





You and Yourself

It is rewarding to find someone whom you like, but it is essential to like yourself.

It is quickening to recognize someone as a good and decent human being, but it is indispensable to view yourself as acceptable.

It is a delight to discover people who are worthy of respect, admiration, and love, but it is vital to believe yourself deserving of these things.

For you cannot live in someone else. You cannot find yourself in someone else. You cannot be given a life by someone else. Of all the people you will know in a lifetime, you are the only one you will never leave nor lose.

To the question of your life, you are the only answer. To the problems of your life, you are the only solution.

Two Days We Should Not Worry

There are two days in every week about which we should not worry,
two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.

One of these days is Yesterday with all its mistakes and cares,
its faults and blunders, its aches and pains.

Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control.
All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday.

We cannot undo a single act we performed;
we cannot erase a single word we said.
Yesterday is gone forever.

The other day we should not worry about is Tomorrow
with all its possible adversities, its burdens,
its large promise and its poor performance;
Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.

Tomorrow's sun will rise,
either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise.
Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow,
for it is yet to be born.

This leaves only one day, Today.
Any person can fight the battle of just one day.
It is when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities
Yesterday and Tomorrow that we break down.

It is not the experience of Today that drives a person mad,
it is the remorse or bitterness of something which happened Yesterday and the dread of what Tomorrow may bring.

Let us, therefore, Live but one day at a time.

Wisdom for the Road

Cherish things while you still have them,
before they're gone,
and you realize how precious they really are.

Life can only be understood backwards,
but it must be lived forwards.

Everything in life is temporary.
So if things are going good,
enjoy it because it won't last forever.
And if things are going bad,
don't worry because it won't last forever either.

Destiny is not a matter of chance,
it is a matter of choice;
it is not a thing to be waited for,
it is a thing to be achieved.

A journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step.

Never cross a bridge
without knowing how to swim the tides.

If you could not add years to your life
Add life to your years.

Until One Is Committed

there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness. Concerning
all acts of initiative (and creation), there
in one elementary truth, the ignorance of
which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
that the moment one definately commits oneself,
then Providence moves, too. All sorts of things
occur to help one that would never otherwise have
occurred. A whole stream of events issues from
the decision, raising in one's favor all mannor of
unforeseen incedents and meetings and material
assistance, which no man could have dreamt
would have come his way. I have learned a
deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can,
begin it. Boldness has genius, power,
and magic in it.

Victory in Defeat

Defeat may serve as well as victory
To shake the soul and let the glory out.
When the great oak is straining in the wind,
The boughs drink in new beauty, and the trunk
Sends down a deeper root on the windward side.
Only the soul that knows the mighty grief
Can known the mighty rapture. Sorrows come
to stretch out spaces in the heart for joy.


I give thanks
Not only for
What I have
But also for
What I will
Soon come
To find.

I give thanks
For trials
And tribulations
That have to
Be overcome.

I give thanks
For the test
That must
Be passed.

I give thanks
For happiness
And pain.
No matter the
Emotion - I
Give thanks
Just the same.

My Sweet Angel

My sweet, precious angel sent from above.
You've come to watch over and show me love.
My frowns you have turned into smiles.
Through a period of time and over many miles.
Right from the start you touched my heart.
My dearest angel we shall never part.
The sparkle in your eye like the stars in the sky.
You make me feel safe and now I know why.
God in Heaven has sent you to me.
To watch over and show me once again how to be happy.
My sweet angel I love and appreciate you.
I have prayed to God and Thanked him too.
For sending me someone so special and true.
To help mend my heart and see me through.

Springtime Wonder

The sky has never looked so blue
Never a breeze so sweet
Flowers burst forth in brilliant array
As Springtime comes to greet.

The trees stand tall in their glory
Tender leaves cover limbs once bare
Yards filled with laughing children
Can you match the splendor there.

There is nothing quite as pleasant
As a walk in Springtime hours
The bees even harmonize with life
As they drift among the flowers.

A golden rainbow after the storm
Beauty beyond compare
A taste of heaven here on earth
With green grass everywhere.

God softly whispers to us
As gentle rains caress
The countryside, with drops of life
In such pure tenderness.

And if you listen close enough
I'm sure that He'll impart
The freshness of Spring upon your soul
And a flower in your heart.

A Little More Love

If we have faith, and believe,
that we are in God's care,
then we can believe
that the Lord is with us everywhere.
His angels have been sent
to protect us from any harm,
and to teach us about love,
and keep our spirits calm.
This heavenly love
surrounds each of us
every single day,
and today,
because you are
so very special to me,
I asked the angels to bring
a little more love your way.

