




I thought of you with love today,
But that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday,
And days before that too.
I think of you in silence.
I often speak your name.
Now all I have is memories.
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake.
With which I will never part.
God has you in His keeping.
I have you in my heart.


There you lay eyes closed,
Hands on your chest,
A rose by your side forever,
My child, you now shall rest.

Gently I kiss your cheek so cold, so stiff.
Please tell me this didn't really happen!
Open your eyes, just a little peek.
Far away you now will drift.

Slowly I turn away thinking of all the memories
You blessed me with each day.
Tears streaming down my face

Don't worry, my child, now it's all okay.
God will cover you with his grace
-Today, tomorrow, forever.

Just don't forget to save me a place
By your side, in your heart
And never again will we part.

Now the coffin's closed
With the memories, with the rose,
With my heart, with my sorrow.

But rejoice, for all will be okay,
For I have faith that God knows all
And to you, he will always give unconditional love,
-Today, tomorrow, forever.


I got the call this morning-
I pray it isn't true,
Of all the people in this world,
How could it possibly be you?

She told me how it happened
I begged her to say it wasn't so.
So close to all you wanted,
It cannot be time for you to go.

You knew right where you were going,
We have always been so proud.
You were just about to make it-
This simply can't be allowed.

You have touched so many hearts,
From you we all have learned.
We learned to love and live,
And you get what you have earned.

You earned all the love you got
Cause you were so sweet and worked so hard,
You proved that you could do it-
Then all of a sudden He drew your card.

I guess He must have needed you,
So he decided to close the book.
Yet I wonder if He knows,
How much we loved the life He took.

Never before has a lost loved one
Seemed so near.
Sometimes I get this feeling
And I know it's you right here.

Standing by your graveside
Down comes a butterfly
I know it's you saying I'm okay,
Cause like it says, I did not die.

You left the pain and suffering today
You are resurrected up above.
So now you can be our guardian angel
And you will protect us with your love.

We hate that you have left us,
It hurts to know that you are gone.
Though through the music and the memories,
You will help us carry on.

You have lighted all our lives
Which forever you will do.
Life's been hard since you left us,
But love will pull us through.

To our dearest friend departed,
We will never say good-bye;
We will say we'll see you later
When it comes our time to fly.


In tears we saw you sinking.
We watched you fade away.
You suffered much in silence.
You fought so hard to stay.

You faced your task with courage.
Through this, your spirit did not bend.
And you still kept on fighting,
Till the very end.

God saw you getting tired,
When a cure was not to be,
He then, wrapped his arms around you
And whispered "take a journey with me."

With tearful eyes we watched you,
As we saw you close your eyes.
Now we see you sleeping, so peacefully from pain.
Although we always love you deeply,
We could not wish you back to suffer that again.

Your golden heart stopped beating,
Hard working hand at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove us . . .
He only takes the very best.

We miss you now.
Our hearts are sore,
As times go by we miss you more,
Your loving smile, your gentle face,
No one will ever fill this vacant place.


If you have a tender message,
Or a loving word to say,
Don't wait 'til you forget it,
But whisper it today!

The tender words unspoken,
The letter never sent,
The long-forgotten messages,
The wealth of love unspent...

For these some hearts are breaking,
For these some loved ones wait,
Then give them what they're needing,
Before it is too late!


Crazy how it feels tonight,
You push me away when you're holding me tight.
You say "I love you" as if it was real,
But deep down inside, that's not how you feel.

Somebody else is in your dreams,
My tears are forming rivers and streams.
This emptiness is stinging my soul,
I've fallen apart; I'm no longer whole.

I can't explain how it feels tonight,
When I need you the most, you're never in sight.
I look at you, but you turn away,
Too many words I wish you would say.

I'm lost in the oceans of your baby blue eyes,
Was it the truth? Or was it all lies?
I leaned on you, I leaned too far,
These emotions inside leave one giant scar.

I have to move on, I need to forget,
But will this decision make more to regret?
I don't know what to do, please give me a sign.
I know we're just friends, but I wish you were mine.


