





Just close your eyes and open your heart,
And feel your worries and cares depart.
Just yield yourself to the Father above,
And let Him hold you secure in His love.

For life on earth grows more involved,
With endless problems that can't be solved.
But God only ask us to do our best,
Then He will take over and finish the rest.

So when you are tired, discouraged and blue,
There is always one door that is open to you.
And that is the door to The House of Prayer,
And you'll find God waiting to meet you there.

And The House of Prayer is no further away,
Than the quiet spot where you kneel and pray.
For the heart is a temple when God is there,
As we place ourselves in His loving care.

And He hears every prayer and answers each one,
When we Pray in His name - Thy will be done.
The burdens that seemed too heavy to bear,
Are lifted away on the wings of a prayer.


Whatever you dwell upon in your mind, you give power to. So of course it makes sense to focus on what you want rather than what you don't want. Yet there are many ways in which the things you don't want can sneak into your thinking.

Worry and doubt focus your thinking on what you don't want. Rather than worrying about the bad things that might happen, direct your actions toward making positive things happen.

Complaining can also get your mind sidetracked into thinking about what you don't want. What do you complain about? The things you don't like. Rather than complaining, take action. Action moves you toward what you do want.

Anger is one more way to get your thinking negatively directed. Rather than getting angry about what you don't like, use that energy to give you determination for what you want to achieve.

Keep your mind positively focused on the good things that life can offer. Those things will grow stronger and more abundant in your world.


The time has come to look deep within our self
To put our memories out in the open, upon the shelf
The world must know that the love continues to be
Even after this life here on earth, we continue to see
We continue to live but now in a different way
Free of pain, free of tears, free to fly, free to stay
We watch over our loved ones who remain here on earth
As they light the fire within the perth
We see the tears that fall from their eyes, the heart that is broken
But listen carefully and the words will be spoken
We are not far, call our name, we will come and be
To share our love for you for all eternity
Love has no time, it does not end, it is always there
It is the one thing that we will always share
Feel me in your heart, feel my presence
Whether a familiar smell, a feeling a certain sense
That we are not gone from you we still remain
And with this certainty in your knowledge you will gain
Love is eternal, always, never ending
Feel the constant love and the comfort I am sending
I am there in your dreams
For it is what it seems
I am coming to let you know
that I am alive, and I continue to grow

The expansive oceans of our lives
Are filled with seas of experiences
Trifling, important, lively, boring
Calming, frightening, safe and treacherous
But always learning and growing, growing and learning


Cradle me in the bosom of your tiny ripples
Let me feel at one with your seeming
Ending-never, peace and serenity
As I make my way through this day
Happy, unaware of the impending storms;
There is only peace, gentle peace

But did I speak too quickly?
What is this turbulence that has erupted?
Oh please, not now
I am, was, at one with you
Oh no, the ship of my life has tilted to one side
I think it's going to capsize
I feel it heaving with the waves
As they whip themselves into a fury
Determined to prove their omnipotence
And I one sailor trying to navigate the choppy waters
But I cannot do this alone.
I make a conscious effort to inhale the salty air
Slowly, slowly. slowly, slowly
My body goes limp and
I release the wheel and cover the compass

I realize that the direction of this ship
Is not in my hands.
I let go and let the Divine Creator take charge
And I awake yawning, stretching, rubbing my eyes
As I behold a glorious new day.

" God does not waste an ounce of our pain or a drop of our tears; suffering doesn't come our way for no reason, and He seems especially efficient at using what we endure to mold our character. If we are malleable, He takes our bumps and bruises and shapes them into something beautiful."


Your grip on life fading, but every step fighting,
Trying so hard to hold on-but partly wanting to let go.
But in the end the fight was lost and you were taken from us.
A heartache and grief that no one can bare,
A hole, now empty, that can never be filled.
Though we grieve and we all ask "why you?"
Deep down in our hearts, we know you are where you destined to be.

