Good read and interesting articles about "Brand" in this link. 

Another good "source" of Information about Usability methodology, good practices and other related stuffs.

Few More fundamental guidelines sources of Apple and Windows:

Apple Human Interface Guidelines:

Windows - Official Guidelines for User Interface Developers and Designers:


Few of my all time favorite ads: O&M

I haven't read all these books but want to read them some day.
Below is direct extract from some web site about the books:

The Books:

  1. The Psychology of Everyday Things by Don Norman: This easy-to-read book is awesome. It is so much fun. If you want to get people jazzed up about human factors and usability, this is the book you need. Don's book will help you understand why simple design is critical in your life. He uses real examples, with great pictures and descriptions. You will recognize the problems he describes and you might even laugh as you read his book. If you want to explain usability to your friends or parents, get them this book. If you want to help designers and developers understand the general idea of usability, get this book. I highly recommend it, although it doesn't directly relate to web design or the internet.

  2. Designing Web Usability by Jakob Nielsen:  Jakob's book is full of excellent ideas, and he backs up most of what he says with his research. This is probably my second favorite book on web usability. He covers content design, page design, site design, and accessibility. The index is great and the color screenshots are excellent. If I am stuck on something, I can usually get back on track with this book. In some ways, this is a stronger version of Steve Krug's Don't Make Me Think. I'd get that first, and then pick up Designing Web Usability. 

  3. Usability Engineering by Jakob Nielsen: If you really want to dig into usability, you'll need this book. In this important book, Jakob digs into usability methods. You will get an excellent background in usability; learn how to do it yourself to some degree. Unlike most other design books, you will be able to apply the ideas from this book immediately. I think I can say that this is still the most important usability book you can buy, although it is nearly 10 years old.

  4. Web Redesign - Workflow That Works by Kelly Goto and Emily Cotler: When I first looked at this book, I thought it sucked. I didn't buy it. However, New Riders Publishing decided to send me a review copy. I almost threw it into my I'll Never Read This Book heap. But, I read through it and realized that it is the best book on the web design process available today. Unfortunately, the title is dead wrong; the book isn't really about re-design and it isn't about workflow. Instead, Kelly and Emily cover all the angles: project management, project development, usability testing, standards, creative design, strategy, and more. They repeatedly emphasize usability; excellent! They also give you checklists, useful tips, and expert interviews. Whether you have a large site or small, whether you are creating a new site or revamping your old site, this is a good book to have. It definitely deserves more praise by more people.

  5. Cost-Justifying Usability by Randolph Bias and Deborah Mayhew: I'll keep this simple. People who do usability do a terrible job selling the benefits of usability. If you need to explain why usability is great, pass along a copy of The Psychology of Everyday Things. Then, follow up with facts, figures, and details from Cost-Justifying Usability. You be able to pump up almost any proposal with real data and a solid economic justification of usability. Are you really serious about usability? Get this book. 

  6. Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, 2nd Edition by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville:  I really liked the first edition of this book but I love the second edition. This is the most important book on information architecture. If that is your bag, you simply must get this book. End of story. However, if you are mainly concerned with web usability, this is still an excellent reference book. You'll learn all about web site structure, effective navigation, proper use of labels, and a lot more. Peter and Lou also dip into information architecture justification and business strategy. You might find the case studies useful too. For what it is worth.

  7. Submit Now - Designing Persuasive Web Site by Andrew Chak:  I've been saying for years that web design, usability, and marketing need to come together. Usability books tend to miss the point about marketing, and, of course, web marketing books miss the point about usability. They were oceans apart. Submit Now bridges the gap. This is the absolute best book on usability combined with web marketing. Unfortunately, this book is a sleeper; not enough people know about it. That is a shame because Andrew's book will help so many people understand how to improve their e-commerce web sites while simultaneously improving usability.

Some other good HCI/Visual Designing Books:

Author (s)/Title



Baxley, Bob

Making the Web Work � Designing Effective Web Applications

2002 Design: Web design, Web applications, Methodology


Bederson, Benjamin B.; Shneiderman, Ben

The Craft of Information Visualization: Readings and Reflections

2003 Information: Information presentation


Beyer, Hugh; Holtzblatt, Karen

Contextual Design: A Customer-Centered Approach to Systems Designs

1997 Usability: Methodology - Contextual design, User task analysis


Boedker, Keld; Kensing, Finn; Simonsen, Jesper

Participatory IT Design

2004 Usability: UI Design
Bolter, Jay David; Gromala Diane

Windows and Mirrors : Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency

2003 Design: General


Card, Stuart; Mackinlay, Jock; Schneiderman, Ben

Readings in Information Visualization

1999 Information: Information presentation
Constantine, Larry L.

Beyond Chaos: The Expert Edge in Managing Software Development

2001 General
Constantine, Larry L.; Lockwood, Lucy A. D.

Software for Use: A Practical Guide to the Models and Methods of Usage-Centered Design (ACM Press)

1999 Usability: Methodology - User task analysis
Cooper, Alan; Reimann, Robert M.

About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design

2003 Usability: UI design
Cooper, Alan

About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design

1995 Usability: UI design
Cooper, Alan; Saffo, Paul

The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How To Restore The Sanity

1999 General
van Duyne, Douglas K.; Landay, James A.; Hong, Jason I.

The Design of Sites: Patterns, Principles, and Processes for Crafting a Customer-Centered Web Experience

2002 Design: Web design
Fowler, Susan; Stanwick, Victor

Web Application Design Handbook: Best Practices for Web-Based Software

2004 Usability: Web application design
Fowler, Susan; Stanwick, Victor

Gui Design Handbook (McGraw-Hill Series on Object Technology)

Web edition
1997 Usability: UI design
Fowler, Susan; Stanwick, Victor

The GUI Style Guide

1994 Usability: UI design
Graham, Ian

A Pattern Language for Web Usability

2003 Usability: Web design
Hackos, JoAnn

Content Management for Dynamic Web Delivery

2002 Information: Information design
Hackos, JoAnn; Redish, Janice

User and Task Analysis for Interface Design

1998 Usability: Methodology - User task analysis
Holtzblatt, Karen; Wendell, Jessamy Burns; Wood, Shelley

Rapid Contextual Design: A How-to Guide to Key Techniques for User-Centered Design

2004 Usability: Methodology - Contextual design, User task analysis
Horton, William K.

Designing and Writing Online Documentation: Hypermedia for Self-Supporting Products (2nd Edition)

1994 Information: Information design

Usability: Help and documentation

Horton, William K.