God granted me an angel seventeen years ago
To watch over and protect me as I began to grow
God gave my angel instructions on how to care for me
My angel followed His guidelines just so perfectly
When I'm scared he comforts me and fights off all harms
There is no better protector than an angel's arms
He picks me up when I'm tired and I can no longer stand
For the best place to rest is in the palm of an angel's hand
He carries me when I'm weak and feeble and feel as though I'm beat
High expectations of transportation upon an angel's feet
He guides me when my paths get crossed and in my way lie boulders
You can always see very clearly on top an angel's shoulders
I wouldn't trade my angel for any other one
He is there by my side till everyday is done
I love my angel very much he means a lot to me
I thank my angel for what he's done in showing me how to be
The angel is very special; it's someone close to me
This angel is my Dad; he's everything an angel should be


To know you are with me in body,
To reach out and touch you, hold you, kiss you,
To feel your gentle touch upon me,
To hear you voice whisper in my ear,
To look into your eyes and see caring and love.
To know you are with me in spirit,
To feel your love in a touch, a word or look,
To share you pain and your happiness,
To reminisce over past memories together,
To read your words from paper or a screen.
To know you are with me in my heart,
To close my eyes and see you in my dreams,
To know your love protecting me,
To be loved no matter where I am in the world,
To think of you and smile to myself.
You are the sun in my sky,
the moon in my night,
the gleam in my eye,
the beat of my heart.
My love is yours for today, tomorrow and forever.


A nun asked her class to write notes to God.
Here are some of the notes the children handed in:
Dear God:
I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset You made on Tuesday. That was cool.
Dear God:
Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don't You just keep the ones You have?
Dear God:
Maybe Cain and Abel would not have killed each other so much if they had their own rooms. That's what my Mom did for me and my brother.
Dear God:
If You watch me in church on Sunday, I'll show You my new shoes.
Dear God:
I bet it is very hard for You to love all of everybody in the whole world. There are only 4 people in our family and I'm having a hard time loving all of them.
Dear God:
In school they told us what You do. Who does it when You're on vacation?
Dear God:
Are You really invisible or is it just a trick?
Dear God:
Is it true my father won't get in Heaven if he uses his bowling words in the house?
Dear God:
Did You mean for the Giraffe to look like that or was it an accident?
Dear God:
Who draws the lines around the countries?
Dear God:
I went to this wedding and they kissed right in the church. Is that okay?
Dear God:
Did You really mean "do unto others as they do unto you"? Because if You did, then I'm going to get my brother good.
Dear God:
Thank You for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy.
Dear God:
Please send me a pony. I never asked for anything before. You can look it up.
Dear God:
I want to be just like my Daddy when I get big, but not with so much hair all over.
Dear God:
You don't have to worry about me; I always look both ways.
Dear God:
I think about You sometimes, even when I'm not praying.
Dear God:
Of all the people who work for You I like Noah and David the best.
Dear God:
My brother told me about being born, but it doesn't sound right. They're just kidding, aren't they?
Dear God:
I would like to live 900 years just like the guy in the Bible.
Dear God:
We read Thomas Edison made light. But in Sunday school they said You did it. So, I bet he stole Your idea.


My children often asked me
If I saw Abe Lincoln shot.
If I rode in horse and buggy,
And I'd say "that old I'm not!"
So I took them to the places
Where I used to run and play,
And I told them many stories
Of how things were in my day.
The many homes we lived in
With the outhouse right behind.
Sleeping three in one full bed
For our winters were unkind.
The old pot bellied stove
Where ten children gathered close,
To warm their little bodies
Before dressing in their clothes.
Most all clothes were from relief
Or hand me downs from others.
Our shoes were lined with cardboard,
As were our dad's and mother's.
No butter on the toast we had...
Lard, with sugar on the top.
Canmilk coffee was for breakfast.
Always two to one full cup.
Hauling wood in winter snow
With a wheelbarrow twice our size.
Getting chased by neighbors horses
Trudging homeward with our prize.
There was a truck eleven
And another seventeen.
We grouped them both together
And called them leventeen.
When we'd hear that number called
We'd know that we'd been found,
Taking wood from off the pile
Instead of off the ground.
Old Joe's pigs would free themselves.
They were big and fast and mean.
Thank heaven we were faster
And the pigs a bit more lean.
No screens upon the windows.
No garbage pick up then, and
The flies outdid the locusts
In the plague sent down from heaven.
Before we had our mealtime
We were all called from play.
To swing our towels above our heads
And chase those flies away.
Then we'd all sit down to supper
To a platter piled up high
With sliced fried green tomatoes,
Which we'd eat until we'd sigh.
Dangerous fun we all would have
Taking jumps on cardboard sleds.
Made for some skinned up faces
When we jumped into our beds.
Curling up into a tire,
Rolling down a great steep hill.
Jumping railings with a five foot drop,
Made our mom and dad feel ill.
On Saturday our mom would tie
A diaper on her head.
Then fire up the old wood range
To bake our daily bread.
With the kitchen warm and cozy
She would fill the old wash tub,
Then the youngest to the oldest
Would get there weekly scrub.
Picking beans from Barne's garden
Just a penny for a pound,
Caused aching backs and dirty knees
From kneeling on the ground.
Picking berries in the summer
Was another job of ours,
We'd set out in the morning
And pick for many hours.
We'd stop at noon to eat
Wherever there was shade...
A peanut butter sandwich and
Warm iced tea mom made.
We would stomp cans in the center
To wear upon our feet,
To go clanking down the sidewalk
Or any pavement street.
Third powder was our swimming hole
With a mine shaft in the middle.
A dangerous place to swim,
Especially when your little.
We'd save paper, iron and rags
To help out during the war.
Victory gardens were aplenty
To help out even more.
The paper, iron and rags were
Put upon the scale to weigh.
So many pounds of each
Would let us see a matinee.
We'd laugh when mom was asked
If she had rags to spare?
She'd answer, if I give you mine
I won't have clothes to wear.
I remember one fine day
When we all went to the fair..
They stopped to get some ice cream,
And they found I wasn't there.
They found me sitting on a bench
I was very little then.
I said, "I knew you'd come and get me,"
But in my heart I didn't know when.
Another time they moved
While I was staying somewhere.
Was I surprised when I got home,
And found they were not there.
We used to laugh and say,
"They would count as we came in,
Seven, eight, nine and ten.
They all made it home again."
Those were the good old days,
As I look back now with pride.
They made us strong and hardy,
But it's a wonder we survived!