For you are now in your father's arms,
A manchion on many rooms.
Though you may now be gone from our sight.
Everyday in our hearts you will be there.
Do not feel your life was in vain,
For you've taught us about the precious gift of life.
For now no one takes each other for granted,
And every time we say good-bye... we always say I love you.
And this we owe to you for teaching us to love one another in unity again.
Till we meet again.


I have a friend that is truly an angel. She was once on earth, but now she is on the streets of gold. The streets of gold I am talking about is heaven. Heaven seems to be an awesome place. If anybody literally deserves to spend eternal life in heaven then Lilya is certainly a person that truly deserves it.

She was a beautiful girl, and now she is a beautiful angel flying or whatever Jesus has her doing in heaven. A lot of times when I was down and Lilya was on mplayer I could always be assured that I would be smiling in a very small amount of time. She always had a hug ready when she saw I was on mplayer. Even though I never actually met her, I felt so close to her.

This certain friend of mine lived her short but well worth it life on earth, and now she is having eternal life in heaven. I just wish people would not hurt her by making fun of her cause she couldn't hear. Even though she couldn't hear, she still had feelings like everybody else. We didn't have a long time to get to know each other, but I enjoyed the time we did have together.

One thing that hurts me is I never got to say good-bye. I know that whenever it is my time to go, she will be waiting for me in heaven along with Jesus. I remember her always worrying about me, but she never wanted me to worry about her. She had a heart of gold! I know she is looking down from heaven at everybody on earth that she loved and still loves.


Accidents happen, that's what they all say.
That's why you are gone, oh so far away.
A young life lost, to great heaven above.
Flying away like a beautiful dove.

A handsome guy, with a thousand great friends,
None of whose hearts will ever mend.
A bright young kid, always wearing a smile;
Always willing to sacrifice and go the extra mile.

Some people talk, and yea they will chatter.
But we keep your Mom and Joey strong, that's the real matter.
A football star, with new angel wings,
Who heaven rejoiced for, and oh, did they sing.

A wrestler with the biggest, most tender heart,
Will care and watch over us never really to part.
Now he is safe, and away from all harms.
But we will all miss your amazing charm.

He is whispering to us now, for he is a bird.
So everyone listen, do not utter a word.
We all have a new angel, who has so much to give.
He will shower us with love and teach us to live.

Todd, we all miss you and through it all we have hung.
Because it is true, "Only the good die young."


I hated seeing you hurting,
I hated seeing you blue.
So I told you that I'd always be there,
I was someone you could always talk to.

You were talking crazy talk,
Like 'this is my last breath.'
I stood by your side,
And helped you forget about your death.

You felt you had nobody,
I was ALWAYS there for you.
So you could throw it all away,
The stuff I helped you through.

Did you forget about our friendship?
All the support I gave to you?
You walk away like I am a loser,
Obviously I meant nothing to you.

Suicide made us close,
You said I was 'wicked kind.'
Now you've been hanging with new friends.
It hurts being left behind.

You've turned into Ms. Popular,
Everyone loves you now.
Congratulations, you left me in the dust,
Please.. Stand up and take a bow.


I am left stunned by your pain
What am I to say to you my friend?
That I am angered at time, for it has betrayed you?
How I wish that I could turn it back, that I could change your fate

But I am powerless, I am but a poet
My words have no meaning, they offer no healing
More than a poet, I am a friend
And more than a poem, this is a wish

To comfort you when the world has no more sympathy
To fill your soul with a sense of hope
To restore the courage that you once carried, so proudly
To bring every dream you've had to life

Forgive me my friend; this is all I can offer
My emotional intelligence is too poor to bring you serenity
But know that you are forever in my prayers
And in these days of hurt, you shall stay constant in my thoughts