The Icon Book: Visual Symbols for Computer Systems and Documentation

1994 Design: Graphic design
Jacobson, Robert (Ed.)

Information Design

2000 Information: Information design


Johnson, Jeff

Web Bloopers: 60 Common Web Design Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

2003 Usability: Web design


Johnson, Jeff

GUI Bloopers: Don'ts and Do's for Software Developers and Web Designers

2000 Usability: UI design


Kahn, Paul & Lank, Krysztof

Mapping Web Sites

(German version: Websites visualisieren)
2001 Design: Web design

Information: Information presentation

Kosslyn, Stephen M.

Elements of Graph Design

1993 Information: Information presentation


Kuniavsky, Mike

Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research

2003 Usability: Methods
Landauer, Thomas, K.

The Trouble With Computers: Usefulness, Usability, and Productivity

1995-96 General
Brenda Laurel (Ed.)

Design Research: Methods and Perspectives

2003 Design: General


Thoughtful Interaction Design

L�wgren, Jonas; Stolterman, Erik

2004 Usability: UI design
Looking Good in Color: The Desktop Publisher's Design Guide - Design: Graphic design
Mayhew, Deborah J.

The Usability Engineering Life Cycle

1999 Usability: UI design, Methodology
McCarthy, John; Wright, Peter

Technology as Experience

2004 General
McCullough, Malcolm

Digital Ground : Architecture, Pervasive Computing, and Environmental Knowing

2004 General
Nielsen, Jakob

Usability Engineering

1994 Usability: UI design, Methodology
Nielsen, Jakob

Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity

1999 Usability: Web usability
Norman, Donald A.

The Design of Everyday Things

1990-94-02 General
Norman, Donald A.

Things That Make Us Smart: Defending Human Attributes in the Age of the Machine

1994 General
Norman, Donald A.

The Invisible Computer

1998-99 General
Norman, Donald A.

Emotional Design: Why We Love (Or Hate) Everyday Things

2003 General, Design
Preece, Jennifer; Sharp, Helen; Rogers, Yvonne

Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction

2002 Usability: UI design
Raskin, Jef

The Humane Interface: New Directions for Designing Interactive Systems

2000 General
Reeves, Byron; Nass, Clifford

The Media Equation: How People Treat Computers, Television, and New Media Like Real People and Places

1996-98 General
Rosenfeld, Louis; Morville, Peter

Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, Second Edition.

2002 Information: Infomation design
Rubin, Jeffrey

Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests

1994 Usability: Testing
Shneiderman, Ben

Leonardo's Laptop

2002-03 General


Shneiderman, Ben; Plaisant, Catherine

Designing the User Interface (4th Edition)

2003 Usability: UI design
Shedroff, Nathan

Experience Design 1

2001 Design
Siegel, David

Creating Killer Web Sites, Second Edition

1997 Design: Web design
Snyder, Carolyn

Paper Prototyping

2003 General: Prototyping


Spence, Robert

Information Visualization

2000 Information: Information presentation


Spool, Jared; DeAngelo, Terri; Scanlon, Tara; Schroeder, Will; Snyder, Carolyn

Web Site Usability

1998 Usability: Web usability
Tognazzini, Bruce

Tog on Interface

1992 General
Tufte, Edward R.

Envisioning Information

1990 Information: Information presentation
Tufte, Edward R.

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

1983 Information: Information presentation
Tufte, Edward R.

Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative

1997 Information: Information presentation
Weinman, Lynda

Designing Web Graphics.4

2003 Design: Web design
Weinman, Lynda; Weinman, William

Creative HTML Design.2

2001 Design: Web design
Weinman, Lynda; Lentz, Jon Warren

Deconstructing Web Graphics.2

1998 Design: Web design
Etienne Wenger, William M. Snyder, & Richard MacDermott

Cultivating Communities of Practice

2002 General


Winograd, Terry (Ed.)

Bringing Design to Software

1996 Design: Software design


Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability

Steve Krug

- -
A Practical Guide to Usability Testing

Joseph S. Dumas, Janice C. Redish

1999 -
The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web

Jesse James Garrett

- -
Built for Use: Driving Profitability Through the User Experience

Karen Donoghue, Michael D Schrage (Hardcover)

- -
Designing from Both Sides of the Screen: How Designers and Engineers Can Collaborate to Build Cooperative Technology

Ellen Isaacs, Alan Walendowski

- -
Designing Visual Interfaces: Communication Oriented Techniques

Kevin Mullet, Darrell Sano

- -
Site-Seeing: A Visual Approach to Web Usability - by Luke Wroblewski - -
Submit Now: Designing Persuasive Websites

Andrew Chak

- -
Customer-Centered Design: A New Approach to Web Usability

Kreta Chandler, Karen Hyatt

- -
Maximum Accessibility: Making Your Web Site More Usable for Everyone

John M. Slatin, Sharron Rush

- -
The Elements of User Interface Design

 Theo Mandel

- -

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