You know you're in love when you can say anything to the person and you know they won't laugh at you.
When you can see their face when you close your eyes.
When you can still feel their arms around you holding you tight long after they are gone.
When you can still taste their kiss after you have said good-bye.
You can tell you're in love when you miss them before they are gone.
When their voice lingers in your ears.
When their presence eases any pain.
When their name sends chills down your spine.
When they are the only thing you can think about.
You know you're in love when you can see all their hopes and dreams and their soul when you look into their eyes.
When they call you at four in the morning and say, "I love you" and mean it.
When your tears stain not only their shirt, but also their heart.
When they are hurt just because of these tears.
When even a simple chore done with them can become a lasting memory.
Ultimately, you know you're in love when you can't imagine living without them, and can't figure, how did you live before you knew them.
When they fulfill every need and without them you are incomplete.
The love of someone else completes the heart, and soul, and mind all at once.


Every day heroes are like you and me.
We meet them at work, in the grocery shop, on the busy street and everywhere.
They come in all shapes and sizes; we only have to look all around us.
Every day heroes have attitude.
They maybe the stranger, who rescues a teenager from a wrecked car,
Or the next-door neighbor fighting a battle with cancer,
Or the lady who lives down the road; struggling to relearn, after severe brain injury.
They have a ready smile in spite of their pain.
They never complain and always think positively.
They have great vision, no handicap; no obstacle can keep them from pursuing their dreams.
They never give up and do not let us give up either.
They never take relationships for granted.
They care a lot about other people in the community.
They always say, " I know what you are going through."
They have an indomitable spirit and great strength.
They have a lot of faith and courage.
They take pleasure in performing small acts of kindness rather than in grand intentions.
They look for the best and give the best, they have.
They inspire us to carry on when things go wrong
And teach us how to sing even when the sky turns gray.
They teach us a lot about living and how to appreciate the gift of life.
And they see a beginning in every end.
Every day heroes are people who touch our lives
And leave footprints on our hearts to change our lives forever.


If a child lives with criticism,
He learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility,
He learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule,
He learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame,
He learns to be guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance,
He learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement,
He learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise,
He learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness,
He learns justice.
If a child lives with security,
He learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval,
He learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship,
He learns to find love in the world.


You're like the cold winter storm,
When you're angry,
You're like blooming flowers in spring,
When you're happy,
You're like a warm summer breeze,
When you're passionate,
You're like leaves falling from a tree in fall,
When you're sad,
I've been with you through many seasons,
And sometimes thought about moving south,
But in the south I'd know deep in my heart,
I'd miss the season's change,
I love all of you,
Winter, spring, summer, and fall,
I can't change the seasons,
And wish not to,
For that would be to change you.