For the heaven you've made all around me,
For the love I feel inside me,
For the strength behind me,
For all your inspiration,
For our close and profound relation,
For boosting my spirits when setbacks disillusioned me,
For hugging me when friends deserted me,
For loving me when my affair disappointed me.
For the support in my victories,
For the warm hugs in my defeats,
For the kisses on my wounds,
For the heartache on my disappearance from the rooms,
For the fixes on my jeans,
For always cooking my favorite meals.
For my neatly ironed dress,
For cleaning my mess,
For just sitting with me
And listening to me.
For the hand on my back,
For staying up all night long,
For the constant guidance,
For allowing me my independence,
For appreciating me for all good I did,
For making me see sense for all wrong I thought,
For teaching me to love the world and appreciate beauty,
For inspiring me to be independent and do my duty,
For encouraging me to fight injustice and do what is right,
For guiding me to fold my hands and believe in God's might.
I've grown and I've realized-
The enormous depth of your commitment-
Your sacrifices, your determination,
Your softness, your toughness.
You are with me, always-
Wherever I go,
Whatever I become.
You've been my angel, MOM, and
I want to thank you for all your warmth.
But I realize that nothing can equal the depth of your love;
And the only way I can ever thank you
Is to be an angel like you mom- for my child.


I remember saying goodnight one last time
To the girl whom my heart ached for at night
Seeing your face through the window of thine
Surged a break through my soul of Godly might.
In an instant my eyes glistened with tears
My heart felt the weight of cupids arrow
Knowing this moment need last for years
Without you near, happiness welcomed sorrow.
Trying to find ways to say "I Love You"
To that someone who needn't be told
To look in your dark eyes.... so pure, so true
Became an obsession of a heart so bold.
As we part, words needn't flow from my shaking lips
For you knew love when you left my finger tips.


We are all special in some way but those individuals
Who live each day handicapped
Are the true special people,
I can say.
Overcoming trials and tribulations
Of doubt and despair
Of ever becoming good enough or accepted
In society today.
Wanting to become one of the accepted
Instead of one of the lesser few.
Not to be left out but let in as if saying
"I can feel too".
"I may not walk and talk the same as most persons
I am human, I can see",
This is what they are saying when they are unable to express themselves
Like most normal people do.
Imagining the feeling of realizing at an early age,
An individual was told the truth
Of their infirmity by their parents,
Of what they are.
The cries the pain and suffering
By both parents and child
Would be too much to imagine,
By far
Yes they are special in many ways that you or I can't see.
It takes a certain kind of patience
And understanding and love
To care for one of these special ones.
On the outside they are plagued with deformity of muscle
Or speech impairment
In not knowing when their speaking
Is done
One of God's creatures has made great strides from medicine and health
And a person's ability to have strength
And endurance of overcoming obstacles of defeat
To live.
How proud they must feel
To know they can be like the rest of us
And all they ever wanted was to have a normal life
That they could give.


A grateful heart is all that you need
to let God know that you are pleased.
When you are thankful for things you have been blessed,
remember to thank God first before anyone else.
When things turn out the way you want them to,
clasp your hands in gratitude to God to whom credit is due.
When you're at peace and contented, thank God in silence,
for no one else in the world could have given you that solace.
When you pray for amenities and don't get what you expect,
thank Him just the same with all due respect.
Times when you're bestowed the things you have not sought,
thank God cheerfully for possibilities you have not thought.
Sometimes you'll receive some things you most need,
thank God for not waiting your call and for taking heed.
At other times you ask God for things you need to live,
understand the long wait 'cause He knows when to give.
Thank God promptly for daily desires granted,
even if these do not come in the amounts wanted.
God knows what you need or what you want,
so thank Him with relief for deciding what to grant.
When you escape a mishap thank God in a snap,
Praise Him for His goodness, shout His Name and cheer up.
When you're hard up and don't know what to do,
thank God for trusting that you can get through.
During days of tribulations when you almost give up,
try thanking God you'll see, your troubles will ease up.
Thanking God in a few words is worth a thousand praises shouted.
It's enough to lighten your load when you need to tread the road.
When you want to pray and don't know what to say,
oftentimes a "Thank you, Lord" is just enough to make your day.
Therefore, give thanks and give your best thanks always,
and leave it all to God to understand what's more.