Scattered Loneliness

As I woke up this morning,
I thought about the day
You came into my life
And scattered loneliness away.

On that day, a seed was sowed.
We watched it as it grew
Into something that is so precious;
No more days of feeling blue.

I thank the Lord, above,
For sending you my way.
For, that became the day
You scattered loneliness away.

Pray Without Ceasing

I will pray without ceasing,
For it keeps me ever focused on you.
I will pray without ceasing,
For I know your promises are true.
I will pray without ceasing,
For everything, all my burdens,
my fears and concerns have I given to you.
I will pray without ceasing,
For protection, guidance, strength, all that I need of you.
I will pray without ceasing,
All my love, my heart, I give to you.
I will pray without ceasing,
For all things you have seen me through...
Finally, I will pray without ceasing,
For I know I can always depend on you.
I love you Lord

God's Creation

However God created you,
He didn't make a mistake.

Adding gifts and talents,
Passion is His to create.

Out of our weakness,
His strength is ours to take...

Multiplying His precious seed,
All for the Kingdom's sake.


Yesterday has once again,
come back to let me know.
That my mistakes are not forgot,
today again they show.

Reminding me that once again,
I failed in some small way.
This recall is just a hint,
of what I've yet to pay.

Don't be fooled and think its past,
when all seems good and fine.
Yesterday can be a friend,
it comes here to remind.

It does it as a helpful voice,
to keep us all aware.
If we learn from its advice,
then heart ache we may spare.

So yesterday come visit please,
remind me once again.
Tomorrow comes just much to quick,
mistakes I need to mend.

Remind me what I should not do,
and if I've done it right.
One day maybe I will learn,
and win this endless fight.

If I Had Only Known

If I had only known the road would be so long
I would have danced a little slower
I would have sang a different song

If I had only known
when I was young and free
I would have made so many different choices
Taken better care of me

If I had only known
the road would be so long
I would have stood in the rain longer
Moved far away from here
Walked on a beach in the moonlight
Watched the sun set into night

It is not for me to know how long the road will be
I need to thank God for the blessings
He has indeed bestowed on me
I will dance a little slower
And sing a different song
For God is traveling by my side
He has been there all along

When I Linger in His Presence
Sometimes when shadows linger
And darkness veils the night
When pain obscures my vision
And things aren't going right.

When the world around me crumbles
And a friend cannot be found
When tomorrow holds no promise
And life has got me down.

When I am at my lowest
And I can bear no more
I cry to Him in anguish
He greets me at the door.

He gently whispers to me
My soul has found release
My troubles start to perish
My worries seem to cease.

The hardships I have known
Seem to vanish with the wind
When I seek His loving Spirit
And I humbly let Him in.

All the turmoil that surrounds me
Seems to fade like shifting sand
When I linger in His presence
And He gently takes my hand.

A Little Country Church

'Twas a little frame Country Church, standing over there.
Many times, I walked this way, under parents' loving care.

We had a special pew, room enough for a babe to have a bed,
As we sat quietly and listened to what the preacher said.

He was a man of God. The Spirit of God, through him, truly ran.
God's words he spoke to us. He was a Godly man.

We would sing the songs of old, about our Savior's love
And how awesome it would be when we get to Heaven above.

Our Church was out in the country, beside a lovely wood.
We'd listen to the gentle breeze blowing through the trees, as oft as we could.

It seemed so peaceful, the little Church ever so full of Grace.
Wouldn't it be a wonder, someday, just to go back and see this place?

I can almost hear the singing now, about how amazing was God's love;
How the river of life was ever flowing in Heaven, there, above.

When a soul was saved by grace, the Angels would shout and sing
For the victory of our Savior, to Heaven, more souls to bring.

There aren't as many little Churches, today, standing closely by.
We would have to go back to yesterday, maybe break down and cry.

But those days are gone forever. For, now, we have Churches of brick and stone.
But if we can still, in our hearts go back, then it's never really gone.

A Dream Of Peace

The night falls and the moon rises
Standing here to catch a glimpse
Waiting in the cold night
I am ready for the flight
I will be so very far away
For Uncle Sam, said "You can not stay"
Our Country calls us...and we pray
My Childs eyes are wet from tears
'Cause of all her fears
Now I go to fight this war
For a dream of peace...forever more.

