a star is a system is the universe
Her heart has a very bright, luminous beam is sparkling with the love
of a million days is lighting the sky with its dazzling beauty.
Scintillates with joy when she's happy, blazes with anger when she's sullen,
glimmers with sadness when she's morose.
Can shine like the morning star or flicker like the dying one.

Her soul is a comet is a system is the universe
Her soul is free to float and fly is unique is in a position
where any hard impacts will shatter it.
Shimmers as it catches light, is darkened with shadows,
moves like a "shooting star" when given encouragement.
Leaves its mark upon the universe, if only for a brief period of time.

Her body is a planet is a system is the universe
Her body is left behind sometimes is large
and cumbersome can be abandoned easily.
Orbits the light of her heart on a daily basis can be icy cold
or agonizingly hot is surrounded by a ring of skin.
Cycles with the seasons of birth, life, old age, and death

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