-Be thoughtful
-Be thankful
-Be helpful
-Be gentle
-Be loving
-Be forgiving
-Be tolerant
-Be understanding
-Be joyful
-Be patient
-Be good
-Be calm
-Be determined
-Be patriotic
-Be listeners


She was first a mother, now a friend
So special in all her ways
She's been a guide and teacher
And for me each night she prays
She probably doesn't realize
Since so seldom she is told
That she's thought of with each passing day
And treasured more than gold
Full of all good virtues
Always gentle and so kind,
Another mother just like her
Would be so hard to find
She labors long with no complaint,
Never thinking of herself.
Her talents and her time are spent
With the thoughts of someone else.
She's not glamorous with make-up
And by artificial means;
Those things she's not in need of
For her natural beauty beams.
To add to that, she always smiles
With the brightness of the Lord.
Her life each day an example
As it's guided by the Word.
In her eye there is a glitter,
As if from a perfect jewel.
Her face is bright, and her lamp is lit,
With God's Word as the fuel.
She raised me well and taught me right;
Was the best mother there could be.
But even much more than a mom,
She's a dear friend to me.
I've come to appreciate as I've grown
Her friendship and her love.
These things once taken for granted,
Now I'm thankful to Him above.
I hope that I can be like her
When I have little ones to raise;
And they'll love me as I do her
When they become my age.


I once was daddy's teddy bear.
Our ages are the same you know.
I slept with him from his first day,
I guarded him and watched him grow.
I used to lull him off to sleep,
I played a little lullaby.
(Inside I had a music heart)
But years of playing made it die.
When he began to walk around,
He carried me around and 'bout.
Sometimes he dragged me cross the floor;
I guess that's when my eyes came out.
I even loved that little guy,
When to my lips he'd tip his cup,
And dribble milk all down my chest.
Then mom would have to clean me up.
As life went on, the baby grew,
And I was not his favorite toy.
Trucks and trains became his thing;
"I know, a boy must be a boy."
But many nights for many years,
When he would go to bed at night,
His mom would place me in his arms,
And he would hug me, oh, so tight!
His mom would tuck us in his bed,
Then kiss us both and dim the light.
Oh, then I'd sigh in happiness
And guard that boy all through the night.
My fur began to thin right out,
And soon, I knew would come the day
When I'd be put aside for good;
No one would take me out to play.
My back began to open up,
So mom took out the music part
Then sewed me up again, real tight,
But I was left without my heart.
She found me, once, long time ago
Years after when the boy was gone
And stuffed the hole where my heart was
But still I could not play a song.
She placed me in his empty room
I was so sad, oh, so forlorn.
There I did stay until the day
A little baby girl was born.
The boy that played with me before
Is now a daddy proud and true!
Now mom is fixing me all up
To send me to that baby...YOU!
I think I feel a heart beat now,
Away down deep inside of me!
I'm going to feel some little arms
Hug this old and tattered body!
The mom is sad, I know 'tis true
'Cause I saw tears drop, one by one.
She kissed me softly on the cheek
And "whispered, "This is for my son."
I hope your dad remember me,
The way I was when I was new.
He loved me very much you know,
I hope that you will love me, too.
I'm on my way now! Here I come!
It's been so long, but I've been true.
I just can't wait to see you smile,
The way your daddy used to do.


Thank you for bringing me all of your smiles,
Thank you for teaching me the way to see
Thank you for making all my days worthwhile,
Thank you for showing me who I can be.
Thank you for loving me for who I am,
Thank you for giving courage to be strong
Thank you for assuring me that I can,
Thank you for showing me right when I'm wrong.
Thank you for the shoulder to lean upon,
Thank you for being my twinkling star,
Thank you for lifting me up from the ground,
Thank you for being the person you are.