May I Listen

May I listen to your worries,
Though you feel despair,
If you talk with me a moment,
You will see that do care,
Please share with me your sorrow,
Don't be ashamed to shed a tear,
I'll listen to your worries,
Try to help remove the fear,
I can not solve your problems,
This is something only you can do,
But talking through your worries,
May give an overview.
Perhaps within the silence,
You might just be aware.
That deep within the silence
Is some one else who cares.

Truly An Angel

An Angel is what she is to me
That's what she was truly meant to be
As her time on earth has past
Her memory will always last

She was put to the ultimate test
Now it's time for her to rest
So as she goes
Heaven only knows

That she was more
Than you or me
Because an Angel is what
She was truly meant to be.

Angels On Earth & In Heaven

Heaven shines from up above,
Sending messages down with love.
They give us gifts of tender sight,
Some fighting death with all their might.
These gifts we call our precious children,
For which we thank God for every day.
So innocent and meek,
So strong but yet so weak.
A drift of sunbeam shining down,
Uproots a smile from a frown.
Some of their worlds tear them up inside,
So many rules in life to which they abide.
Soft whispers to them God shares,
Drive away scary nightmares.
Some lose precious battles,
The lives on Earth it rattles.
These we call our Angels in heaven.
Some win the taunting fight,
Which to lives brings cherished light.
These we call our Angels on Earth.

You Are Loved

May God reach down
& love you
in His own special way.

May you know
you're loved,
each & every day.

May you see,
from God's dear eyes,
the value of your worth.

May His love show you
the most precious things
on this earth.

Guardian Angel

At times when I am feeling sad
and think that no one cares,
I feel the vibrations of your wings
and know that you are here.

I then feel your tender touch
as you enfold me with His Love.
A yearning prayer has come to earth,
sent down from Father above.

I can never deny your presence.
You fill my heart with song.
All sad thoughts simply disappear,
knowing that I am not alone.

You loan me strength when I give out.
And you raise my courage up.
I can face my troubles head-on
Mortal thanks is not enough.

I will live each day I have
in humbleness and in prayer.
With heartfelt words I'll write
and with all others, share.

Pleasant Ways To Spend A Day

Sailing boats skimming along the water,
Colorful sails billowing in the breeze,
Dipping and leaping through the swelling waves.
Happiness showing on smiling faces.

Sitting on the grassy banks of a river,
Watching a fishing line drifting slowly,
Sleepily wondering if a fish would take the bait.
Yet not really caring one way or the other.

When the hassles of life furrow your brow
And anxieties begin to get you down
Take time to spend some way
Relaxing in God's wonderful creation.


Clouds in the clear blue sky
Look how high they all fly
They look so frail and magical
Some can actually touch your soul

Suddenly the sky is no more
Like a big garden of fluff
The whimsical magical clouds
Look really menacing and tough

While the wind is moaning
The Thunder is booming
Lightning is flashing
Dark clouds are arising

Dark clouds surround you
You are feeling blue
But wait just a moment
The sun will shine through

As the clearing sky returns
To its Brilliant blue
Look very carefully
Angels are smiling at you

The Price We Pay

The things we sacrifice
The things we miss
The things we wish
The things that hurt
The things we lose
The things we'll never know
The things we worry over
The things we wonder about
The things we cannot change
...The Price We Pay

I'm Not Alone

While crying out for guidance,
holding that the flesh is weak,
From within a gentle silence,
comes the answers that I seek.

When my days are at their darkest
and the nights produce no rest,
in His spirit there's a stillness,
where He summons up my best.

Since temptations are unyielding
in their attempts to gain control,
His grace provides the shielding,
that protects my mortal soul.

Knowing I can not defeat them;
yet, with Him I'm not alone,
as He goes out to greet them,
soon my troubles will be gone.

I am shielded by His blessing
with this armor that I wear
and safe from life's transgressions
by the powers found in prayer.

My cup is free from sorrow,
it's overflowing at the brim.
I can stand and face tomorrow,
having placed my faith in Him.

The Ocean

I found a wonderful place for me to be
Down by the ocean, where my spirit's set free
The gentle breeze blowing the mist upon my face
As the waves crash on the rocks all over the place
Foot prints are covered by the incoming tide
As surfers try catching that perfect ride
The smell of the water is so fresh and new
The color changes from green to blue
When the surf is high with peaks so white
And the sun is shining with a glare so bright
As I feel your love I know I'm not alone
And the echos' I hear are calling me home
Home to where you are waiting for me
And together we'll travel down to the sea
The sea where all life truly began
Thanks to the Lord, the Father of man
So whenever you feel the beginning of doubt
Remember the truth of what life's all about
There's no guarantee, you can only pray for the best
Have faith in the Lord, and He'll do the rest

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