Zanzavarnian Commerce
United Cast
United Cast
Traditionally Zanzavarnians do not use money or any other form of currency. Before the Take over of the Females the common Currency through the world was "Zets". Zets were the only recognized currency, but there was the small currency of "Mins". Mins were used by traders and on what would be considered the Black Market.

   After the take over of the Females Currency was eliminated due to the unity of the World. Although it was just the Females that were united, they did not have a reason for Currency. If they needed something they applied for it. If they wanted something they Applied for it. The Worlds resouces were once again the Worlds.

   Years after the Female take over they began Space Travel. When in this travel they came into contact with other races. Borg mainly, but they also came into contact with Hirogen, Romulans, Klingons, Ferengi, and Federation Ships. Realizing that a currency was used among several of them they decided to bring back the Zet. A Zet was now a Gold bar made with Platinum plates, those leaving the gold bars shinny and smooth.  They are each one inch tall, by four inchs wide, and eight inchs long. The trade rate of thies varies from world to world. But they always make sure they get their Zet worth.
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