If I only had one more day
I would hold my family tight
I would tell them how much I needed them
When things just weren't right
If I only had one more day
I would hug each and every friend
I would thank them for caring about me
And sticking with me till the end
If I only had one more day
I would give every teacher a pat on the back
I would praise them for what they have taught me
Because now knowledge is something I don't lack
If I only had one more day
I would salute our country's defense
I would honor them for protecting me
And being brave when times were tense
If I only had one more day
I would look up at the moon and the stars
I would find beauty in all that surrounded me
And I would realize heaven isn't too far
If I only had one more day
I would pray to God for more time
To accept that life is a gift He gave me
And mine's worth every dime
If I only had one more day
I would appreciate the ordinary things
I would realize something has to be taken away
Before we found out how much happiness it brings
If I only had one more day
There wouldn't be enough time to appreciate all that's mine
So I have to start looking now before time's up
I know there is so much to shine


It is only a tiny rosebud,
A flower of God's design;
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.
The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I.
GOD opens this flower so sweetly.
Then in my hands they die.
If I cannot unfold a rosebud,
This flower of God's design,
Then how can I have the wisdom
To unfold this life of mine?
So I'll trust in Him for leading
Each moment of my day.
I will look to Him for His guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.
The pathway that lies before me,
Only my Heavenly Father knows.
I'll trust Him to unfold the moments,
Just as He unfolds the rose.


Where am I now?
What have I done?
All I see is nothingness.
I must have dropped the gun.
I feel no pain, but no light of day,
Total darkness, complete disarray.
My heart feels cold, in this black lonely tomb,
Where I'll fall forever be my eternal soul wound.
Terror inside, is worse than the pain,
He speaks the words of evil, tearing deeply at my brain.
Oh God Help me, I'm sorry for this sin,
Just give me one more chance, My Lord, Satan will not win.
No answer came back,
It was indeed too late
Below my falling body
I could see a fiery lake.
Scream with no voice, sight without eyes,
Plunging toward the flames below, I hear their screams and cries.
Echoes laughter below, as I submerge in molten rock.
I can't describe the pain I felt, as my flesh began to rot.
Nothing I can do but scream and cry inside,
Torn and burned beyond description, entrails thrown aside.
When you burn in hell, you will never ever die,
Continue to feel the flame forever, and witness your flesh fry!
I scream and cry out as I sit up drenched in tears,
Ringing wet with sweat, carrying a brand-new set of fears.
That moment I said a prayer, and I never will forget
I will never get that bad, Lord. Won't do anything I'll regret.
Life's not yours to take, so if you do you will die,
Not just in body, but your soul will never fly.
Life is a gift from God.
What you do with it is your gift to Him.


If I died tomorrow,
How would you remember me?
Would you remember all the happy memories we shared?
Would you tell your children about me?
Would you even remember me?
If I died tomorrow,
What would you say to me today?
Would you tell me you love me?
Would you tell me that I'll always have a place in your heart?
Would you tell me that I left many imprints in your life?
Or would you just tell me good-bye and good-luck with God?
If I died tomorrow,
Would you hold me close to you today,
Not letting go and telling me you love me dearly?
Would you take me out today and spend as much time with me as possible?
Or would you just call for a quick 5 minute chat with you hanging-up,
Leaving me to a dial tone?
We never know what can or will happen tomorrow,
So today we all must cherish and do what we can.
Whether it's telling our mom and dad we appreciate them for caring and raising us
Or cuddling with our boyfriends/girlfriends and enjoying the comfort of one another.
Whatever it is, do what you can today.
Remember yesterday and don't worry about tomorrow.