Lying in bed at night, with the moon shining upon your face
It's easy to imagine your soul drifting to another place
Millions of miles away, dancing upon a moonbeam's path
Leaping gracefully from one twinkling star to another
Swirling lights zipping brilliantly on past.
Twirling with the Northern Lights, spinning 'round the clouds
In this majestic world of the night, anything is allowed
Surveying the world below you, without making a sound
The whole world seems silent, hushed to the very core...
Then you're leaping over endless oceans in a single bound.
The white-faced moon is starting to dim; the world'll soon awake
When the moon leaves, with it, this magic it'll take
But for this moment you can dance or laugh or cry or leap
For close to your heart, and hidden deep within your soul
Forever to be yours to treasure, this secret you shall keep.


I've learned that the best teachers are the hands of the oldest people.
I've learned that when I'm in love, I can't hide it.
I've learned that when someone tells me you've brighten up my day,
they brighten up mine.
I've learned that being kind is more important that having all the reason.
I've learned that I can't learn to be wise, but that I must always strive for wisdom.
I've learned that I must always accept a present from a child.
I've learned that I can always pray for someone
when I haven't the strength to help them in another way.
I've learned that it doesn't matter how seriously I must face life,
I'll always need a friend by my side to act foolishly.
I've learned that sometimes everything a person needs
is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.
I've learned that I must be glad God didn't give me everything I asked him for.
I've learned that money doesn't buy category.
I've learned that the simplest things, everyday, are what make life so wonderful.
I've learned that behind the hardest shield
there's always someone that needs to be appreciated and loved.
I've learned that the Lord didn't make everything in just one day.
What does make me think that I can?
I've learned that those who ignore reality never change it.
I've learned that love and time don't heal all our wounds.
I've learned that everyone I greet deserves to be greeted with a smile.
I've learned that nobody was perfect, until I fell in love with that person.
I've learned that to live I need to be strong and I'm the strongest one.
I've learned that I never lose chances. If I let them go, someone will take them.
I've learned that when I hold my sadness, happiness goes and holds someone else.
I've learned that I must keep my words soft and sweet.
Maybe tomorrow I'll have to chew them and swallow them.
I've learned that a smile is the cheapest way to make my appearance better.
I've learned that I can't decide how to feel, but I can decide what to do about it.
I've learned that we all want to get to the happiness at the top of the mountain,
but experience and inner strength are learned as were climbing.
I've learned that there are only two situations in which I must give advice:
when I'm asked to, and when my life depends on it.
I've learned that the real treasures in my life are those that will go to the grave with me.


There was a time
Not long ago
Where roses grew
And snowflakes fell
Where sunbeams sang
With the morning gloom
Whilst aspired poets
With inspiration crooned
Yes, there was a time
For everyone
For poets
For painters
For leaders
For followers
For soldiers
For peasants
For kings
For queens
If I should
Be overly wise
I shall remember
Every time
A person scolds
Points fingers
At my indifference
That mere centuries ago
A kindred soul
Felt my pain
Someone suffered the same.


I know we don't talk,
We're not really even friends
But I want you to know I'll be there,
Through the thick and through the thin
I wish we could still be close,
Like the way things used to be
I was there for you,
And you were there for me
Even though we're never talking,
Or together hanging around
I just want you to know,
I'll always be here to pick you up when you're down
So even though we're no longer friends,
You can always come to me
I have a shoulder you can cry on,
A soul on which you can lean
Remember me next time you cry,
I'm here to help,
To be with you
Side by Side


Standing before me, a child in her teens;
Long brownish hair and ragged blue jeans.
Speaking a language entirely her own,
Whispering softly while she's on the phone.
What are the secrets she holds in her heart?
That mother and father cannot share a part?
Once I held all of this little girl's life.
Nurtured it, guarded it, shielded from strife.
I bandaged the wounds and wiped away tears.
Soothed away all of her sorrows and fears.
Sharing with her my knowledge of God...
And not to fear walking where no feet have trod.
How to be brave and make prints of her own,
And not to be shaken when standing alone.
Especially when she know she is right...
And God in her conscience say fight the good fight.
Then came the day when I had to let go,
To share her with life, be it friend or foe.
Twas' then that I found how weak was the shield
I gave her to carry out there in the field.
For I failed to teach her all she should know...
And out of my ignorance this child did grow.
With hands made of clay I did what I could...
For I too was learning, about motherhood.
The knowledge I shared of God was too small...
To cushion the blows of the world when she'd fall.
I gave all I had, but it wasn't enough.
For the road she traveled was far too rough.
Her shield was too fragile to meet the strife....
Of a world full of sin, the problems of life.
She fell to her knees with the very first blow.
Then rose again slowly to fend with her foe.
Dear God in your mercy, look down from above.
Please shelter this child in your arms of love.
Please give her the armor you only can give..
And walk with her always so that she may live...
In strength and in courage the rest of her days.
Dear God, in your mercy, please show her your ways.