As deep as the ocean blue
High as the starry sky
These feelings I have for you
Fall between these lines
Your gentle touch, sweet lips, and caring eyes
Are something I never wanna be absent from again
Being so far away from you has made me realize
how much I truly am in love with you
At the sound of your voice
Or the mentioning of your name
My heart melts and I get butterflies in my stomach
No matter when, or where ever I am
You are always on my mind and at heart with me
As I lay my head to rest
Those precious things they call "dreams"
Are filled with the feelings and emotions I have for you
And those "dreams" are reality for me
As the saying goes, "The things that seem too good to be true usually are"
Baby you are perfect in my eyes
"You're just to good to be true, I can't take my eyes off of you"
Feeling your warm embrace as we lay so close
As your cool breath breathes down my neck
Sends chills up and down my spine
You put me in such a daze, a state of mind
That I never wanna leave or have come to an end
I've never felt this way before about anyone
When you are with me
All my fears and problems escape
My permanent smile shines through
And I want you to know
How much I am in love with you


I wrote this for my great Aunt who is now in a Nursing Home.
She has always been a very special person to me:
A woman of strength, courage and wisdom - a woman of peace and love.
Unnamed, I came to visit you at the nursing home today,
And as I looked into your eyes
I could see that your mind
Was in a different place and time.
I wish I could travel with you through the journey
That lives deep within your mind,
And see how you lived
In a different place and time.
Back to a place where there were no crimes,
And people where rich,
Even though they had not even a dime.
Where everyone practiced the golden rule,
Do onto others, as you would have them to do unto you.
So when times were hard
Everyone joined together
To help each other through.
Where parents taught their children
That love was the best thing
A person could ever do
Where men worked their land
To provide shelter and food
While the woman stayed home
And sent the children to school
And children had their chores they must do.
Yes times were hard, one might say
But the hard times are what made you
The women you are today.


The sweet little bundle,
I carry in my arms
Smiles when he sees my face ...
Making my heart all warm.
The joy in an infant
Learning to clap his hands,
A baby's first steps, or
Building castles out of sand.
Life is an adventure,
Learning to ride his trike.
Growing even larger,
He does tricks on his bike.
Toys give way to rides,
Making new friends in the world.
Sports become his major.
Then, friends give way to girls.
Receiving high honors
Becomes a campus man.
As life gets even busier,
He comes home when he can.
Next, the celebration,
"I found that special girl."
Marriage, then comes baby ...
A precious little pearl.
That sweet little bundle,
I carried in my arms,
Smiles when he sees your face.
You make our hearts all warm.


Every single one of us lived our lives a different way.
Some of us grew strong, while others grew weaker by each day.
Some of us were healthy, while others were sick.
Some of us flew through the day, while others watched the minutes tick.
Some of us ran to help those in need,
While others took advantage and strengthened their greed.
Some of us were wealthy, while others remained poor.
Some of the diseases destroyed lives, while scientists searched for the cure.
Some of us were fair, while others were not.
Some of us got away while others got caught.
Some of us were athletic while others remained still.
Some of us treasured life, while others searched for a way to kill.
Some of us were not afraid, while others remained meek.
Some of us were popular, while others were named as "the geek"
Some of us believed in God, while others didn't care.
Some of us believed life was cruel, while others believed it was fair.
Some of us lived life to the fullest, while others threw it all away.
Some of us gave up, while others seized the day.
Though we all lived different lives, we have not lived them in vain.
All we were given was a life to live, with everything to gain.


I can't see the stars tonight.
Shadowed by silence,
I close my eyes tight.
Pray against the odds of uncertainty
All I want is to believe.
Asking so many questions, only wanting one truth
I realize confusion is tainting my youth.
I want to wish upon a star
But the sky, tonight, seems so very far.
If "seeing is believing", then what will it take
For those wonders of light to take on some shape?
Like the rain clouds trying so hard to subdue
Tears fall from my lashes- as if overdue.
Helpless, I fall to my knees in exhaust
It was then that I realized,

My Faith
Is what's lost.
I ask for forgiveness,
Admit I am weak,
Then plead for a path,
To get back on my feet.
Guilty, I am, for doubting a known.
Look where it brought me,
In the dark,
Here alone.
I soon fell asleep on blades of wet grass,
Hoping the storm soon would pass.
It felt as if time had taken a leap,
Morning came and swept me off of my feet.
I stared, eyes all aglow;
Not a star, not a cloud;
It was a rainbow.

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