I have a jar of pennies that sits inside of me
It's the most important thing that I longed for you to see
There were some in my life who told me it was there
They helped me keep it clean so that of its value I was aware
But then there were many that really couldn't see
This valuable jar of pennies that sits inside of me
They filled me with words and deeds that did hurt
All the while it was covering my jar of pennies with dirt
There were one or two others that seemed to not care
And did nothing to help me see the value hidden there
The jar is forgotten it's been long since I've seen
That old jar of pennies that sat inside of me
There's so much of dirt I'm sure it's been lost
I need someone to remind me whatever the cost
I'll say things that hurt you and do things for fun
I'll make my life count; that's right, I'm number one!
I'll do for myself what no one would do
I'll show you my value if it's the last thing I do
A smile from another, a wink, a kind word
Reminds me of a time when my value was heard
But I feel the dirt harden; my plan did not work
I need YOU to uncover what is under this dirt
There are so many layers it might take some time
But please let me know the true value that's mine
It is now that I realize how hard it must be
When I look inside you and see the dirt put there by me
So layer after layer let us both make a vow
That we'll remind each other of our value somehow
Then when we can see clearly to our knees we will fall
For the valuable jar of pennies were not pennies at all
There in the dirt each other we hold
For what sits in the jar is the dull shine of pure gold.


What is weakness failing
And being overpowered by strength goes away, finally
What is sadness fading
And being put down by happiness, is forced to show its face less
What is stupidity let down
And being handed a promissory note by wisdom, sinks
What is doubt thrown aside
And being tossed by confidence, has to hide behind a corner
What is self-unacceptance stomped on
And being stood on by self-acceptance, slowly dies
What is procrastination not put off, until tomorrow
And being told to finish by today, is complete
What is hopelessness broken
And being overcome by hope, fails
What is silence listened to
And being heard, reveals the inner voice.


I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight.
I have responsibilities to fulfill today.
I am important.
My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.
Today I can complain because the weather is rainy
or I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free.
Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money
or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide
me away from waste.
Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am alive.
Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me
when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.
Today I can cry because roses have thorns
or I can celebrate that thorns have roses.
Today I can mourn my lack of friends
or I can excitedly embark upon a quest
to discover new relationships.
Today I can whine because I have to go to work
or I can shout for joy because I have a job to do.
Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework
or I can feel honored because God has provided shelter
for my mind, body and soul.
Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped.
And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping.
What today will be like is up to me.
I get to choose what kind of day I will have!


I don't know exactly... I'm quite unaware
On the 12 January why I was there
Perhaps it's destined, Orange where we both ought to be
Together, we set foot on a fairy-tale journey
I don't know exactly... what drew me near
Such great magnetism that I fear
Must be your nonchalance that stirred my desire
In search for an explanation for the silence I hear
I don't know exactly... what awaits
Great sense of curiosity flooding my head
What's concealed behind that shield
That's the truth I must unveil
I don't know exactly... why I kept little distance
Time and again I showed no resistance
Confided in you without hesitation
Venturing into the unknown, my quest uncertain
As time goes by, I realized
The journey ahead, a mission lies
A total revolution I could never hide
Am I game enough? I must decide
The path I took, I understood
The rules in life I keep in mind
Requiring the utmost determination
I'm praying... praying for a rewarding expedition
Till the end beside you I'll stand
For I have found a loyal friend
From cradle to grave, for better or worse
I see the reason for why you're here
Descended from heaven, my guardian angel
All ordeals we will prevail
A promise to love unconditionally
Releasing my fear that's deep within

I REALLY......

I really thought you cared this time,
just like you said you did.
I really thought things would work out this time,
not like yesterday year.
I really wish they would have.
so you'd know I really care.
I really wish you would,
see my falling tears.
I really want you to know,
how much you mean to me.
I really want you back,
for you to hold me tight.
I really need to hear your voice,
to show you really care.
I really need to see your face,
to see your happy smile.
I really could get over you,
and move on with my life.
I really could get a new man,
to show I can pretend.
I really need to realize, that you don't want me,
like I thought you did.
I really need to realize, you have moved on,
and you don't think of me.
I really see how much you care,
that you'd rather be my friend.
I really see that I love you,
even though you don't love me!

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